The everbest wives: 7

The everbest wives


1. No Hindu, Please!

2. Only Hindus, Please! The discovery

3. I do hate hypocrisy

4.  In the Moonlight

5. I still love, Durgesh, with immense pride

6. Kħadījah Åbdullah Bājī  seduced me

Chapter 7

She loved me all along

I had always wondered why elder Musalmān women look very attractive to me.

May be they looked sex starved or they were big breasted or may be I could enjoy them without worrying about them getting pregnant.

Whatever the reason was, the bottom line was that I was always attracted to them and used to look starving at them at every opportunity.

I never had an opportunity or the courage to go after them. But the one woman who attracted me most was my Ammī’s brother’s daughter i.e. my cousin.

She looks very sexy even at the age of 27, very attractive.

She is a gorgeous Musalmān woman with almost a perfect figure.

Her breasts are so very well developed that no body can take their eyes of it.

She is so sexy, her lips wow too good and juicy, and her butts are also very huge.

I have even seen old Hindu men of age around 50 starting at Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm when she goes to market or shopping.

I was 23 and this is an incident that happened to me couple of years back when I was 21.

It happened in the month of April, when I visited my cousin’s house in vacation.

My sexy Musalmān cousin stays with her Musalmān husband and there kid Raziyah, 4 years old.

Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm  has a large pair of Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts, firmly put in place by a tight blouse and always the pallu of her saree was fully covering them, without giving me any chance to look her curves.

I could some times detect a touch of attraction towards me, could it be my imagination, what with all my fantasies about making love to her.

I used to take every opportunity to watch her wide swinging Saåūdī Årab Musalmān buttocks and protruding Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts from the edge of my eyes.

One fine day during that April month it so happened that Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm’s husband had to visit a nearby town, for a couple of months, on property matter.

I thought this was my luck that made him to go out of station for couple of month.

Whenever I saw her during that day after he went, a constant urge was going in my mind to feel my sexy sister Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm.

I was constantly telling my mind to control sexual urges and limit my visual curiosities.

That day she was wearing a black saree perfectly matching her fair skin color and a tight dark blouse.

I was sitting in the TV room along with Raziyah.

She brought a glass of milk to both of us.

When I looked up to her, I was surprised to see that the pallu of her saree this time was not fully closed as usual.

As she bent down to offer the glass, I could see the V of her blouse and a little part of two bulging balloons of her milky Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts.

Looking at those for the first time made my imagination go wild and a sudden surge of blood in my lower part made my tool elongate straight and bulge against my zip.

I just hid my emotions, enjoyed the moment full, and returned the glass after gulping down milk.

For some reason, she asked me whether I need more and getting no for an answer she smiled sweetly, as though to tell me she understood my crush for her.

The dinner was ready and we three sat on the table and enjoyed the great food she made as always.

I took calculated risks, in between, to look at her pallu, which was covering her large Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts.

Once, she just caught me at the act, and on an impulse to divert her, I said “Bājī, this saree is very nice and suits you, is it new??”

I think she was pleased at my observation and said,

“Yes, only a couple of days back I purchased it”.

I said,

“It looks really nice on you.” and then left the topic there and finished my meal.

Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm looked tauntingly at me and I was surprised when her feet touched my feet below the table.

Though taken aback, I owned the responsibility, said sorry, and left the table.

I went back and sat in the TV room to watch a movie while Raziyah went to her bedroom for sleep.

I had to share the room with Raziyah during my stay in Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm’s house.

While watching the TV, I saw Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm coming with a tray in hand with two bananas.

She again bent slightly towards me and offered them.

This time the view of her V cut was ample and I had an amazingly long look at her big, firm Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts, just waiting to come out of that blouse.

With great difficulty, I controlled my urge and exploding Hindu bulge of my pants and just took one of the bananas.

Her large Saåūdī Årab Musalmān eyes looked at me and said smilingly, “both are for you only”.

I took the other one mechanically and asked her,

“What about you Bājī, you do not take banana??

She gave a mischievous smile and said,

“I do not like this kind of banana”.

I asked back,

“Then which type you like, the small ones of coastal region?”

But her answer stunned me,

“No, the large ones, but I like them hard.” saying that she smiled coyly at me and went inside, looking back again and again.

I was totally zapped at her outright remark; my Hindu tool had grown long & thick and literally dancing with anticipation.

Yet, I was still unsure of how to tackle the situation, when she came back.

She said,

“You liked my black saree. Come inside, I will show you the other new ones.”

I got up mechanically to follow her and we entered her room.

Throughout the walk from TV room to Bājī’s bedroom, I was viewing hes swinging Saåūdī Årab Musalmān ass.

As soon as we entered her room, she said,

“By the way Durgesh, close the door properly, it is too windy here.”

I was just shocked with that and thought there is something happening tonight.

I obeyed Bājī’s order and closed the room door.

Inside the room was dark with only a small bulb at one corner throwing light and there was a full-length mirror and a small table below it. My ‘Bājī’, Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm, was standing near that with a smile on her parted lips and asked me to come near to see the saris.

As I went near her, her arm touched and held mine-sending electric shocks through my Hindu body and she said,

“Which color you like most??”

My head was just reeling at the situation and I mechanically pointed to a red saree with a lot of designs on it and said,

“This looks just fine”.

“You mean it looks nice on me?” She asked and I agreed.

“Would you like me to wear this and show you?”
I said, “No, not required, this black saree is quite nice and it’s already too late”.

But she insisted to wear it and show it to me.

Even I too wanted it so the second time I did not oppose her.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm asked me to go and sit on a chair that was kept in a corner of the room.

She turned away from me and started to change.

I went and sat on it.

Sitting on the chair I saw my sexy Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm  removing her pallu of black saree and letting it drop to the ground.

My eyes just watched at the two large bulges inside her blouse through the mirror.

Now she took off the sari from inside of her front tucking inside the petticoat near navel and the saree was fully out of her.

She put it on the bed and then started removing the blouse.

I was stunned to see that view.

My dream was coming true.

I am seeing my sexy Saåūdī Årab Musalmān angel changing her dress in front of me.

Then she put the blouse also on bed.

As the light in the room was very dim, I could not clearly see the view of her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts in bra but it was visible to some extent.

Now the last thing I had ever dreamt of, my Bājī unhooked her bra, took it off her chest, and dropped it on bed.

For the first time, I saw the nude large Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts in the mirror.

I could not control it any longer and by now fully realized what she was offering.

No doubt at all now.

My darling was offering me herself now.

The fantasies of all my years lay open before me and her naked Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts on the mirror were beckoning me.

I love to take my woman from the back and she was just giving this as though she knew it.

Slowly, I put my hands on my already erect Uncut Hindu Dick and was rubbing it over the pant.

Now Kħadījah Ibrahīm took a blouse in her hand and started wearing it over her.

She cupped her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts inside that blouse.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm was trying now to put the thread knots on the back.

I then realized that it was a designer blouse having knots at the back.

Suddenly, I heard Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm  calling me.

I got up from the chair but I saw down that my Hindu erection was clearly visible.

I tried to correct but it was not supporting me.

I went as it is near to her.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm asked me to tie the knots on the back, as her hands were not reaching it.

I noticed that it was a matching red blouse, for the saree, I had chosen.

I thought in my mind well done Durgesh you choose a perfect one.

She handed over her back to me and I now for the first time put my fingers on my darling’s smooth back.

The first touch of her back made me crazy and the Uncut Hindu Dick was getting out of control.

I was in my Hindu teens and I was in total ecstasy.

I was trying to put the knots but my hands were shivering because of the contact it was making with my darling’s sexy Saåūdī Årab Musalmān body.

My darling said,

“Durgesh, try to put the knot tighter so that it fits my body.”

So I put some pressure on the knot of the blouse and because of that Kħadījah Ibrahīm came closer to me.

Her sexy Saåūdī Årab Musalmān ass touched my bulged Uncut Hindu Dick over the pant.

That touch made me even crazier and I could not control myself any more.

I took my hands out of the knots, placed my palms on her tummy, started squeezing her, and pulled her close to me from behind.

She purred and turned her head with eyes blazing and asked,

“How long you take to understand my desires??”

Her thick parted lips were beckoning and with no answer ready with me to her question, I surged forward.

I pressed my Hindu lips fully on hers.

Our two bodies shivered at my hard kiss and she clung to me hard.

My hands encircled her tummy fully and her extremely beautiful Saåūdī Årab Musalmān ass was caressing my Uncut Hindu Dick.

I raised my hands just below the bulging Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts, making them almost jet out.

While still keeping my Hindu lips tight on her luscious, Saåūdī Årab Musalmān lips, I started sucking them.

I don’t know how long I kissed her and finally when I let her go, she looked fully satisfied with her peacefully closed eyes slowly parting and said,

“Next time you kiss me, make it mild but no less passionate”.

To this, I hugged her tightly, putting full pressure on her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts and slowly kissed her all over her face that was turning half way towards me.

My darling Kħadījah Ibrahīm was enjoying every kiss of mine.

She started moving her head to offer me different parts of her beautiful Saåūdī Årab Musalmān face for my vibrant Hindu kisses.

I kissed her on her right eye, on cheeks, on forehead, moved down to her small projecting nose and licked her pointed nose.

Slowly, I moved to her chin, kissing all over it.

I moved to her right ear and took it fully in the mouth making slurping sound.

She said “Ahh” and as I moved my kissing Hindu lips all over her neck and reached the other ear, she eagerly offered it to me.

I then moved back to her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān lips, kissed them umpteen numbers of times passionately, took out my tongue and parted her lips.

I started licking her lips from the inside.

Her lips were wet and dripping honey.

as I started licking her whole of the lips, she opened her mouth and offered her thin, long tongue.

I eagerly took her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān tongue and pulled it straight inside my mouth.

I started sucking it hard.

I was still at her back.

Now, I took both my Hindu palms and caught her two Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts from over her blouse.

I started squeezing them round and round.

They were like two large watermelons, only firm and too soft and they eagerly bulged to my touch.

With my left palm firmly on her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts, I lowered my right arm to her naval, softly squeezing her tummy.

I moved lower on her petticoat and started caressing her soft Saåūdī Årab Musalmān thighs.

Using my Hindu tongue, I kissed in side of her mouth, rolling and licking Kħadījah Ibrahīm.

My left-hand was kneading her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts, one after the other.

my right hand was squeezing her extremely beautiful Saåūdī Årab Musalmān thighs.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm was trying to press her extremely beautiful Saåūdī Årab Musalmān body and her large, fleshy, Saåūdī Årab Musalmān buttocks, against my Hindu bulge between my Hindu thighs.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm started making loud moaning noises.

I moved my right hand away from her thighs and moved it right between the thighs to where her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān feminine beauty lay.

Even through her thick petticoat I could discern her thick lips of her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt, dripping wet.

I could control it no longer.

and I abruptly raised her petticoat and passed my Hindu hand inside.

I could feel her smooth hairless legs, vibrating Saåūdī Årab Musalmān thighs, her gasp for breath and her extreme urge at this sudden move from me.

I quickly moved my Hindu palm all the way up.

I tried to hold her panty and jack it down.

To my extremely pleasant surprise, she was not wearing anything inside,

“Kħadījah Ibrahīm, my darling!” I kissed her full on her quivering Saåūdī Årab Musalmān lips, “Thanks for the preparation, mérī jān!”

“You are most welcome, Méré Hindu Piya! Mérī jān! Hindu Al Buåūlatul Muslimāt, Hindu husband of Musalmān Beauties, hum Musalmān ħasīnāonHindu Kħasam, is Kħadījah Ibrahīm ké Hindu Kħasam!”

My Hindu hand stuck the rich haul of Saåūdī Årab Musalmān pubic hair.

It was wet with her fragrant Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Vaginal juices.

With my fingers, I parted her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt lips.

I was rewarded with thick, bulged Saåūdī Årab Musalmān clitoris.

I held her clitoris between my fingers and slowly started squeezing it.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm started violently moving her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān buttocks with tremendous Saåūdī Årab Musalmān pleasure.

Slowly she freed her mouth from mine.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm looked with lustful Saåūdī Årab Musalmān eyes into mine, and turned her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān female body.

Now facing me, she said,

“I thought you will go for my Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts first but never imagined you will reach my Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt so fast.”

So saying Kħadījah Ibrahīm removed her blouse that was already free without any knots.

I could not believe my eyes.

Her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts enlarged twice their size and just jutted at me taunting me to kiss and squeeze them.

Her hands closed on the back of my neck and saying, “come on, suck me” she just pulled my head and lips straight at her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts.

I took the thrust between her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts first and started licking and kissing all over, her mountainous Saåūdī Årab Musalmān pleasures.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm  literally yanked my head and thrust her large Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts against my hungy Hindu lips.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm said,

“Come on, my Hindu darling, suck. I am just waiting for it.”

With all my Hindu energy, I took her large Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breast in my Hindu palm and squeezed deep inside, hardly managing to take a quarter of it.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm loosened her right Saåūdī Årab Musalmān hand, slid down my Hindu tummy and removed my pants almost immediately.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm pulled the elastic of my underwear and gave much needed freedom to my Hindu tool.

My Uncut Hindu Penis immediately jumped out.

I was surprised at the speed, with which it bulged again to its largest ever size, virtually dipping.

Her slender Saåūdī Årab Musalmān fingers closed on my Uncut Hindu Shaft.

Immediately Kħadījah Ibrahīm started moving it up and down on my Uncut Hindu Penis, folding and unfolding my Hindu foreskin, the dream part of entire Musalmān Beauties of our Uncut Hindu Penis, at each stroke.

My Uncut Hindu Penis head must have overgrown its size, as I was feeling pain first time.

It was just relishing the reciprocating motion Kħadījah Ibrahīm was offering it through her soft Saåūdī Årab Musalmān palms.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm was all but telling me practically, how determinedly she loved my Uncut Hindu Penis and my Hindu Foreskin on it.

My Hindu wetness increased.

My Hindu masculine love for Kħadījah Ibrahīm increased.

My Uncut Hindu Penis was happily parting it into her eager Saåūdī Årab Musalmān hand.

I came to my senses.

I moved my stunned right Hindu hand again, squeezing her eagerly responding Saåūdī Årab Musalmān clitoris, slowly parting her thick Saåūdī Årab Musalmān labial lips and down and down a long way to find her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt hole.

After what looked like an eternity, searching among thick grown pubic hair, feeling wetness of her dripping Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt, I slid my fingers deep into her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān hole.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm just moaned loudly and started massaging my Uncut Hindu Shaft much faster and stronger.

Then suddenly my darling Kħadījah Ibrahīm said,

“Don’t make me stand all night here.”

She shook free of my hands.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm simply pulled my shirt and said,

“Wow, Méré Hindu Piya! Mérī jān! Durgesh,Hindu Al Buåūlatul Muslimāt, Hindu husband of Musalmān Beauties,hum Musalmān ħasīnāonHindu Kħasam, is Kħadījah Ibrahīm ké Hindu Kħasam,  you have such a hairy Hindu chest.” and quickly removed my underwear exposing me fully naked.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm smiled at me boldly,

“I hope you are not as shy as you want me to believe.”

So saying, Kħadījah Ibrahīm removed the knot of her petticoat.

It fell down in a second to reveal her sexy, extremely beautiful, Saåūdī Årab Musalmān female body, totally naked in front of my Hindu eyes.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm  led me to the big double bed of hers, propped a pillow against the wall and asked me to sit with my legs parted.

My Uncut Hindu Penis had grown to theoretical size.

With parted Hindu foreskin, it was looking straight at Kħadījah Ibrahīm.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm laughed at my Uncut Hindu Penis, lovingly caressed it, took hold of my Hindu balls and squeezed.

She crossed her legs on mine and sat on my nude Hindu thighs.

Her wet Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt lips, fully parted, were pressing against the length of my Uncut Hindu Shaft.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm took hold of my head and put it between her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts.

As I kissed and licked her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts one after the other, Kħadījah Ibrahīm  started moving her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān buttocks up and down, opening and closing her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt lips tightly against my Uncut Hindu Penis.

As her speed of movement increased, my Uncut Hindu Penis started oozing Hindu cum all over her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt and her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān cum simply dousing my thick Uncut Hindu Penis from head to balls.

As this went on, we were both moaning with tremendous pleasure.

I slid my fingers through the parting of her round smooth Saåūdī Årab Musalmān buttocks, all the way to the other side, catching her clitoris, squeezing it, parting her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt lips.

I could read Kħadījah Ibrahīm’s Saåūdī Årab Musalmān female lust in her eyes as she savagely sucked and kissed my Hindu lips.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm smiled tenderly,

“I want all my Saåūdī Årab Musalmān feminine lips to be kissed by your Hindu masculine lips, you know??”

Kħadījah Ibrahīm freed her fleshy, smooth, quivering, Saåūdī Årab Musalmān buttocks from my hands and Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts from my kissing mouth.

She stood on her knees and brought her thighs to my mouths level.

As her thighs parted and revealed her opening Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt, I could get a strong Saåūdī Årab Musalmān aroma of her sweet Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Vaginal juices.

I eagerly buried my Hindu mouth between her smooth inviting Saåūdī Årab Musalmān thighs and pushed her down on the bed.

I asked Kħadījah Ibrahīm to fold her thighs up and open, and boldly went for her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt.

Then, my Uncut Hindu Penis brushed past her thick hair, suddenly changing my attck.

It lashed out against the weak defences of her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān pubic hair and rested on her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt lips.

I moved my Uncut Hindu Penis and opened her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt lips.

I took the thick knob of Kħadījah Ibrahīm’s Saåūdī Årab Musalmān clitoris and slowly started to rub against it.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm was suddenly on fire.

She cried out in her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān pleasure and dug her fingers deep into my skin of my back.

Rubbing and rubbing all the way, I moved down, parting her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān labial lips further with my strong Hindu head of my Uncut Hindu Penis.

It found her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt hole.

It was full of oozing Saåūdī Årab Musalmān liquid, soft and hot.

As I moved my Uncut Hindu Penis all over her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān hole, sharpened it and moved right in her hole, Kħadījah Ibrahīm almost burst with orgasm.

She controlled somehow and said,

“Oh, come on. Rub me there, with your surprisingly in-control Uncut Hindu Penis, all you want. I never had this pleasure before. My friends say, even all the Hindus can’t control their Uncut Hindu Penis to the extent. They just explode long before it. Non Hindus use their tongues instead, as they are not capable to control their ejaculation to the extent.”

I smiled, winked at her and continued to rub her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt with the head of my Uncut Hindu Penis to my full satisfaction,

“Darling, that’s why the non Hindus are losing their extremely beautiful women to us Hindus. I thank you all Musalmān Beauties and other non Hindu Beauties for honoring us Hindus with their lady love.”

“You are most welcome. How can you perform this miracle?”

“Simple. By my Stavans, increasing my Bhogyantrānk, more and more.”

“Sorry, I couldn’t understand.”

“It requires a long explanation. Now, we are one. We’ll get more opportunities to explain it to you, my darling!”

“Why even all the Hindus can’t do it?” Kħadījah Ibrahīm’s extremely beautiful Saåūdī Årab Musalmān eyes were full of intense admiration and extreme pride.

“Because they are not devoted to to their Stavans to the extent, I am.”

“Allah målūm what you are telling.”

“It’s all right, darling. We’d get more opportunities to discuss it, wouldn’t we?”

“You are damn right, we would. I loved you as my dream man right from the moment I came to my senses.”



“Very much. Why didn’t you tell me, darling?”

“You never gave me any opportunity. You were pleased, and content, with Saiyadā Fātimah PhD and Kħadījah Muħammad. Were you not?”

“Sorry, darling.”

Durgesh, I’m only four years elder than you. Is it my such ineligibility that you punished me with my marriage to a Musalmān?”

“I—I punished you? Never, darling! I even can’t imagine punishing you ever. I love you very much.”

I had released her and sat back with my back on the wall.

I helped her raise herself, took her neck with my hands and said,

“It is now your turn, darling!” and dragged her extremely beautiful Saåūdī Årab Musalmān lips against my Uncut Hindu Penis.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm smiled,

“You can’t imagine what I can do for you. Can you imagine I’m still virgin for you?”

I almost jumped,


“Incredible? Isn’t it, Durgesh?”

“Kħadījah darling, I—I—”

“I punshed myself for not being valiant enough to approach you myself.”

“You—you are still virgin?”

“Still virgin. Find yourself, if you don’t believe me. Let me lose my Saåūdī Årab Musalmān virginity on your Uncut Hindu Penis. I can’t lose my hymen twice. Can I?”

“Kħadījah—Kħadījah Ibrahīm!”

Her eyes were filled with tears,

“I waited years for you. How much more have I to wait? I’m not responsible for my four years ealier birth. Am I?”

“Certainly not, darling, certainly not.”

“Should have I not loved you, only because you are younger to me? Can’t I have a husband of my own choice only because he was born four years later than me? Was it my fault, Durgesh?”

“Kħadījah, I love you very much.”

“But never told me.”

“Sorry darling.”

“What ‘sorry’? You’ve made my life a living hell. Have you ever thought of it, Hindu Al Buåūlatul Muslimāt, Hindu husband of Musalmān Beauties, hum Musalmān ħasīnāonHindu Kħasam? They all call you by these names. Have you ever thought to live these names up?”

“Kħadījah Ibrahīm, I’ve already said I love you.”

“After all these years of burning hell, my Hindu lover is admitting his love for me.” Kħadījah Ibrahīm laughed ironically, “How lucky I am! How fast you are my master of my life.”

“How did you manage to protect yourself from your husband?”

“Very simple. I’ve aids.”

I was horrified,

“Kħadījah—Kħadījah Ibrahīm.”

She smiled winking at me,

“I may be a coward not to tell you that I love you, my Hindu love, but I’m not imprudent enough that I can’t even shield myself.”

“Smart! Very smart!! Very very smart!!!”I was full of intense admiration of her, “I’m proud of you, my darling, that a Saåūdī Årab Musalmān girl of this caliber loves me.”

“My idiot Musalmān husband is afraid of even touching me.” Kħadījah Ibrahīm winked at me.

“Sālī, badmåsh.” I laughed.

“Now, have I earned it?” Kħadījah Ibrahīm grabbed my Uncut Hindu Penis.

“Go ahead, Sālī, it’s all yours now, forever.”

“Thank you.”

“My pleasure, darling.”

Kħadījah Ibrahīm started licking all over my Uncut Hindu Penis, started to move my Uncut Hindu Shaft up and down and greedily licked my pink head like ice-cream.

She pulled my Hindu foreskin, the most precious possession of Musalmān Beauties in my Uncut Hindu Penis, full down and caught hold of my balls.

Shd started kneeing them slowly.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm  made her extremely beautiful Saåūdī Årab Musalmān mouth round shaped and took my pink Hindu head in.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm sucked and sucked till my full Uncut Hindu Shaft was deep inside her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān mouth touching her throat.

She moved her head up and down on my Uncut Hindu Shaft, coating it with her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān saliva all over my Uncut Hindu Shaft with her tongue and kept on playing it, as though for ever.

I said,

“Come on. Stop this and take my Uncut Hindu Penis in your Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt mouth. I cannot hold much longer.”

I simply lifted her, held her fleshy, smooth, and quivering, Saåūdī Årab Musalmān buttocks.

I squeezed them with her large Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts firmly on my lips.

I slowly pushed her down on to my Uncut Hindu Cock.

Her wet parted Saåūdī Årab Musalmān lips met my Uncut Hindu Cock head-on and my Uncut Hindu Shaft smoothly slid in to her smart Saåūdī Årab Musalmān hole.

I had ever imaged the wettest, hottest and silkiest Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm simply swallowed my full Hindu length, and started fucking me up and down hard.

She was ravenous.

Yes, Kħadījah Ibrahīm was right.

She was still a virgin.

Then what of Raziyah?

It’s all right.

I can wait to know of it.

My Hindu foreskin never had that kind of fucking before and all strength of her smooth Saåūdī Årab Musalmān thighs were using in fucking my Uncut Hindu Shaft.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm screamed,

“Allah, you are such a sexy fucker, I want to keep fucking you all night. It is my first time that I have any sex and you have come at the right time with a fucking Uncut Hindu Penis I ever imagined.”

Kħadījah Ibrahīm laughed aloud.

Moving up and down, her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts were dancing to her movements, and my Uncut Hindu Penis was trying to put up the biggest ever, hottest ever and hardest ever size it could possibly manage and was thrusting deep into her dripping hot Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm looked at my mouth and said,

“Oh, look my Saåūdī Årab Musalmān mouth is full with your Uncut Hindu Penis juice. I am uniting your Uncut Hindu Penis with my Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt??”

Saying so she brought her lips against mine, savagely opened my lips and started licking my mouth all over outside and inside.

My pulsating Uncut Hindu Prick was taking the banging’s hard and fast and I now took hold of her fleshy, smooth, quivering, Saåūdī Årab Musalmān buttocks.

I started squeezing and moving thm savagely against her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm just said “Yā Allaaaaaaah! ” and reciprocated my action with even more Saåūdī Årab Musalmān feminine vigour.

After eternally long fucking Kħadījah Ibrahīm  broke off her kiss on my Hindu lips and cried,

“OHHHH, I am coming, I am coming. Oh, please you also come inside me. I want my Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt filled to the brim with your Hindu juices. Oh, come on. Come on.”

We both could not hold it any longer, as her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt lashed out against my Uncut Hindu Prick with vigour, my Uncut Hindu Penis throbbed against her insides, spreading her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān juice and mine all over the insides.

we both cried out loud and started coming.

I could feel the throbbing of her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt muscles as she came and my Uncut Hindu Penis ejecting the hnfluid inside her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Vagina.

When we were both drained, we lay in each other’s arms.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm gave me sweetest of her kisses and said,

“The way you always wanted me, I wanted you all along but never had the courage just like you. Today I thought it is now or never and hence called you to my bedroom and started changing the dress in front of you. Please stay with me overnight. I can’t control the urges I get towards you and your Uncut Hindu Penis only can give me this happiness. Please stay.” Kħadījah Ibrahīm begged me.

I said,

“I never knew why I was so much attracted to you and used to have sleepless wet nights thinking about you and your extremely beautiful Saåūdī Årab Musalmān body. Now I know how sweet your lovemaking is. “Oh darlig, what can I say? You are saying the words that were there in my heart for you. I love you very much. I had always been attracted towards you and it is my luck that I got a chance to touch and explore your sweet milky Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts and fuck that amazing Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt of yours. Darling, I love you. Love you a lot.”

Kħadījah Ibrahīm kissed me deep on the lips and said

“I wanted to fuck you at least twice but with one fuck you have made me totally tired. No matter, the whole night is in front of us and I am not going to leave you free. Fuck after fuck me till my Saåūdī Årab Musalmān body is totally drained off my Saåūdī Årab Musalmān juices. I will wake you with hunger every time my Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt twitches. For now, my Hindu love, sleep with me.” So saying, she put my head between her large Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts and moved her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt against my dripping Uncut Hindu Penis and kissed on my head thousands of times.

Totally tired we both slept in each other’s arms, totally naked and fully satisfied.

As the dawn broke, Kħadījah Ibrahīm kissed my Hindu lips.

She moved down, took my Hindu tool inside her mouth and slurped it.

Then she came to me and whispered,

“Now please go to your room, Raziyah’s room, before Raziyah gets up.”

I then slowly got up, collected my dress from the floor and after wearing it, I left the room as a most satisfied Hindu man on the earth.

I went to Raziyah’s room and slept on my bed dreaming off all the sweet moments I had with Kħadījah Ibrahīm  and in got a good sleep in that early morning.

The next morning when I woke up it was already 10 in the morning.

I was shocked to know that I had slept till that time but realized that the hard work of night had taken its toll on me.

When I came out of my room wearing just a short, I found that Raziyah has left for his school and Kħadījah Ibrahīm was dressed in a dark shaded saree with her usual attire.

She was looking damn sexy in that contrasting color saree.

Well, I have seen her extremely beautiful nude Saåūdī Årab Musalmān body just a few hours before, at night.

Yet, that looks in that saree was attractive and catchy to say the least.

She was in conversation with her husband on the telephone.

But the way she was posing near the telephone and her dressings was very inviting.

I was thrilled at the looks of my sexy Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm darling.

I went and hugged her from back as soon as she kept the telephone down.

Now my hands started there exploration journey from her white waist towards her milky boobs.

I caught hold off her boobs over the blouse.

I then pulled off her saree which was looking so good on her sexy body and unbuttoned her blouse and finally opened her bra and panty to make her fully nude.

All was happening in the living room itself.

I started squeezing her right nipple slowly and with my left hand I was squeezing her left boobs.

Her nipples were hard like button.

This made Kħadījah Ibrahīm moan Ooooohhh aaaaahhhhh aaaahhhhh aaaaaraaaaam se dheerey ooo dheerey aauuuuuurrrr dheereeeeeyyy karooooooo in pleasure.

I took my time in playing with her milk mounds.

All the time I played with her milk pots she moaned aaaaahhhhh oooeeeiiiiiiiii oooooooo in pleasure.

Her nipples were getting harder and harder and were shining with my Hindu saliva on them.

They were getting red as I continuously squeezed them like a mad man.

I slowly used my right hand and parted her extremely beautiful Saåūdī Årab Musalmān thighs.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm was moaning and yielding.

I put one of my fingers on her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Pussy.

It was so wet, soggy and flowing.

I gradually parted her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Pussy lips and tickled her clit with my finger.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm started screaming in excitement.

I continued the act.

I gradually inserted my fingers inside her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Pussy and started fingering quickly.

She was moaning again.

I got up and I held her head by her hairs and pushed her head down over my chest till my thighs.

I guided her mouth to my Uncut Hindu Dick.

Before taking my Uncut Hindu Dick in her mouth Kħadījah Ibrahīm, tongue cleaned my Uncut Hindu Dickhead.

She took the entire Hindu length of my Uncut Hindu Dick within her extremely beautiful Saåūdī Årab Musalmān mouth in one go.

Her tongue was rolling around my Uncut Hindu Dick inside her mouth.

Holding her head tight with my hands I started moving my buttocks to and fro.

I was mouth fucking her while she was giving me the Blow Job, which she does exceedingly well.

Don’t know how she manages to swallow my entire Hindu length inside her mouth and still suck it hard.

With every stroke of my Uncut Hindu Dick on her throat, Kħadījah Ibrahīm responded wildly.

While I was fucking her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān mouth, momentous moans escaped her mouth.

I could feel the pressure building within my Hindu sacks.

I was on the verge of coming, but removed my Uncut Hindu Dick from her mouth.

Now I wanted to fuck Kħadījah Ibrahīm.

I made to lay her on the floor in the living room.

Parted her legs and once again started to finger her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Pussy.

I got on my knees and had my Uncut Hindu Dick in front of her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Pussy.

Then I started rubbing my Uncut Hindu Dick in and around her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Pussy.

She was moaning like anything. Then I started rubbing my Uncut Hindu Dick on her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān clits.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm started screaming.

In that process, without her knowing I penetrated her.

After another long effort of penetration and hard ramming of my Uncut Hindu Dick deep inside my sexy Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm darling’s Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Pussy I was now going in a steady pace.

After few more strokes, I felt my balls exploding gobs of Hindu semen I have been storing for her.

I humped on to her vigorously before I came.

Kħadījah Ibrahīm too came again.

I could not help stop but gasp as I shot my Hindu wad into her.

I could feel my Hindu semen flooding Kħadījah Ibrahīm’s Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Vagina as I reached my Hindu climax.

And this time, I cum so much that it over filled her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Pussy.

It was flowing out.

I could see a sense of satisfaction on her extremely beautiful Saåūdī Årab Musalmān face and well, as I was satisfied with all the fun I was having.

We both were panting and were trying to get back our breath after those tiresome but most satisfying sexual hours.

I could hear my Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm darling too, breathing hard.

Our naked bodies were still connected together with my chest firmly pressing her naked Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts.

My Uncut Hindu Cock by now started getting limp but still inside her transferring the last remains of my Hindu semen.

I took out my weak Uncut Hindu Cock which almost slipped out from her juicy Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Pussy with my Hindu cum.

There was sweat all around her face and body.

Her hair was fully disturbed.

Nothing which there on her body.

She was looking very sexy in that posture.

I parted off her but still lay beside her on the floor of the living room.

After couple of minutes, I turned my head and saw my sexy Kħadījah Ibrahīm lying naked beside me.

The pointing nipples were shining on her round Saåūdī Årab Musalmān mound.

The cherry was sitting on top of that milk mound.

That was calling me to pinch on it.

But Kħadījah Ibrahīm was laying motion less on the floor.

I bent down to her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts, took her right nipple in my hand and started squeezing her.

Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm  held me in her arms & then pulling me off her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān breasts towards her face, she kissed me on my cheeks and then on my lips.

She raised her head, looking at me said,

“Durgesh you are such a crazy fucker. I enjoyed the best fucking of my life with you to helm.”

I was quiet happy to know that she relished the pleasure of sex with me.

I looked around the watch.

We had an elongated sexual affair that lasted almost nine and a half hours.

It was time for Raziyah to return from school.

So we both got up and went to our bedrooms for having a hot shower.

After having shower I dressed up myself and came to the living room to see Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm  already dressed well, in a cream colour saree, and cleaning off the floor where we had sex just hours before.

The stains of our juices were clearly visible on the floor and Kħadījjah Ibrāhīm was trying to put it off.

Chapter 8


More Creative Adult Sex in English from Durgesh

1. Bahoo Bégum

2. The obsession

3 The daughters and wife of my Musalmān friend

4.The Extramarital affair: Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah:Social Service

5.   Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–1

6. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–2

7. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–3

8. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–4

9. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–5

10. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–6

11. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–7

12. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–8

13. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–9

14. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–10

15. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–11

16. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–12

17. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–13

18. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–14

19. A deserving unfaithfulness

20. A deserving unfaithfulness-2

21. Yåqūb Family-1

22. They conspired against me

23. A secret Smile

24. A new young wife at sixty

24. My dad’s new Musalmān wife

26. The Beaming Knowledge

27. The three pregnants-1

28. The three pregnants-2

29. In the Moonlight

30. Sālī, Ammījān!

31. Now entirely secured and safe

32. She needed me extremely

33. Al Jihād fil Durgesh fī sabīlillāh

34. Kħadījah Åbdullah Bājī  seduced me

35. Her Brilliant Decisions-1

36. Her Brilliant Decisions-2

37. Her Brilliant Decisions-3

38. Her Brilliant Decisions-4

39. No Hindu, Please!

40. Only Hindus, Please!

41. Scintillating Ammī and daughter

42. I do hate hypocrisy

43. I still love Durgesh, with immense pride

44. Hell, I revolt

45. She loved me all along

46. She told the untold-1

47. Arātīyato ni dahāti Vedah: The untold history of our freedom fight-1

48. Making love and understanding everything

49. We both, Nādirah, and Arzumand, love Durgesh

50. After the death of my husband

51. The everbest wives-1

52. Ultimately, I’m an Ammī now

53. The most memorable Eidī of her life

54. It was 24×7, that was all we three cared

55. You are the best. You don’t know

56. I’m not defeated even yet-1

57. Misunderstanding: Everyone thought she’s my wife

58. Yūsuf or Kr’shñ?-1

59. Kħadījah Durgesh Åāyeshah:  I Lost My Sister And Wife To Durgesh

60. A rapist Hindu Piya-1

61. Åli Muħammad Satyarthi-1

62. I love my wife Kħadījah Muħammad

63. Raziyah Akbar Aurangzeb-1

64. I live with him

65. The only man she loved

66. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-1

67. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-2

68. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-3

69. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-4

70. My Hindu Dad’s two Musalmān Wives

71. It all happened just naturally-1

72. It all happened just naturally-2

73. Under Open Sky

74. Ammī the competent

75. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-1

76. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-2

77. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-3

78. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-4

79. The Extent

80.Ashvinātam intimacy-1

81.Ashvinātam intimacy-2

82. Three sons three Ammīs

83. Ahl-Al Bayt 1: College tour

84. Ahl-Al Bayt 2: The Aftereffect

85. Ahl-Al Bayt 3: The Aftereffect

86. Ahl-Al Bayt 4: Satisfaction

87. The everincreasing infinite lust

88. The women in my life

89. My Social Service: My Sex Empire: Durgesh

90.  A Deep Conflict-1

91. I’m never ashamed of it

92. Jahān Ārā Aurangzeb Bājī and a Fools’ Paradise

93. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 1

94. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 2

95. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 3

96. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 4

97. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 5

98. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 6

99. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:1

100. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:2

101. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:3

102. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:4

103.Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:5

104. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:6

105. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:7

106. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:8

107. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:9


More creative adult sex in Hindi/Urdu from Durgesh:

1. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 1

2. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 2

3. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 3

4. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 4

5.Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 5

6. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 6

5. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 7

7. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 8

8. Karwā Chauth kā Rozā

9. Mérā Piyā ghar āyā,Yā Allah! Uiiii!-1

10. Mérā Piyā ghar āyā,Yā Allah! Uiiii!-2

11. Durgesh Sidrah Aħmad aur uski Bhābhījān-1

12. Durgesh Sidrah Aħmad aur uski Bhābhījān-2

13. Eidul Fitr-1

14. Mérī mubārakbād qabool farmāýén, Ħazrat!

15. Méré Māmūzād Cousin kī Sasurāl mein main

فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ16Fabiayyi ālāi Rabbikumā tukazzibāni?’

17. Ahal-e-Bait-1

18. Main térī dīvānī

19. Al Jihad: No incest: 1

20. Buniyādī insānī ħaq

21. Majājī Kħudā: 1

22. Majājī Kħudā: 2

23. Majājī Kħudā:3

24. Majājī Kħudā:4

25. Majājī Kħudā: 5

26. Majājī Kħudā: 6


Science Fictions from DSM Satyarthi:

1. The Foundation Story Coninued: Chapter 1

2.  The Foundation Story Coninued: Chapter 2

3.  The Foundation Story Coninued: Chapter 3

4 . The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 4

5. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 5

6. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 6

7. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 7

8. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 8

9. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 9

10. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 10

11. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 11

12. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 12

13. The Foundation story continued: Chapter 13

14. Prelude to Ten Commandments-1

15. Prelude to Ten Commandments-2

16. Prelude to Ten Commandments-3


Commentary on Ved from DSM Satyarthi:

1. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

2. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 2

3. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 5| Mantr 3

4. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 5| Mantr 3

5. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 7| Mantr 5

6. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 7| Mantr 8

4. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 1

5. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 2

6. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 3

7. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 4

8. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 5

9. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 6

10. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 7

11. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 8

12.R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 9

13. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 58| Mantr 6

14. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 164| Mantr 20

15. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 164| Mantr 46

16. R’gved: Mandal 2| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

17 R’gved: Mandal 3| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

18. R’gved: Mandal 3| Sookt 6| Mantr 2

19. R’gved: Mandal 4| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

20. R’gved: Mandal 5| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

21. R’gved: Mandal 6| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

22. R’gved: Mandal 7| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

23. R’gved: Mandal 8| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

24. R’gved: Mandal 9| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

25. R’gved: Mandal 9| Sookt 63| Mantr 4-5

26. R’gved: Mandal 10| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

27. R’gved: Mandal 10| Sookt 85| Mantr 42

28. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 1

29. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 2

30. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 3

31. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 4

32. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 11| Mantr 1

33. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 13| Mantr 4

34. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 23| Mantr 3

35. Saamved: Mantr 1

36. Sāmved: Mantr 641: Mahānāmnyārchik| 1

37. Sāmved: Mantr 650: Mahānāmnyārchik| 10

38. Sāmved: Mantr 651: Uttarārchik

39. Atharv Ved: Kaand 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

40.  Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 3

41. Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 4

42. Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 6

43. Atharv Ved: Kaand 8| Sookt 1| Mantr 6

44. Atharv Ved: Kaand 14| Sookt 1| Mantr 22

45. Atharv Ved: Kaand 14| Sookt 2| Mantr 25

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