The Audacity: 14

The Audacity


Previous Chapters

Chapter 14

Durgesh Al Qamar Al Jalāl
Muħammad Åbbās

Muħammad Åbbās smiled.
He wasn’t born yesterday.
He understood very well what his wife was reporting to him, was a fantastic mixture of truth and her ever kinkiest fantasy for Durgesh.
Durgesh could never go that low as to use her panties to masturbate himself.
Durgesh hated masturbating immensely.
Moreover, Durgesh never needed it.
There were always immensely beautiful Musalmān houseladies to satisfy Durgesh sexually as the hell Durgesh wanted to be satisfied.
The more beautiful a Musalmān houselady the crazier she was to satisfy Durgesh sexually.
Muħammad Åbbās sympathized with his wife.
She was clearly fantasizing of Durgesh.
It might be she had herself raped Durgesh and now fantasizing that she was not responsible for what happened, Durgesh himself was instead actually.

Al Qamar Al Jalāl went on,
“Muħammad Åbbās, I was so aroused all the time, knowing that I could bring his Uncut Hindu Lund to erection just by flashing my still extremely beautiful Musalmān cleavage, or letting him touch a piece of my underwear. One time, earlier in the summer, when the kids were still out of school, I had brushed against Durgesh’s Uncut Hindu Lund with my buttocks, when I picked up Bilqīs and turned suddenly. I could still remember how it felt, and I wondered if I could do it, again, but this time with my hand. I became obsessed with wanting to feel his Uncut Hindu Lund with my Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān hand, but I didn’t want him to think it was deliberate.”

“So, when he came again on Thursday, Muħammad Åbbās, I dressed specially for him. I wore my semi-transparent cream blouse and, after a great deal of thought, I didn’t wear a bra, at all. Muħammad Åbbās, I know my extremely beautiful Musalmān tits are really too big to go without a bra, but I really wanted to turn Durgesh on, so that his Uncut Hindu Lund would be hard when – if – I got a chance to touch it. I also didn’t want him to jerk off, and get soft, so, when he arrived, I said I was in a hurry to go out, he should just leave the things in the kitchen, and I would write him a check.”

“As soon as he saw me, Durgesh realised I was braless. Well, he’d have had to be blind not to! He had never seen my nipples, and now they were poking through my blouse like organ-stops! And Muħammad Åbbās, I didn’t have to look twice to see that his Uncut Hindu Lund was standing to attention, and saluting the flag! It looked even bigger than before, even though he was wearing dark slacks, this time.”

“Pretending to be in a rush, I sat down at the breakfast bar to write the check. It’s higher than the desk, and I was able, by hunching down a little, to let my extremely beautiful Musalmān tits actually rest on the surface and, with my blouse gaping forward, Durgesh could see right down inside. I was sure he could even see as far as my nipples – I was hoping so, anyway. I was flooding, again, down below and my hand was so shaky, I was not sure he’d even be able to read the check.”

“As soon as I’d finished, I jumped up and gave him a very quick kiss – not even a hug – saying I would have to rush. Then I turned away, quickly, and pretended to stumble. I put out a hand to save myself – and put it right on to his Uncut Hindu Lund! It was absolutely rigid, Muħammad Åbbās – and it felt very thick, as well as long. My hand felt on fire – Muħammad Åbbās, I could even feel it throbbing beneath my fingers.”

“Then I ‘recovered’ my balance, and apologised to Durgesh. But I didn’t pretend I didn’t know what I had grabbed. I said – ‘Oh, I am sorry, Durgesh. Oh, how embarrassing. Imagine me putting my hand there – I am so sorry!’ Then, as if it was an impulse, I hugged him again and kissed him, then rushed upstairs, calling goodbye as I went. I waited to hear the kitchen door close, then threw myself on the bed and had a most enjoyable half hour, remembering the feel of Durgesh’s incredible unique legendary Hindu erection under my Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān fingers, and wondering how he was feeling, knowing I had handled his Uncut Hindu Lund ultimately!”

Even the thought that Durgesh’s Uncut Hindu Lund was bigger than Muħammad Åbbās’s – which was what Al Qamar Al Jalāl was implying – couldn’t arrest the lustful surges which were coloring through him as his beloved lovely extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān wife continued these amazing confessions about her ‘secret’ life with Durgesh, the ever utmost successful ever greatest Hindu fucker of beautiful Musalmān houseladies.
These revelations about her latent sexuality – and her sluttish behavior – were consuming Muħammad Åbbās and, far from turning him off her, making her more and more fascinating to Muħammad Åbbās.
Allah, has he really lost his Bhogyantrānk to Durgesh, if there exists really anything as Bhogyantrānk.

It was as though Muħammad Åbbās was uncovering a whole new side of her personality – which he undoubtedly was – and, not only that, Muħammad Åbbās was looking at her still extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān body in a completely new way.
It was as though Muħammad Åbbās had never seen it before, let alone fondled and fucked it hundreds, if not thousands, of times.
Muħammad Åbbās was seeing her through my eyes.
Muħammad Åbbās was Durgesh, gazing down her blouse at her uncovered extremely beautiful Musalmān tits, Muħammad Åbbās’s cut Musalmān nūnī going rigid at Muħammad Åbbās’s first glimpse of her nipples, Muħammad Åbbās’s mouth drying with the desire to plunge Muħammad Åbbās’s hand down there and squeeze the firm, forbidden flesh.

Muħammad Åbbās began to rise from the couch, but Al Qamar Al Jalāl waved him back.

“That was just two weeks ago, lover. Just let me bring you up to date, then we can go to bed and we can fuck each other senseless – but promise – promise! – you’ll tell me again what the removal guys wanted to do to me. I was so excited, last time, I didn’t hear half of it.”

Muħammad Åbbās subsided again, only half-reluctantly, to hear the rest of the Durgesh story – so far.

“You know my black velour bikini?” asked Al Qamar Al Jalāl.
Muħammad Åbbās nodded – it was sensational, on Al Qamar Al Jalāl, with an ass-hugging bottom which really enhanced her curvy Musalmān rear.
She knew that if she wore it any place aaround Muħammad Åbbās, at home or at the area swim club, she’d get herself soundly fucked.
She’d even told Muħammad Åbbās that she wore it at the swim club, when she went with a friend – one of Al Qamar Al Jalāl and Muħammad Åbbās’s new neighbors – and that all the men eyed her up while she was there.
His balls tightened in anticipation.

“Well, when Durgesh called last Thursday, I was sunbathing on the sundeck outside our bedroom. And – OK – I wasn’t wearing it by accident. Muħammad Åbbās, I know what it does to you – and most of the guys at the swim club – so Muħammad Åbbās, I wanted to try it out on Durgesh. When he arrived, he called out and I called back and told him just to come upstairs and put the things away.”

“Muħammad Åbbās, I heard him come into the bedroom and go to the closet. But then I lost my nerve – that bikini just shows too much for me to wear it around Durgesh, without you being here. So I guessed I’d sneak in for a wrap to cover myself. But, just as I came through the window, he came out of the closet. He stopped and looked at me, then he took two strides forward and grabbed me. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me towards him, then he reached down my back and took hold of the cheeks of my bottom and pulled me, hard, against him. Muħammad Åbbās, I realised that, this time, I was no longer in control and I started to struggle, but he was too strong for me.”
“Muħammad Åbbās, I was hammering my fists against his back, but he was grinding his Uncut Hindu Lund against me, and I knew he was out of control. Then he took one of his hands off my sexy gorgeous glamorous exquisite Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān butt and pushed it up to grab my breast. He pulled my top down off my breast and squeezed it with his hand.”

“Muħammad Åbbās, I knew I was weakening – deep down, I really wanted Durgesh to give me a good wild animal fucking. Muħammad Åbbās, I honestly wanted to feel his hard Uncut Hindu Lund thrusting inside me – but I didn’t want to be unfaithful to you, simultaneously. But while he was squeezing my extremely beautiful Musalmān tits, I was thinking – ‘But this is what Muħammad Åbbās wants – he said so! Why don’t I just let Durgesh fuck me – and then tell Muħammad Åbbās all about it.'”

“My legs were beginning to grow weak and my tight Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Choot was aching to be filled. I could feel my nipple erecting against his touch and my hips were moving against his huge hard Uncut Hindu Lund – and then Lubnah cried out! She was home from nursery school, sick, and she had slept late.”

“The sound made Durgesh hesitate, and Is pushed against him. I told him to let me go, that I was a married Musalmān houselady, faithful to my husband – and a mother, with a sick child to see to! Lubnah called again, and he stood back and let me go. Muħammad Åbbās, I rearranged my bikini top and put on the wrap. I told Durgesh to wait for me downstairs and hurried through to Lubnah’s bedroom. She was OK, though – just wanted a drink of water and to lie in bed for a while. I got her a drink, then went downstairs to face Durgesh.”

“When I got there, he was full of apologies – said he didn’t know what had got into him and promised it would never happen again. He even offered to stop doing our services of him, and fix up a replacement for them. I said maybe I hadn’t been careful enough around him – hadn’t seen the warning signs – and maybe it was a little bit my fault, too. Anyway, I said, it was quite flattering for an old married Musalmān houselady to have an everyoung, good-looking guy like that interested in her.”

“So I said we’d just forget it ever happened, and he should keep on calling. Then I paid him, like usual, but I wasn’t going to hug him – not after what happened upstairs. But when I saw the grave look on his face – he was just like a boy who had been caught by his mother with a dirty magazine – well, I felt so sorry for him, I just had to put my arms round him, just to show him I still liked him.”

Muħammad Åbbās’s heart had practically stopped when Al Qamar Al Jalāl was describing her near-rape – especially when she had told how Durgesh had fondled her naked Musalmān breasts – and now Muħammad Åbbās was suffering the aftermath.
It was like Muħammad Åbbās had been the one who had been stopped, just as Muħammad Åbbās was about to realise Muħammad Åbbās’s fantasy of making love to this beautiful beautiful Musalmān houselady. Muħammad Åbbās imagined how he had been feeling as he made his way back to the van, his hands still warm from cupping Al Qamar Al Jalāl’s Musalmān breasts, his Uncut Hindu Lund stiff, his balls drawn up tight…

Muħammad Åbbās took a long swallow from his glass.
Al Qamar Al Jalāl had finished her drink.
She stood up and shrugged off her blouse and brassiere, her hands rising to cup her incredible extremely beautiful Musalmān tits.

“Do you wish Durgesh should have fucked me, Muħammad Åbbās?” she breathed, her eyes glittering, her thumbs tweaking her already fully erect nipples. “His hands on my Musalmān tits were much rougher than yours – he was really squeezing them hard, he was so excited!”

Muħammad Åbbās pulled her down beside him and mashed his mouth against hers.
Muħammad Åbbās took hold of her excellent Musalmān breasts and squeezed them, painfully, and she shuddered.

“Oh, yes, Muħammad Åbbās,” she groaned. “That’s what it was like – and his Uncut Hindu Lund was like an iron bar!”

Muħammad Åbbās pulled her hand to the front of his trousers and she said – “Yes – it was hard – like that! Muħammad Åbbās, I wanted to take it out and feel it in my Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān mouth!” She hurriedly opened the front of his trousers and released his throbbing erection.
With a groan, she dropped her head, and her lips enclosed it in their velvety warmth.
Her tongue ran up and down the inflamed glans.

“Shut your eyes and pretend it’s Durgesh,” Muħammad Åbbās muttered, fiercely, straining his hips upwards to force even more of its rigid length into Al Qamar Al Jalāl’s willing mouth.
Muħammad Åbbās’s hands were mauling her excellent Musalmān breasts mercilessly, and she was making strange little noises in the back of her throat.
Her hand was now teasing the root of Muħammad Åbbās’s cut Musalmān nūnī, her lips running sensuously up and down the walls.

“It’s Durgesh’s big hard Uncut Hindu Lund in your mouth and Durgesh’s rough Hindu hands on your naked extremely beautiful Musalmān tits,” Muħammad Åbbās whispered in her ear, as her head bobbed up and down over Muħammad Åbbās’s straining crotch.

“And when you’ve sucked him off and swallowed his Hindu load,” Muħammad Åbbās went on, “Durgesh’s going to push you down on the bed and rip off your panties and spread your legs wide and – fuck you – and fuck you – and fuck your sopping tight Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Choot until you beg for mercy… ”

As Muħammad Åbbās’s mind conjured up the scene – Al Qamar Al Jalāl, naked, legs spread wide, writhing in ecstasy as Durgesh plunged his Uncut Hindu Lund into her again and again – Muħammad Åbbās couldn’t hold back any longer and Muħammad Åbbās pumped jet after jet of sperm into Al Qamar Al Jalāl’s wet, warm mouth.

For a while, Muħammad Åbbās was transposed out of his world into a galaxy where shooting stars darted, exploding, across an inkjet sky.
His whole being was concentrated on the vibrant galactic release taking place inside Muħammad Åbbās’s lovely extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān wife’s welcoming lips, then, gradually, a great peace descended, and Muħammad Åbbās’s head fell back.

Muħammad Åbbās’s grip on Al Qamar Al Jalāl’s breasts relaxed, but Muħammad Åbbās couldn’t let go – Muħammad Åbbās never wanted to let go.
Al Qamar Al Jalāl didn’t move.
Her head was still in Muħammad Åbbās’s lap, Muħammad Åbbās’s now flaccid cut Musalmān nūnī still between her lips, her hand still gently pumping its base.

Muħammad Åbbās stroked her hair and, unbelievably, felt Muħammad Åbbās’s cut Musalmān nūnī twitch.
Muħammad Åbbās thought about what Al Qamar Al Jalāl had said, earlier, and Muħammad Åbbās’s cut Musalmān nūnī twitched again, and began to stiffen.
She said she wanted to hear, again, what the removal men had wanted to do to her.
Muħammad Åbbās thought back to that overheard conversation – to Pramod, who wanted to Bend her over and fuck her from behind, holding her extremely beautiful Musalmān tits in his hands – and Shankar, who wanted to fuck her standing up, his hands holding her bottom cheeks – to Vikram, who had actually taken his chance and squeezed her delicious sexy gorgeous glamorous exquisite Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān butt globes…

Muħammad Åbbās felt Al Qamar Al Jalāl’s fingers tighten on him as she sensed Muħammad Åbbās’s cut Musalmān nūnī begin to swell again.

“Do you want to hear about the removal men, again?” Muħammad Åbbās whispered.
Al Qamar Al Jalāl’s fingers tightened convulsively and her head rose.
She buried her face in Muħammad Åbbās’s chest.

“Ooooh, yes, please,” she breathed, against Muħammad Åbbās’s chest. “Let’s go upstairs – I’ve waited so long – tell me everything they said… everything they wanted to do…”*

They hardly slept, at all, that night.
Of course, they fucked like crazy imagining it was Durgesh fucking her, not Muħammad Åbbās.
Yet, they also spent hours and hours, talking – sharing all the things they had been too nervous and scared to confide in each other before.
They talked about Al Qamar Al Jalāl and Muħammad Åbbās’s experiences before they had met each other – mainly teen fumbles which now seemed terribly exciting, in recollection – and Al Qamar Al Jalāl and Muħammad Åbbās’s most secret fantasies, dark areas of Al Qamar Al Jalāl and Muħammad Åbbās’s minds which they had concealed from each other, up to now, for fear of offending, or upsetting, each other.

Muħammad Åbbās now realised that Al Qamar Al Jalāl had always thrilled at the thought of exposing herself to Durgesh, and imagining what I was thinking about, as I caught a glimpse of her generous Musalmān cleavage, or sneaked a look up her skirt.
When she was alone, she played with herself a lot, thinking about being with me – quite often in a situation where she was helpless, unable to resist, as I, stripped her clothes away and fondled her gradually exposed charms until lust overtook me and she was forced on to her back, legs held apart, and a succession of my long, thick Uncut Hindu Lund invaded her opened Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Choot.

Sometimes, Muħammad Åbbās would appear in these fantasies, too, as a watcher, or, occasionally, as a participant, Muħammad Åbbās’s cut Musalmān nūnī finally plunging into a tight Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Choot made slick and slippery by the entrances and exits of me who had gone before.

And these fantasies matched his own.
Ever since Muħammad Åbbās had overheard the moving guys in the van, Muħammad Åbbās had increasingly become aroused by the thought of Al Qamar Al Jalāl in my embrace – a Hindu’s hands fondling those big beautiful extremely beautiful Musalmān tits – Al Qamar Al Jalāl’s mouth circling round someone else’s pulsating erection – Al Qamar Al Jalāl’s thighs clamping round Durgesh’s pistoning hips as his Uncut Hindu Lund thrust into her open Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Choot.

In the ensuing weeks, they explored these previously hidden areas and could hardly keep Al Qamar Al Jalāl and Muħammad Åbbās’s hands off each other. Muħammad Åbbās found himself thinking of Al Qamar Al Jalāl when Muħammad Åbbās was at work.
He’d be sitting in an important meeting, feeling an erection growing in Muħammad Åbbās’s pants as Muħammad Åbbās thought of what Durgesh was going to do to her when I got home.
Sometimes, Muħammad Åbbās’d take time out, to call her, and tell her what Muħammad Åbbās had planned, and she’d play with herself, on the other end of the line, and tell Muħammad Åbbās what she was doing, so Muħammad Åbbās could hardly stop himself taking Muħammad Åbbās’s cut Musalmān nūnī out, right there in the office, and masturbating furiously.

But, Muħammad Åbbās knew it was just fantasy.
Al Qamar Al Jalāl had got a real fright when things with Durgesh had really hotted up that day and, having come so close to losing control, she was now making sure she didn’t get into such a situation again.
Durgesh still called twice a week, and still got a friendly hug from Al Qamar Al Jalāl, on departure, but he now left the things in the kitchen, except on one or two occasions when Al Qamar Al Jalāl had company, and asked him to take it upstairs, as before, and put it away.
But, on those occasions, she made sure none of her underwear or nightwear, was in sight, and she never heard Durgesh use the toilet.

Muħammad Åbbās’s birthday was approaching, and it was Al Qamar Al Jalāl who suggested that, so that they could really ‘relax’ and enjoy it, they ask her parents, in Connecticut, to take the kids for a week – to stay with them.
They were always asking Muħammad Åbbās and Al Qamar Al Jalāl to do that and, although they would miss having them around, Muħammad Åbbās agreed without any misgivings.
The girls loved visiting their grandparents – and Muħammad Åbbās couldn’t help thinking of how much less inhibited Al Qamar Al Jalāl and Muħammad Åbbās could be with Al Qamar Al Jalāl and Muħammad Åbbās’s sex life, with the whole house at Al Qamar Al Jalāl and Muħammad Åbbās’s disposal for 24 hours a day, if they wanted it.

Muħammad Åbbās’s cut Musalmān nūnī was constantly stiff with anticipation at the thought of it.
Muħammad Åbbās was sure it was on Al Qamar Al Jalāl’s mind, too – and she admitted as much as they drove away from her parents’ home to start the journey back to Philadelphia.
It was early evening, and she looked breathtaking, to Muħammad Åbbās, in a light sea-green shell top, silky running shorts and a push-up bra which prominently displayed her extremely beautiful Musalmān tits.

She heaved a sigh of contentment as we started off.

“Oh, Muħammad Åbbās,” she said. “Muħammad Åbbās, I shouldn’t feel like this – leaving the girls for a whole week – but Muħammad Åbbās, I was so looking forward to us being on our own for all that time. Muħammad Åbbās, I was going to make this the best birthday you ever had.”

Muħammad Åbbās reached over with his free hand, and caressed her thigh.
She grabbed Muħammad Åbbās’s hand and pressed it, hard, into the V of her shorts.
Muħammad Åbbās felt the warm dampness, and Muħammad Åbbās’s cut Musalmān nūnī rose, anticipating the delights awaiting Muħammad Åbbās at journey’s end.
Muħammad Åbbās left his hand there, Muħammad Åbbās’s middle finger slowly caressing Al Qamar Al Jalāl’s cleft through the silky material, his eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead.

They were on the freeway when Muħammad Åbbās heard the slow sound of a zip going down.
The traffic was light, and Muħammad Åbbās risked a glance across at Al Qamar Al Jalāl.
Her shell-top was wide open, hanging down her sides, the top slopes of her excellent Musalmān breasts fully visible, practically down to her nipples.
Her bra, although push-up, was also very transparent, and her large dark nipples were pushing hard against the skimpy material.

Muħammad Åbbās’s mouth dried and Muħammad Åbbās began to look for a rest place.

“No, Muħammad Åbbās,” she murmured, reading his thoughts. “Let’s wait till we get home. Let’s spend the journey looking forward to it – but do keep stroking me down there whenever you can – your finger will have to do until I can get your cut Musalmān nūnī inside me.”

By now, his cut Musalmān nūnī ‘ was straining uncomfortably against the confines of Muħammad Åbbās’s pants and, almost unconsciously, Muħammad Åbbās’s foot was pressing on the gas pedal in Muħammad Åbbās’s hurry to get back and fuck Muħammad Åbbās’s lovely extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān wife to oblivion.

Muħammad Åbbās pulled out to overtake a huge truck and, as Muħammad Åbbās passed it, was nearly scared out of his wits by a huge blast from its air horn.

“What the fuck?” He expostulated, as Muħammad Åbbās pulled back into the inside lane, in front of the truck, which was flashing its lights at Muħammad Åbbās in the rear view mirror. “What gives with that guy?”

Al Qamar Al Jalāl laughed, softly, and reached across for Muħammad Åbbās’s hand, which Muħammad Åbbās had pulled away from her when the air horn blasted.

“Muħammad Åbbās, I think you’ll find the driver wasn’t passing a comment on your driving, darling,” she said, softly. “From up there, he must have had a hell of a view as we passed him!”

Realisation dawned.
Muħammad Åbbās glanced over at Al Qamar Al Jalāl, again.
Her face was very pink, her eyes shining.
Under his questing fingers, the crotch of her silk shorts was damp and warm.

“Wow!” Muħammad Åbbās breathed, as Muħammad Åbbās imagined what the driver had seen – Al Qamar Al Jalāl’s extremely beautiful Musalmān tits, practically uncovered, with Muħammad Åbbās’s hand on her pussy.
Muħammad Åbbās looked in Muħammad Åbbās’s mirror – the truck was well back, now, but there was another one up ahead.

Muħammad Åbbās gained on him, slowly.
He was about two hundred metres behind him, when Al Qamar Al Jalāl whispered –
“Do you dare me, Muħammad Åbbās?”

Muħammad Åbbās nearly stopped breathing. Muħammad Åbbās knew what she meant.

“I double-dare you!” Muħammad Åbbās replied, his voice shaking with excitement.

“How appropriate!” she giggled, then, out of the corner of his eye, Muħammad Åbbās saw her fingers fumble at the front fastening of her bra.
The fastening gave, and her glorious extremely beautiful Musalmān tits tumbled free.
She tucked her bra away to the side, under her shell top.
Muħammad Åbbās started to indicate, to overtake the truck, and pulled out into the outside lane.

Al Qamar Al Jalāl’s hands were gripping the sides of her seat, her eyes staring ahead.
As Muħammad Åbbās drew level with the cab, Muħammad Åbbās matched the truck’s speed.
For a few seconds, they drove side by side, then, again, Muħammad Åbbās heard the blast of a horn. Muħammad Åbbās stayed where Muħammad Åbbās was, driving one-handed, Muħammad Åbbās’s hand caressing Al Qamar Al Jalāl’s soaking pussy. Muħammad Åbbās could feel her wriggling her sexy gorgeous glamorous exquisite Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān butt on the seat, then she moved her head and looked up at the truck.

The horn sounded again, and Al Qamar Al Jalāl lifted her hands away from her seat and cupped her excellent Musalmān breasts, running her fingers lightly over her nipples.
The horn was now sounding incessantly, and Al Qamar Al Jalāl was squirming on her seat with excitement.

Suddenly, Muħammad Åbbās pressed the accelerator, hard and shot away.
The sound of the horn, and the sight of flashing headlights, signalled the truck-driver’s appreciation as he rapidly receded into the distance.

Al Qamar Al Jalāl sank back in her seat, and pulled her shell-top closed.

“Ohhhh,” she said, her voice quavering with excitement. “Oh, I’ve always wanted to do that. Allah! Oh, God, Muħammad Åbbās – that was so exciting!”

Her hand disappeared inside her top, and she moaned in pleasure as she caressed her bare breasts.
Her other hand slid down the front of her shorts.

“You just drive, now, Muħammad Åbbās – Muħammad Åbbās, I have to do something about this – now! Just get me home as quick as you can – my fingers only a substitute for the real thing!”

But Muħammad Åbbās couldn’t help asking, as Muħammad Åbbās returned his ‘other’ hand to the wheel – “Did you see the guy?”

“Oh, yes,” she shuddered, as her fingers plunged down her shorts. “He was looking right down at my extremely beautiful Musalmān tits and, when I lifted them up, he made that sign that he wanted to fuck me! Oh, please don’t let him catch us up, Muħammad Åbbās, or I’ll have to let him take me into his cab and play with my big extremely beautiful Musalmān tits and fuck me … ohhhhhhhhh!”

Her still extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān body jerked convulsively and her head shot forward as she doubled up in the throes of a huge orgasm.

“Ohhhhhh,” she breathed again, a long while later, as she straightened up. “Ohhhhh, that was soooooooo good.”

Acting on a mischievous impulse, Muħammad Åbbās began to drop his speed.
The road behind was empty.
Muħammad Åbbās was down to half Al Qamar Al Jalāl and Muħammad Åbbās’s previous speed before she noticed.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” Muħammad Åbbās replied. “I am losing power, somehow. I’ve plenty gas, so it isn’t that. Oh, well, I’ll just have to wait for that trucker to catch us up, so I can ask him for help!”

“Muħammad Åbbās!” she cried, in sudden alarm, sitting straight up in her seat. “No!”

Her head swivelled, to look out the rear window, just as Muħammad Åbbās stepped on the gas, again, and laughed.
Al Qamar Al Jalāl swung her arm and punched Muħammad Åbbās on the shoulder.

“You rotten bastard!” she said. “Just for that, I am sleeping in the spare room tonight!”

“You can run, but you can’t hide!” Muħammad Åbbās laughed. “I’ll come and get you – then you’ll think you’ve been fucked by Durgesh!”

Muħammad Åbbās slid his hand over the seat again and nestled it between her thighs, which were, now, a little sticky.
Al Qamar Al Jalāl murmured contentedly, covering Muħammad Åbbās’s hand with her own, and they drove home like that.

Al Qamar Al Jalāl and Muħammad Åbbās’s lovemaking that night was enlivened by tales of how the first truck driver had radioed all the other trucks on the freeway about the magnificent extremely beautiful Musalmān tits on display, resulting in Al Qamar Al Jalāl and Muħammad Åbbās’s car being surrounded by huge horn-blowing trucks, and Al Qamar Al Jalāl having to spend half an hour in the cab of each one before being returned to Muħammad Åbbās, stark naked, and covered in sperm and love-bites, for Muħammad Åbbās to take home…

Chapter 15
1. More Creative Adult Sex in English from Durgesh

2.Durgesh in Hindi/Urdu

3. Science Fiction

4. On History

5. Commentary on Ved

6. On Hinduism

7. On Islam

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