The Yacht: 5

Midterm 2012 Volume 4

Kħātūn-e-Jannat Volume 3

Ved Nagar Volume 2

The Yacht


Previous Chapters

Chapter 5

Marriage and Friendships
The Ultimate Intimacy in friendships

I looked at Al Hilāl Al Tayyab,
“Why are you marrying a bisexual?”
“I may have my own personal reasons, Durgesh. I never found you as inquisitive as to pry in someone’s personal affairs. I never pried in your personal affairs in our immensely intimate friendship of past ten years. Did I? Everyone has a personal life too that s/he never wants to share with her/his shadow even.”
“Sure,” I kept fucking Al Jamīlah Al Wahāb gravely, “I myself respect an individual’s personal privacy even more than you do. You yourself accept that you never found me as inquisitive as to pry in someone’s personal affairs. But it was a different relationship we had until now.”
“Allah,” Al Hilāl Al Tayyab was as if suddenly crestfallen, “I never thought we are not as intimate friends anymore as we were until now, only because I’m marrying someone else. Don’t you already have countless Musalmān houseladies your immensely intimate friends that you enjoy sex with too, yet they are already married to others, despite the infinite objections from their duly married legal husbands?”
“Sure, in my opinion it’s their private matter how they manage their marital relationship with their husbands. I haven’t any moral rights to pry into their married life until they don’t allow me themselves to do it.”
“And you maintain your friendship and your ultimate intimacy even with them to the extent to go against their duly married legal husbands, don’t you?”*

I watched her gravely.
“I have my friendship with them with ultimate intimacy. I don’t think I have less duties to them than their duly married legal husbands do.”
“I see,”
“I’m no one to tell my lady friends how they should behave with their husbands. It’s their own personal matter with their husbands. If their incompetent husbands―”
“How do you know it’s their husbands that are incompetent?” Al Hilāl Al Tayyab interrupted me, “Why the wives themselves can’t be incompetent and cheating on their competent husbands even?”
“Even then, it’s none of my business. Their husbands are not my friends. Their wives are my friends with ultimate intimacy with me. I have no loyalty to their unknown husbands. I have my loyalties to my ultimate ladies friends. Why shouldn’t I help them even to the extent to go against their husbands? For all I know maybe it’s the reason they befriended with me.”
Al Hilāl Al Tayyab smiled at me wickedly.
“You have very wicked morals, Durgesh.”
“What’s there wicked in it?”
“Forget it. We were talking about my Kħālā, Al Saåīdah Al Wājid.”
“Okay. Would there be any chance that your Kħālā, Al Saåīdah Al Wājid, could persuade your Buā, Al Jalāl Al Tayyab, to give up the administration of the trust and let you have the entire trust fund?”
“There’s always a chance of anything, you yourself say.” Al Hilāl Al Tayyab said abruptly getting to her feet, “I’m going to have my Kħālā, Al Saåīdah Al Wājid, come in and see you.”
“Sometime tomorrow.” I said determinedly somewhat.
“Certainly not. If you are still my friend with ultimate intimacy between us, you have to manage to see my Kħālā, Al Saåīdah Al Wājid, sometime this afternoon. I don’t know how many important appointments you have to cancel for it.”
I regarded my wristwatch.
“It’s twenty minutes past four. I’ve a very important appointment at five that’s a matter of life and death for one of my clients. I can’t throw him/her to the wolves even if it costs me your friendship. I’m sorry. If you can manage your Kħālā…”
“She’ll be here at quarter to five.” Al Hilāl Al Tayyab said.
“What did Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb mean when he said that you were being blackmailed?”
“How the hell can I know what someone meant when s/he said something? Ask him. Why didn’t you?”
I smiled at her,
“Never mind. I’d find out it from my another source even if you don’t want to tell me.”
“I can’t stop you. None can stop you from doing something if you’ve decided to do it.”*

Al Saåīdah Al Wājid was forty three.
But her athletic Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān body never gave her real age.
I myself took her for anywhere around thirty three or thirty four, not more than that.
But my lady detectives of Cuckold Your Musalmān Husband Movement and Jet Musalmān Beauties Squad had already briefed me about her that she was forty three actually.
She strode across the stateroom, being in use as my office on the yacht, with her hand outstretched, and said in a booming voice of ready cordiality.
“Mighty glad to meet you, Mr. Mayor. Al Hilāl Al Tayyab told me that I must come in right away. I dropped everything to run up.”
She was doubtlessly more beautiful than Al Jalāl Al Tayyab and her sister Al Quddūs Al Nisār too.
I felt myself erected.
She noticed it and smiled proudly, confidently.
I shook hands impishly not trying to hide my erection for her and surveyed her with my steady appraising eyes.
“The pleasure is mine. Please sit down.”
Al Saåīdah Al Wājid dropped into the same black leather chair which Al Hilāl Al Tayyab had occupied, fished a cigarette case from her purse and offered me first.
“Thank you.” I smiled, “I’ve got rid of smoking. You please go ahead.”
“No smoking? No wine?” Al Saåīdah Al Wājid laughed musically.
She used a lighter and grinned through the smoke at me.
“Wants to get married pretty badly, doesn’t she?” Al Saåīdah Al Wājid said.
“Wants to cuckold Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb pretty badly.” I corrected her, “You know about that?”
“Sure,” said Al Saåīdah Al Wājid heartily, “I know everything about Al Hilāl Al Tayyab after you. Perhaps even more than you, as a woman confides something more to a woman that she very carefully never confides even to her man. She is more intimate with me even as a niece than she is with Al Jalāl Al Tayyab.”
I smiled affably.
“Do you think,” asked I, “that anything could be done by a talk with Al Jalāl Al Tayyab?”
“Talk by whom?” asked Al Saåīdah Al Wājid.
“By you,” I suggested flattering her.
Al Saåīdah Al Wājid shook her immensely beautiful head.
“By Al Hilāl Al Tayyab herself then?” I ventured.
Again Al Saåīdah Al Wājid shook her head.
“No,” she said, “there’s only one person who could talk with Al Jalāl Al Tayyab, the billionaire, the ever moral, and do any good.”
“And who is that?” I smiled affably.
Al Saåīdah Al Wājid looked directly into my eyes.
“You. Nobody else. She has faith in you even more than she has faith in herself. You always helped her, even protected, against her husband. You are both her lawyer and her de facto husband now.”
My expression did not change.
My eyes were still grave.
“From all I know of her character, Al Jalāl Al Tayyab might not appreciate my interference. I’m not her lawyer, neither her de facto husband now in this matter. Instead, I’m Al Hilāl Al Tayyab’s lawyer and her boyfriend. Al Jalāl Al Tayyab may resent my interference in her trust duties.”
“I don’t think so,” Al Saåīdah Al Wājid contradicted me gravely, “I don’t know whether you’d agree with me or not, but in my opinion, Al Jalāl Al Tayyab is a peculiar woman. She doesn’t want any sentiment to influence her business judgment.”
“What is peculiar about it? Every successful person, if you study his/her life scrutinizing it, you’d find s/he always keeps away his/her sentiments/emotions from taking decisions. That’s why s/he is successful.”
Al Saåīdah Al Wājid watched me with interest.
“Allah, I never thought about it. Perhaps this is the reason that you both are more successful in business than me.”
“Thank you.”
“But I still think Al Jalāl Al Tayyab is more successful a businesswoman than she is a successful Buā, a successful aunt. I still think I’m a better relative to Al Hilāl Al Tayyab even if I’m not as successful a businesswoman as Al Jalāl Al Tayyab is.”
“I agree with you. Nevertheless, don’t you think you’d have helped your niece, Al Hilāl Al Tayyab, more if you were a more successful businesswoman than Al Jalāl Al Tayyab?”
Al Saåīdah Al Wājid watched me deeply.
“Sorry, Mr. Mayor, the reason Al Jalāl Al Tayyab and her six other sisters are billionaires while I’m and my sisters are only millionaires, is they are your women and we are not. You are an utmost successful man in almost every field you are interested in. They say you are the utmost successful businessman of entire history of humankind.”
“And you believe it?” I smiled good naturedly.
“It doesn’t make any difference. The entire business community believes it. And that’s what makes all the difference. Even if I were a billionaire and Al Jalāl Al Tayyab were a millionaire, Al Tayyab Al Muħammad had made Al Jalāl Al Tayyab the trustee of his Spendthrift Trust for Al Hilāl Al Tayyab. He never approved of my business judgments. He always praised his sisters’ business judgments more than his sisters’ in law business judgments, even though he praised our Īmān more than the Īmān of his own sisters.”
“I see,”
“It doesn’t make any difference to Al Jalāl Al Tayyab and sisters how it seems to Ummat-e-Muslimah. They call the entire Ummat-e-Muslimah that doesn’t agree with them, ‘Pseudo Musalmīn’.”
I kept listening to her without any comment.
“It doesn’t make any difference whether it’s logical or not. It’s a fact. It’s just the character of Al Jalāl Al Tayyab, you know yourself even more than I do. You’d have to see Al Jalāl Al Tayyab and talk with her in order to appreciate it. Your Live in relationship partner, Al Jalāl Al Tayyab is perfectly cold blooded. She’d be far more apt to listen to you making her a purely business and legal proposition than to either Al Hilāl Al Tayyab or myself, who would talk with her on the ground of sentiments.”
Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī opened the door from the outer stateroom,
“Durgesh, the young lady that was here this afternoon is on the phone. She would like to speak with you.”
I nodded and took her mobile she was offering to me.
“Hello,” I said.
Al Hilāl Al Tayyab’s voice came to me speaking rapidly,
“Did my Kħālā, Al Saåīdah Al Wājid, come there?”
“Yes. She is here now.”
“What does she say?”
“She suggests that I should myself talk with your Buā, Al Jalāl Al Tayyab, about it as your attorney, as a pure business matter.”
“Well, what is your legal advice to me then?”
“You think I should do that?”
“If Al Saåīdah Al Wājid Kħālā thinks so, yes.”
“Very well, I’d talk with your Buā about it sometime tomorrow.”
“No, please do it tonight for my sake. Please,”
I frowned.
“On a matter of this importance,” I said, “I’d prefer to take some time to figure out the best method of approach.”
“Oh, that’s all right,” Al Hilāl Al Tayyab said, “Kħālā Al Saåīdah Al Wājid will suggest you just what to say. I’ll make a formal appointment with Al Jalāl Al Tayyab Buā for eight thirty this evening. I’ll pick you up at your office stateroom and drive you out to my Buā. I’ll meet you at eight o’clock. Will that be all right?”
“Hold the line a moment,” I said and turned to Al Saåīdah Al Wājid.
“Al Hilāl Al Tayyab is on the line and thinks I should see her Buā this evening. She says she’ll make a formal business appointment even.”
“That’s fine,” boomed Al Saåīdah Al Wājid, “a splendid idea. I don’t know of anything that could be better.”
I said on the mobile,
“Very well, Al Hilāl Al Tayyab darling, I’ll meet you at my office stateroom at eight o’clock, and we’ll drive out.”
I disconnected the mobile, returned it to Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī and stared thoughtfully at Al Saåīdah Al Wājid.
“There’s something strange about this affair,” I commented gravely, thoughtfully, “it doesn’t seem to me as simple as it’s being presented to me deliberately. Why the hell otherwise there seems a frantic haste on the part of everyone concerned?”
Al Saåīdah Al Wājid laughed melodically,
“You know Al Hilāl Al Tayyab well, even better than me.”
“Yet, she seems to be a very calm and very poised young lady, now.” My remark was toneless.
Al Saåīdah Al Wājid smiled appreciatively.
“You should be enough of a judge of human nature, Durgesh,” she boomed, “to know that one can’t tell a damned thing about these modern young ladies of today from the way they appear and project themselves. She maybe your girlfriend even for past ten long years, she might even have raped you on her eighteenth birthday, yet even then I’d still suggest you not to let her get her temper up. When Al Hilāl Al Tayyab gets mad she’s a hell cat.”
I regarded my beautiful visitor smiling, cunningly disguising my real sentiments.
“Indeed,” I said cordially while actually I was scrutinizing Al Saåīdah Al Wājid deeply.
Al Saåīdah Al Wājid controlled herself.
“I didn’t mean any offense,” she said, “but I’m sure you haven’t missed it on Al Hilāl Al Tayyab. That girl is just plain dynamite.
“Now I’ll tell you what I’ll do. If you’re going to see Al Jalāl Al Tayyab tonight on business formally, I’ll run out a little bit in advance of your appointment, and try and soften her up a trifle. As I said earlier, as far as I’m concerned, Al Jalāl Al Tayyab is a peculiar lady. Of course, you are ultimately intimate with her. Naturally, you know the real Al Jalāl Al Tayyab more than me. You enjoy her intimately when she does not pose…”
“It never happens, Al Saåīdah Al Wājid,” I smiled.
She looked at me.
I kept smiling,
“Everyone poses in someone other’s presence, however intimate s/he maybe with him/her. Even in sex we try our best to present our best to our sex partner that’s never genuine.”
Al Saåīdah Al Wājid was dumbfounded.
She was staring at me speechless.
“I never blame the persons that think a sex partner exposes himself/herself on other without any guards whatever. It’s natural for them to think so. Yet, nevertheless, they are absolutely mistaken.”
“I…I never thought it.” Al Saåīdah Al Wājid murmured to herself.
“I understand,” I smiled prudently, “you never thought it because you never had time enough with your husband in sex to think on anything except to enjoy the divine moments.”
“In fact, we act more masculine and more feminine to deceive and impress our sex partner of our masculine/feminine drawbacks/shortcomings. A male tries to act more masculine than he actually is and a female tries to act more feminine than she actually is.”
“Allah, stop it.” Al Saåīdah Al Wājid interrupted me desperately, “I feel you are undressing us both without touching our dresses even.”
“We are afraid of the real ourselves.” I smiled, “Aren’t we?”*

Al Saåīdah Al Wājid didn’t reply me.
She kept silence some time to control herself.
Then, instead of replying me, she commented on Al Jalāl Al Tayyab,
“Al Jalāl Al Tayyab, your Live in relationship partner, is all cold blooded business efficiency.”
I took the hint, and accepted the change of subject,
“Will Al Hilāl Al Tayyab have any difficulty making a formal business appointment for this evening?” I watched Al Saåīdah Al Wājid shrewdly.
Al Saåīdah Al Wājid sighed relief,
“Oh, no,” she said, “she is one of these women who likes to work nights. You know she has a regular office fixed up in the house, and she likes to do a lot of night work. She makes most of her appointments for afternoons and evenings, you know.”
Al Saåīdah Al Wājid pulled herself to her feet, strode across to me and extended her beautiful hand,
“Mighty glad I met you once more. I’d never forget your help about my husband’s gambling. I’ll see if I can soften up Al Jalāl Al Tayyab a bit about Al Hilāl Al Tayyab before you talk to her.”
“Don’t mention my little suggestion ever about your husband’s gambling. Have you any suggestions as to the line of argument about Al Hilāl Al Tayyab I should use with your business partner Al Jalāl Al Tayyab?”
“None at all,” Al Saåīdah Al Wājid smiled, “except that I would advise you not to make any particular plan of approach concerning Al Hilāl Al Tayyab. I think Al Jalāl Al Tayyab is very much of a law unto herself.”
Before Al Saåīdah Al Wājid could leave, Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī again entered there,
“I’m sorry to disturb the communication. But there’s an Al Fahmīdah Al Wājid in the outer office and says it’s very important that she get in touch with Ms. Al Saåīdah Al Wājid earliest. She says she is Ms. Al Saåīdah Al Wājid’s daughter.”
Al Saåīdah Al Wājid was startled.
“If you are already leaving…” Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī didn’t complete her sentence meaningfully.
Al Saåīdah Al Wājid looked at me.
“She lives with her Abbū. Al Wājid Al Muħammad isn’t behaving rationally. May I invite my daughter here? I may need your advice if she has something of my husband’s activities.”
“Oh, sure, it’s all right. Bring her in, Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī.”
Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī nodded, then walked out through the doorway to the reception room.
A few minutes later she returned with a young lady of late twenties.
“Why Al Fahmīdah,” Al Saåīdah Al Wājid looked at her reproachfully, “you shouldn’t have come here,”
“I shouldn’t have come here?” the new comer Musalmān Beauty said angrily, “or, you shouldn’t have come here? Ammī, you know how Abbū feels about Mr. Mayor and yourself and still you…”
“Nonsense,” Al Saåīdah Al Wājid thundered at her daughter, “don’t tell me you too believe his wild accusations.”
“You just come with me, if you please,”
“What do you mean I just come with you? You have left me already believing your ever irrational Abbū. You think I deliberately went to that damn gambling yacht,”
“Let’s talk about it later. The most urgent situation now is Abbū is furious on you, as soon as he learned that you’ve come here.”
“Oh, he is furious? Really?” Al Saåīdah Al Wājid said ironically, “He is furious because my niece needed my help and I’m here on her request to help her. How compassionate of him.”
“Well, well, well,” I interrupted, “Ms. Al Fahmīdah Al Wājid, what’s your trouble, may I ask?”
“My Ammī,” Al Fahmīdah Al Wājid said indignantly.
“Al Fahmīdah Al Wājid,” Al Saåīdah Al Wājid admonished her daughter.
“I’m not interfering in your private life, Ammī.” Al Fahmīdah Al Wājid said, “I know you always criticize others when they don’t allow anyone to interfere in their private life. Yet when it comes to your own behavior, you yourself do the same. You yourself don’t allow anyone to interfere in your private life, not even your own children.”
“What do you want to say?” Al Saåīdah Al Wājid asked her daughter curtly.
“Abbū is going to kill you.” Al Fahmīdah Al Wājid exploded her bombshell.

Chapter 6
1. More Creative Adult Sex in English from Durgesh

2.Durgesh in Hindi/Urdu

3. Science Fiction

4. On History

5. Commentary on Ved

6. On Hinduism

7. On Islam

The Yacht: 2

Midterm 2012 Volume 4

Kħātūn-e-Jannat Volume 3

Ved Nagar Volume 2

The Yacht


Previous Chapters

Chapter 2

Durgesh Al Hilāl Al Tayyab

I smiled at Al Hilāl Al Tayyab gravely.
“It’s not as simple as that, my twenty eight years old young Musalmān beloved. I am sixty four―”
She smiled sarcastically.
“You are fucking me, Durgesh. Can’t you be true even to your girlfriend for ten long years? No bloody sixty four can fuck me as wildly as you are. The most I can believe you to be, is thirty four, and it’s ultimate.”
I ignored the infinite times argued argument.
It was of no use ever.
“The point I was making, was that a condition by which a party is prevented from marrying is considered against public policy and void. Nevertheless that’s subject to certain qualifications. Particularly in the case of the trusts of the type that are known as the Spendthrift Trusts. The trust that was created under your Abbū’s will is exactly of one of the exact nature.
“Moreover, you may yourself note that there isn’t exactly any restrictions upon marriage itself. As a matter of fact, your Buā, Al Jalāl Al Tayyab, has been given a wide discretion in the matter. Your Abbū had immense faith on his youngest sister, Al Jalāl Al Tayyab.”
Nādirshāh Durrānī.” Al Hilāl Al Tayyab chuckled coldly.
“She has a wrong name. Al Jalāl Al Tayyab Buā must have been named Nādirshāh Durrānī.”
“Nonsense, Al Hilāl Al Tayyab,” I protested, “Al Jalāl Al Tayyab loves you even more than herself. You are the only heir to her too, and the only thing Al Jalāl Al Tayyab wants from you is, behave yourself, act your age, be responsible.”
“I am not interested in her money.” Al Hilāl Al Tayyab said furiously, “My Abbū has himself left enough for me.”
“You are getting Al Jalāl Al Tayyab wrong.”
“Stop protecting her. She doesn’t need anyone’s protection anymore. You have already trained her to protect herself from everyone.”
I smiled.
She was really impossible.
Her Abbū, Al Tayyab Al Muħammad, was right.
Her Buā, Al Jalāl Al Tayyab was equally right too.
Al Hilāl Al Tayyab needed constant protection from me.
Only I could control her optimum.
My ultimate intimacy with her, for ten long years even, had increased her arrogance instead of making her how to behave sophisticated.
The essential problem was, Al Hilāl Al Tayyab refused to learn anything new she did not know already.
“There are so many persons that say that some lawyers tell people what they can do and what they can’t, but you are always different from those damn fools. You invariably fix things ever so a person can do what s/he wants to do.”
I smiled.
My Uncut Hindu Prick was moving between her extremely beautiful ardent Musalmān labial lips more vigorously.
Her twenty eight years old young Musalmān Cunt was swallowing my sixty four years old Uncut Hindu Prick voraciously.
It was my constant experience that comparatively to my other women, my Panjvaqtah Namāzī ardent Musalmān women were more ravenous to fuck me.
It did not, of course, necessarily mean that the Musalmān womankind was more ravenous than the rest of the entire womankind.
In my original Param Purush body that was synchronized now within my own Antim Ācharañ Nāyak body, of course, I was fucking the entire womankind nonstop in Param Vyom, the Absolute Space.
Yet, it was true that ravenous women were there in every society, not only in Ummat-e-Muslimah.
There were numerous reasons for a woman to be ravenous sexually.
Most of the human societies almost always fought with Hindu Society that Hindus were the most sex oriented men.
Ved/Hinduism expressly, specifically, especially, preaches its men to be utmost sex oriented.
If some of the human societies didn’t fight with Hindu Society ever on this point, they almost ever hated Hindus for it, if not expressly, clandestinely at least.
Yet, even such ever biased anti Hindu societies too can’t deny ever, truthfully, that it was only the Hindu Society that successfully faced always every movement that was against humanity and humankind.
The entire history of entire humankind stands to its evidence whether someone acknowledges it or not.
When Pseudo Isālm was massacring the entire non Musalmīn it was Ved/Hinduism that stopped its ever imperialist ever utmost harmful-to-humankind aggression in India.
Islam had already surrendered to Pseudo Isālm at Karbala to Yazīd malåūn and his Pseudo Musalmīn bandits.
The ever vain boasting Persians surrendered to it, by surrendering their entire homeland herself, to Pseudo Musalmīn of Yazīd malåūn and his Pseudo Musalmīn bandits.
It was India only that’s still practicing True Islam anywhere.
Even Turkey is second to India in this matter.
It was one of the ever greatest in Musalmīn, Mughal-e-Åāzam, Shahanshāh, Samrāŧ Jalāluddīn Muħammad Akbar, that revived True Islam in India, calling it Dīn-e-Ilāhī, separating it from Pseudo Isālm expressly.
And then it started fighting with Pseudo Isālm.*

I smiled.
It was a smile of wisdom garnered from bitter experiences of my past sixty four years, of knowledge amassed, accumulated, from the confidences of thousands of women and men.
If Al Hilāl Al Tayyab could only have even infinitesimal confidence in her aunt, her Buā, Al Jalāl Al Tayyab, of what her own Abbū had on his youngest shrewdest sister, she could easily understand Al Jalāl Al Tayyab loved her not anything less than her brother.
But there was her ever closest friend, Al Shams Al Jisārat.
She thought her aunt Al Jalāl Al Tayyab was after her money.
“That’s somewhat true,” I said, “but not entirely. One can almost always get a way out of any situation. If there’s a will, there’s a way.”
“Well,” Al Hilāl Al Tayyab told me somewhat bitterly, “there’s a will in this case, my dear ever utmost experienced Hindu husband of sixty four years prudence. I want the way.”
Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb was never in the good book of Al Jalāl Al Tayyab.
“Al Jalāl Al Tayyab never liked Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb.” I said.
“Are you telling me?” Al Hilāl Al Tayyab asked me inordinately.
“Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb knows of this provision in the will?”
Al Hilāl Al Tayyab watched me with intense scrutinizing eyes.
“I think now Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb knows perhaps. He didn’t until now. Nevertheless, it’s immaterial. It’s neither here nor there. Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb is himself a millionaire. He does not need my money.”
“I see. I think actually you don’t want to marry Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb. You actually want to cuckold him to please my Practical Chief Wife, Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan. Isn’t it?”*

Al Hilāl Al Tayyab smiled cunningly.
“What if I really want to do it?”
Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan is anti-Muslim now, Al Hilāl Al Tayyab.”
“You are quite mistaken, my dear ever utmost experienced Hindu husband of sixty four years prudence. Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan is herself Kħātūn-e-Jannat Ħazrat Saiyadah Fātimah razī Allāhu tålā ånahā reincarnated. And she has proven it as many times as she razī Allāhu tålā ånahā has been challenged to prove it.”
“In front of ever immense superstitious Pseudo Musalmīn only.” I said bitterly, “I never interrupted her in her practical political strategies whenever they produced creative results.”
“And you think Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan, your De facto Chief Wife now, isn’t actually Kħātūn-e-Jannat Ħazrat Saiyadah Fātimah razī Allāhu tålā ånahā, reincarnated?” Al Hilāl Al Tayyab asked me ironically, “Only because you are not a Muslim, you are a Hindu instead. You haven’t any faith in Islam whatsoever.”
I kept fucking Al Hilāl Al Tayyab vehemently, patiently.
“Don’t try to make it a religious communal issue, Al Hilāl Al Tayyab.”
“You have no right to call our religious faith communal, Durgesh.” Al Hilāl Al Tayyab said furiously bitterly, “It’s not your faith. It’s not your religion. It’s up to us Musalmīn to define what our religion is and what’s not.”
Al Hilāl Al Tayyab was adamant not to argue rationally without any bias and prejudices.
It was Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan’s immensely thoroughly thought out deliberate strategy.
She worked on ever superstitious Pseudo Musalmīn and immensely biased, immensely selfish, extremely beautiful, Musalmān houseladies that were interested either in abnormal wild sex with me or in my ever infinite money.
Al Hilāl Al Tayyab wanted to cuckold Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb.
She wasn’t interested in truth at all.
Let the truth be whatsoever damn it.
She wanted to cuckold Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb because Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan wanted it.
Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan had promised to let her inheritance released to Al Hilāl Al Tayyab from Al Jalāl Al Tayyab.
Moreover, Al Hilāl Al Tayyab would have an immensely capable friend, Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan, to take care of her, besides me too.
Al Hilāl Al Tayyab looked at me,
“Don’t make any mistake about it,” her voice was vibrant with emotion, “I’m going to marry Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb. It’s final. You have got to find some way so that I can do it. I leave that end of it up to you.”
I kept fucking Al Hilāl Al Tayyab scrutinizing her carefully.
“Well, you are adamant to cuckold Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb, I think.”
“I am,” she said firmly.
“Okay. Let me look up the concerned court records before planning the optimum strategy. Let’s talk about it further, tomorrow morning.”
Al Hilāl Al Tayyab pulled her glorious Panjvaqtah Namāzī nude Musalmān bottom until my Uncut Hindu Prick was out of her Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Cunt only its head remaining inside. Then she thrust it back into my nude male Hindu lap with her entire feminine lust.
It vanished into her Musalmān Cunt absolutely.
“Tomorrow morning is too late.” She shook her head, “The most I can afford is, this afternoon.”
I sighed disguising my exasperation.
“Okay. Give me time to look up the concerned court records in the meantime. Let’s talk further about it at four o’clock.”
“Okay.” She smiled at me ultimately.*

I fucked Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī engrossed in thoughtful appraisal.
Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī understood my mood absolutely now.
She knew I never wanted to be disturbed when I was thinking.
Ultimately, I jabbed a button on the side of my desk.
A young woman of twenty eight popped her beautiful head through the doorway leading from a law library, watched me fucking Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī gravely, smiled impishly, and entered the room.
“Al Vaqār,” I said, “go up to the court house and find the papers in the Al Tayyab Estate. An Al Hilāl Al Tayyab was given property amounting to more than a hundred million dollars in trust. The name of the trustee is Al Jalāl Al Tayyab. Check the decree of distribution, and also the will. Make copies of the trust provisions, then get back here as soon as you can.”
The gorgeous young Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Beauty blinked her eyes swiftly, twice.
“Al Tayyab?” she asked.
“Yes,” I smiled at her, “Al Tayyab Al Muħammad.”
“And Al Jalāl Al Tayyab?”
“And Al Jalāl Al Tayyab.” I confirmed.
“Okay.” Al Vaqār Al Åbbās smiled at me seductively, turned, crossed the stateroom with confident steps, proudly aware of my ever appreciative Hindu male gaze on her young plump luscious Musalmān buttocks, and plunged into the outer office at my yacht.
I smiled at Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī.
She smiled at me too.
“Want something?”
Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī was all alert now.
She knew very well now when to keep quiet and when to speak.
Her manner radiated assurance and efficiency.
“Let’s check our impressions about Al Hilāl Al Tayyab today.” I said.
“She looked me trapped or sulky today.”
“Be specific. What was she? Trapped or sulky?”
“Does it make a lot of difference?” Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī smiled impishly somewhat, squeezing her vaginal muscles around my entire Uncut Hindu Prick.
“Sure,” I said, “you had a chance to see her when Al Hilāl Al Tayyab wasn’t posing. You are a woman too. She doesn’t need to impress you. Almost every woman that’s beautiful, poses at least somewhat in masculine presence either knowingly or unknowingly.”
“I think you can’t blame us womankind for it.” Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī smiled.
“I never do.”
“Did she tell you the truth?”
“None of them tell us the truth the first time usually,” I said, “the womankind don’t especially more than the mankind. That’s why I decided to take your opinion too. Did she look trapped, or did she look sulky?”
Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī spoke thoughtfully, weighing her words carefully.
“I never saw her so trapped and sulky before. She was both today. I think she got caught in some kind of trap and had turned sulky.”
I smiled and pushed my Uncut Hindu Prick into her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Cunt entirely with immense sexual lust for her.
“Are you sure Al Hilāl Al Tayyab wasn’t in panic?”
“What do you mean?” Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī was suddenly all alert.
It was something new for her that a girl that appeared sulky ostensibly, might be actually in panic instead.
She had to learn from Durgesh infinitely even now.
Durgesh is perhaps the ever best psychologist now.
It’s immensely necessary to learn the human psychology as much as one can for not one’s progress only, but his/her survival too.
Durgesh is ever successful immensely in almost every field he is interested ever, because he never stops learning about human psychology.
“Nothing,” I smiled once more, “lots of people try to put a poker face when they are in a panic. It’s human nature. We never like to exhibit our weaknesses on others if we can manage it. Panic is a weakness. If the others know we are in a panic, even somewhat, they may take advantage of us at that time, our guards being down.”
“Wallāh, you are right. I never thought about it, Durgesh darling.” Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī kissed me on my lips cheerfully and squeezed her vaginal muscles appreciatively around my Uncut Hindu Penis.
“It’s elementary, my dear Watson.” I winked at her.
Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī laughed appreciating me.
“When a person in panic tries to put on a poker face, nine times out of ten s/he looks sulky.”
“That’s right. Al Hilāl Al Tayyab is a self-willed little devil who usually always gets her own way due to her parents’ unbalanced parental love for her. Al Tayyab Al Muħammad was a business tycoon. He thought money was everything. His parents taught him this wrong lesson. Money is very important but not everything even then.”
“Al Tayyab Al Muħammad never paid proper attention to his offspring. He thought he is giving immense money to his daughters and that’s all his duty was to them.”
Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī was listening to me with absolute attention.
“It made him careless to his daughter that she was developing an ungovernable temper. He realized it, but too late to improve it. I think Al Hilāl Al Tayyab is caught in some sort of a trap. She is trying to get out of it.”
“A hell-cat?” Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī smiled.
“A hell-cat.”*

Suddenly my receptionist there, Al Jamīlah Al Wahāb, pushed open the door.
“Yes, Al Jamīlah,” I addressed her.
“There’s a man in the outer office.”
“Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb.”
Al Hudā Al Qāsim Al Hāshmī looked at me.
“I see,” I murmured.
“He wants information about Miss Al Hilāl Al Tayyab.”
“Al Hilāl Al Tayyab?”
“Who has just been here.”
“You told him she has just been here?”
“Certainly not.”
“What does he say?”
“He says that he wants to see you.” Al Jamīlah Al Wahāb smiled, “I asked him about his nature of business with you. He said it’s about a client of yours. I informed him that he would have to give me the name of the client. And tell me something of the nature of the business. He said that it was about Miss Al Hilāl Al Tayyab and he is very anxious to see you about her.”
“I see. What did you tell him?”
“I told him that I wasn’t familiar with the names of your clients, he would have to be more specific concerning his business. He is frightfully excited.”
“About what, the girl or his business?”
“I don’t know that. All I know is that he is excited and nervous.”
I reached a decision.
There was nothing wrong in meeting with the man they were trying to cuckold.
Why not warn him?
Let me see his response to the information.
Moreover, he could tell me something Al Hilāl Al Tayyab was hiding from me.
“Okay,” I said, “send him in,”
Al Jamīlah Al Wahāb nodded and turned, holding the door open.
“You may come in,” she said.
There was a rustle of motion.
A man came into the room.
He radiated restlessness.
He was a man radiating femininity, instead of masculinity.
He needed Stavans to change his mental blue print.
But it was not easy for him.
The communals had attached Stavans, meditation, with Hinduism.
Instead of advising meditation, Stavans, to him, Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan and Al Hilāl Al Tayyab were planning to cuckold him.
Eīshān Eīshān Shammā shamīshān!
Yet, I knew it was useless to argue with Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan and Al Hilāl Al Tayyab on it.
They were irrationally adamant.
Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb walked with nervous jerky steps.
He was either in late twenties or earlier thirties.
“Good day, counselor.” He smiled with vibrant manners despite his appearance.
“Good day. Please, sit down.” I offered him a chair.
Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb hesitated, then sat down on the edge of one of the straight backed chairs.
“What can I do for you, Mr. Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb?” I asked him cordially.
“I want to find out whether Al Hilāl Al Tayyab called on you today.”
My face was patiently appraising.
“I’m sorry to tell you that I can’t divulge to you anything that my clients tell me in confidence. You should understand it’s a law office. Even a competent court can’t ask me who came to me to consult me legally and who didn’t. It’s not an information bureau, Mr. Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb.”
I said it politely, not harshly.
Why kill a person who is already being killed?
If I can’t save him from Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan and Al Hilāl Al Tayyab, at least I could be polite to him.
Couldn’t I?
Al Bilāl Al Ħabīb jumped nervously to his feet, made some swift strides to the window, stood against the light for a moment, then whirled to stare at me.
His eyes were dark and smoldering.
He seemed to be fighting some overpowering emotion.

Chapter 3

1. More Creative Adult Sex in English from Durgesh

2.Durgesh in Hindi/Urdu

3. Science Fiction

4. On History

5. Commentary on Ved

6. On Hinduism

7. On Islam