


Chapter 1

Durgesh Farħānah Al Åbbās

Durgesh Satī Dāxāyañī Brahmāpautrī

Bachhalyā Brahmkanyās

Bachhalyā Brahmāñīs

Islamic Morals

Durgesh Padminī Bhārgav

Padminī Bhārgav didn’t tell Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan that she had come to her with the express permission from Satī Dāxāyañī Brahmāpautrī.

Infinite BrāhmKalp Movement was not Padminī Bhārgav’s movement originally.

Satī Dāxāyañī Brahmāpautrī herself was behind it.

Param Brahmarshi Bhagvān Bhr’gu once again supported blindly Satī Dāxāyañī Brahmāpautrī.

I was exasperated,

Param Brahmarshi, you are forgetting the fact that my ever notorious wife, Kħātūn-e-Jannat Ħazrat Saiyadah Fātimah razī Allāhu tålā ånhā herself is Satī Dāxāyañī Brahmāpautrī.”

Param Brahmarshi Bhagvān Bhr’gu smiled,

Durgesh, you can’t call my Kħātūn-e-Jannat daughter your ever notorious wife.”

Satī Dāxāyañī Brahmāpautrī laughed,

“I’m once again on Jihad against Durgesh in my Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan body, Pitr’shrī.”

“Sālī.” I gritted my teeth.

“I can’t help it, Pitr’shrī. Durgesh is always against my best decisions.”

I watched her gravely.

“Haven’t you learned any lessons even now, Satī?”

Satī Dāxāyañī Brahmāpautrī retorted,

“What’s there to learn?”

“You compelled Ārsh Sadan to support you in declaring Brahmkanyās are Gotr Sisters of entire Brāhmañs. Didn’t you?”

“I requested Ārsh Sadan, not compelled ever.”

“Didn’t you fight the issue until the entire Ārsh Sadan didn’t agree with you?”

“That’s my fundamental political right. Can you deny it, my dear Bachhalyā husband?”

I looked at Param Brahmarshi Bhagvān Bhr’gu.

He was smiling sophisticatedly.

“Don’t enjoy her idiosyncrasies, Param Brahmarshi.”

“I object on the word ‘idiosyncrasies’.” Satī Dāxāyañī Brahmāpautrī smiled cunningly.

Satī, try to understand, please. Infinite BrāhmKalp Movement would again destroy the benefits of Shāshvat Satyug.”***

Satī Dāxāyañī Brahmāpautrī retorted,

“Benefits of Shāshvat Satyug? What are they, Bachhalyā Piyā?”

“Call me ‘Durgesh’.” I admonished her curtly.

“I love to respect my husband.” Satī Dāxāyañī Brahmāpautrī smiled, “It’s not good manners to call one’s husband by his name.”


“Well, that’s what I think.”

“Sālī, come to the point.”

“It’s bad manners to abuse your wife when her father is present.”

Param Brahmarshi Bhagvān Bhr’gu laughed.

“You are again enjoying her naughty activities, Bhagvan.”

Durgesh, please.” Param Brahmarshi said, “I don’t want to be a party between husband and wife.”

“She calls me ‘Bachhalyā Piyā’ on your support.”

“Well, I don’t think there’s anything wrong in calling you ‘Bachhalyā Piyā’.” Satī Dāxāyañī Brahmāpautrī smiled impishly.

I smiled too.

Sālī was hiding behind the mask of marital relationship between us.

Param Brahmarshi Bhagvān Bhr’gu naturally couldn’t interfere until she didn’t come out of this mask.

Yes, Param Brahmarshi Bhagvān Bhr’gu was not Satī Dāxāyañī Brahmāpautrī’s real father.

Her real father was Prajāpatipati Dax Brahmāputr.

But Param Brahmarshi was Gr’harshi of our entire family including Tārxý, Shésh, Balrām Bhrātr’shrī, Bharat, Laxmañ, Shatrughn, Prakāsh, Shlésh and Ved Prakāsh.***

Param Brahmarshi Bhagvān Bhr’gu smiled,

“I allowed our Brāhmañ daughters, married to you, to call you ‘Bachhalyā Piyā’, Durgesh, because in this way we can fight our racial pride, our ‘Brahmgarv’ successfully.”

“‘Bachhalyā’ was my birth Gotr in the ever last Kaliyug. It causes me to remember my ‘Pashu Janm’, my animal birth. Isn’t it denying my Dvij identity?”

“Not if it isn’t intended and if it helps in destroying our racial birth pride.” Param Brahmarshi Bhagvān Bhr’gu said gravely.

Satī Dāxāyañī Brahmāpautrī laughed triumphantly.

“I’m unable to understand why you come to this point always now and then.” Param Brahmarshi Bhagvān Bhr’gu went on, “Haven’t we already discussed it too much?”

“No.” I said, “I hate this ‘Pashu Janm Sambodhan’, this ‘Animal Birth Address’, for me.”

Satī Dāxāyañī Brahmāpautrī smiled,

“Yet you love to be called ‘Hindu Piyā’ by your infinite Musalmān wives.”

“That’s another matter.”

“How? They are Musalmān. Therefore? They make Ashvinātam Sharīr Yantrs with you. Therefore?”

“Why not?”

“We Brahmkanyās and Brahmāñīs are not responsible if their fathers/brothers/husbands don’t treat justifiably with the Muslimahs.”

“I never blamed you so.”***

When Muħammad flew into Miami, all he seemed to see from the air was water.

It was everywhere.

It was the encroaching sea at the coast, and inland ribbons that sliced the landscape to pieces.

Much of the downtown Miami was protected, of course, but outlying districts, even just blocks away, were flooded.

Muħammad was mildly shocked.

But the place still worked.

He was unable to understand why so many Musalmīn of India still loved to vote Congress.

It had to resign.

Being a time traveler himself, Muħammad had never seen so many foolish Musalmīn anywhere.

They hadn’t left another option to their comparatively more intelligent Musalmān houseladies except to woo, even to seduce, competent Hindus for themselves.

“I haven’t objection that Zaynab Bājī has chosen a Hindu his Live in Relationship Partner, Abbū.” His youngest daughter Saiyadah Fātimah Muħammad PhD  had complained, “Durgesh is not only a Hindu. He is a black magician as well.”

“What nonsense are you talking, Saiyadah Fātimah Muħammad? Muħammad was furious.

“Abbū, he is fucking infinite Musalmān Beauties.”

“Nonsense. You are a PhD. Shame to you.”

“Abbū, Zaynab Bājī claims she has seen him so.”

“Fucking infinite Musalmān Beauties?”



“Well,” Saiyadah Fātimah Muħammad PhD was somewhat uncomfortable now, “Zaynab Bājī says she has seen Durgesh fucking infinite Musalmān Beauties, in the, nauzbillah, Kåbah Sharīf itself.”

Muħammad smiled.

“And you believed it?”


“You must be crazy, Saiyadah Fātimah Muħammad PhD.”


“Is Kåbah Sharīf itself infinite?”

“No, Abbū.”

“Then how can Durgesh fuck infinite Musalmān Beauties in finite Kåbah Sharīf? Are you so stupid?”

Muħammad had silenced his daughter.

But he knew it was possible.

Yes, his eldest daughter, Zaynab Muħammad Åbdullah, was right when she argued,

“Abbū, if Måraj is possible, why what I saw is impossible?”*

Two years ago, I bought Farħānah Al Åbbās her first car; a sporty little red convertible.

One of those cars you only see pretty Musalmān women and Hindu men going through a mid-life crisis driving.

I swam deep into my thoughts.

I could bring up the day I handed the keys to my Live in Relationship Partner Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam’s daughter, Farħānah Al Åbbās, as if it was on a Rolodex.

Two years ago in the mild stages of spring, Farħānah Al Åbbās blew out the candles on her eighteenth birthday cake.

The very breath that Farħānah Al Åbbās breathed was my breath.

That very breath she exhaled over eighteen candles was the day I felt myself.

I would be sixty-three on my upcoming birthday, by no means ancient.

But my Live in Relationship Partner Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam’s daughter, Farħānah Al Åbbās’s declaration of youthful independence became my silent resolution of long experiences.

And I was having no trouble admitting it.

Why should I?

I was still everyoung.

Wasn’t I, still fucking extraordinary young Musalmān Beauties, even teenagers too?

My age was increasing but so was my bubbling Hindu youth as well.

None knew I was a Parahuman however.

They thought I was a normal human being.

Well, how could they differentiate?

We try to explain the things we can’t deny.

But, naturally, we use our own knowledge and experiences for it.

They took my Parahumanism as an exception to normal humanism.

The exceptions were not unusual.

It helped me in keeping my real identity to myself and to the persons who understood it.

I trusted them.

No use to tell my real identity to the persons I didn’t trust ab initio.

It couldn’t solve any problem.

On the contrary, it could increase my problems instead.

Naturally, I was not stupid enough to do so.

It seemed like only a few, short years ago, I was driving my first car.

The others were surprised that it was not any great occasion to me.

Most of us Hindus were not as happy as the non Hindus were when they had something specific that was material.

We felt happier when we accomplished something in our Shaktimān or Bhogchakr.

To the most of non Hindus it was extraordinary.

They criticized Hindus,

“Shaktimān? Bhogchakr? What nonsense! The language these Hindus use is not even comprehensible.” Muħammad said to his Ammījān, Saiyadah Āmnah.

Saiyadah Āmnah smiled,

“When we say ‘razī Allāhu tålā ånhā’, do they understand? When we say ‘nauzbillah’ do they understand?”


“Every religion has its own terminology based on its own particular philosophy of life and vision.”

Muħammad couldn’t say anything.

Saiyadah Āmnah, his Ammījān, smiled,

Hindus believe that to every action of a person, there is either Shaktipāt or Shaktixaý. The amount of energy in any person at any moment is his/her Shaktimān.”

“I see, and Bhogchakr?” Muħammad smiled ironically.

One more religious nonsense.

The Hindus criticize Musalmīn for Musalmīn’s religious nonsenses.

But Hindus’ own religious nonsense is also not less entertaining.

“The Hindus believe that the entire infinite creations are made by Allah for our human beings consumption.

Every person thus, according to Hindus, has his/her own Consumption Cycle. They call it Bhogchakr in their religious language, Sanskr’t.

Muħammad laughed,

“We all have our own religious idiosyncrasies.”

Åbdullah Hāshmī smiled,

Hindus term their religious idiosyncrasies their religious science, ‘Eīshān Vigyān’. They think they can fool non Hindus thus that Hinduism is scientific.”

“Well,” Saiyadah Āmnah smiled, “Aren’t Hindus progressing now fast?”

“Not because their so called Eīshān Vigyān, Ammī.” Muħammad retorted.

Saiyadah Āmnah chuckled,

“How do you know, my dear son?”***

My mind dove deeper into my past memories as I took my exit to the office.

I had given up my spot in the two-car garage to my Live in Relationship Partner Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam’s daughter, Farħānah Al Åbbās’ car.

It seemed ridiculous to have a convertible car sitting outside in the elements and my fifteen year old Chevy Silverado had seen better days.

Plus, a Hindu gentleman always made sure he cared for the Musalmān women in his life.

The other garage bay belonged to my beloved Live in Relationship Partner  of twenty years, Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam.

Farħānah Al Åbbās had definitely benefited from her Ammī’s beauty.

Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam and I had gotten off to a rocky Live in Relationship, in our first few years.

From the normal “settling in” phase to various arguments, it took us many years to straighten out our problems with each other.

But after the newness wore off, our understanding for each other grew.

I had tried so hard to keep the peace with my Live in Relationship Partner; something easier said than done.

I knew when I met her that she would be hard to handle.

Musalmān women as beautiful as her don’t come around often, and I was surprised when she agreed to a first date with me.

Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam was not only an ardent Musalmān Beauty.

She was too communal to agree to maintain her Live in Relationship with a Hindu too.

I knew what I had.

But I also knew it would take me controlling my temper to keep her.

I tried as hard as I could to make my Live in Relationship with Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam work.

I had to.

Being a Hindu it was my duty.

Imām nārīm sukr’té dadhāt.

Not only it, being a good human being even, I had to adjust with Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam.

I wasn’t a plaster saint, by any means.

Everyone knew it.

Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam was also included in this everyone.

During our first few years of Live in Relationship, I had openly met several young Musalmān women on the internet.

There was something in the over possessive attitude of Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam that I felt somewhat imprisoned and even tortured by my new Live in Relationship.

The constant fighting that, she was a Musalmān and I was a Hindu, Kāfir, and threats of divorce, threw me over the edge.

The only distraction from that was in the safety of the anonymous interest of another Musalmān Beauty.

A Musalmān Beauty I had no ties or resentment toward.

I even met a few of the young Musalmān women in person.

Some would be only for brief talks, leading to more, but most were simply for my sexual unions.

I always let my temptations take me all the way, bravely.

I was a hyper sexual, a Parahuman.

I needed those Musalmān Beauties not only for my sexual satisfaction, but for my own survival as well.

Ordinary human beings couldn’t understand it very well.

But how could I help it?

By sacrificing my own life, my own existence?


I was not such a sucker, neither had I wanted to be, nor prepared to be, ever.

I never agreed I was wrong.

Why should have I?

I always used to have intercourse with other Musalmān Beauties  other than my Live in Relationship Partner, Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam.

It’s not that I wasn’t sexually attracted to my new Live in Relationship Partner, back then.

Eīshān Param Brahm Paramātmā, she was gorgeous.

Tall and sleek, she had the body of a competent Musalmān seductress.

Her breasts perked high in her tight, little tops.

I always loved the cuteness of a big-chested Musalmān Beauty.

They just always gave me a warm, sweet feeling; making me smile in satisfaction.

Her legs were something to be appreciated; long and tone, always silky smooth and tan.

She had one of those big gorgeous Musalmān asses that I would imagine a sexy heiress to the families fortune having.

Tight, round, almost giving off a conceited vibe, like it was actually saying, “I’m better for you”.

She had that nice, deep line running from the small of her back up between her shoulders and slender arms and fingers.

Her hands and feet were dainty, something I always loved about her.

Her hair was long and dark, absolute perfection and her eyes matched it in color and luster.

With full, pouty lips and a small, up-turned nose, she was constantly viewed by other people as stuck-up, vein or a bitch.

Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam had everything and I knew it.

But after our Live in Relationship, her looks became horribly skewed as I realized her communal mood swings, controlling attitude and just a general idea that I would wait on her, hand and foot, took its toll on my attraction to her.

I found myself not very anxious to have sex with her and I knew, this happening this early in a Live in Relationship was not a good thing.

Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam was only two years younger than me.

I found younger Musalmān women more open to my intentions.

Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam was the only exception.

I had never dated a Musalmān Beauty that made me wait for sex.

She was a virgin and intended on staying that way until Live in Relationship.

Usually Musalmān women from eighteen to, thirty, i.e. Jet Musalmān Beauties, were more sexually open to chance encounters with Hindu men whom they knew little about.

It was the age they learned of themselves, testing Hindu men with their sexuality, tempting them with their new-found Panjvaqtah Namāzī  Musalmān curves.

Once, in a chat room, I started talking to an eighteen year old Musalmān Beauty  and three hours later she was draining my Hindu Vīrý  down her Musalmān throat.

It was that easy, usually.

Most of the Musalmān Beauties  I met only once, and oddly enough, they were perfectly fine with that.

One girl in particular, I met more than once.

At twenty-one years old, slightly thick, with 38DD’s that were spilling over her bra, she was definitely something I never had usually.

Petite Musalmān girls had always been my thing.

The first night I met her, we talked and laughed. something I hadn’t done in a while with Al Jamāl Annisā Al Islam.

I constantly admired her excellent Musalmān breasts.

Almost like an expensive piece of chocolate I slowly peeled her tight shirt upward, my excitement building with every inch of her enormous Musalmān breasts coming into view.

My intentions were hers as well; we had discussed it beforehand.

“Yes, Hindu Al Buůūlatul Muslimāt, I’ll let you play with my Musalmān boobs,” seemed to echo in my mind on my way to meet her.

Her bra forced the top of her Musalmān breasts out over the edge.

She smiled at my overwhelming interest as she unhooked her bra, squeezing her massive Musalmān tits together, with her arms, as she let the straps fall from her shoulders.

Slowly she pulled the cups away and relaxed her arms back to our resting position.

The result was her gorgeous round globes were swaying and knocking together like a desk novelty.

I smiled teasingly at the sight.

I took my time with something as if, a well-endowed rack.

Light touches and strong squeezes excited me more then I knew possible.

Pressing them together, letting them sway, light squeezes turned to lustful squeezings.

I could feel her chest heaving, her breathing becoming louder, stronger.

Then a thought quickly came to me.

“Would you mind if I tit-fucked you? I want to do it to you more than before,” I asked, looking up at her from between her cupped breasts.

“Sure,” Åāýéshah Muħammad panted. “It looks like you’re having a lot of fun. Who am I to deny you, plus, this feels really good!”

I rose and straddled her waist, watched her palm the sides of her breasts, pressing us tightly against each other.

The sight alone made me drip precum.

I slowly slipped my straining Uncut Hindu Cock  into her massive Musalmān crease, letting the softness of her Musalmān  skin kiss my excited Uncut Hindu Lund.

My unquestionable Hindu arousal for this curiosity, the feeling of firm, huge Musalmān breasts sucking tightly on my naked Uncut Hindu Dick, the unbelievably Musalmān softness of them pressing against my Hindu pelvis overwhelmed me.

I tit fucked Åāýéshah Muħammad for almost half an hour.

I ultimately found my peak, letting loose strands of warm Hindu cum into her extremely beautiful Musalmān mouth.

She held it into her mouth, briefly gave it an accepting look, then looked me directly in the eyes and guided it into her mouth.

I watched, mesmerized, as her full red crimson Musalmān lips clamped down on the base of my Uncut Hindu Lund  and gently pulled my Uncut Hindu Lund  out; clean as a whistle.

Durgesh darling, méré Hindu Piyā, Hindu Al Buůūlatul Muslimāt, hum Musalmān ħasīnāonHindu Kħasam, Hindu husband of us Musalmān Beauties! Has anyone ever told you your Hindu cum is very sweetest?” Åāýéshah Muħammad teased me, swirling her tongue in her mouth; enjoying the remnants of her fresh oral sex with me.

“Actually, I’ve heard that a few times,” I smirked, still teasing her.

As she stepped out of my truck, she waved ‘Allah Ħāfiz’, ‘goodbye’ and we went our separate ways. Durgesh felt the bliss rising deep within me.

I talked to her on the phone, as well as on the internet after that, and met her on three other encounters.

One meeting I pulled up to her car, Åāýéshah Muħammad got out and climbed into my truck.

Not saying a word she unzipped my pants, pulled out my Uncut Hindu Lund and sucked me until I came forcefully into her beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān mouth.

Åāýéshah Muħammad swallowed, primed my leftover Hindu cum to the tip of my Uncut Hindu Cock, licked it off, zipped my pants back up, looked at me, smiled and said ‘Allah Ħāfiz’ once more.

That meeting was my favorite; to-the-point, raw, it was cut-and-dry and required no build-up.

Another time Åāýéshah Muħammad knelt down in a parking lot and sucked my excited Uncut Hindu Cock in full view of anyone deciding to park in the lot.

When Åāýéshah Muħammad could sense I was close to cumming, Åāýéshah Muħammad e held out her palm and gently massaged my Uncut Hindu Cock to orgasm.

She cupped her hand in front of the tip and let my warm, sweet Hindu juice puddle into it.

Åāýéshah Muħammad Hāshmī then rose up and began licking small quantities of it from her hand until all traces were gone.

My satisfied Uncut Hindu Cock began throbbing with each fast-paced heartbeat, as I watched her lap my most primal of Hindu fluids up like a hungry kitten.

I had never known a Musalmān Beauty  so comfortable, scratch that addicted to the taste of my Hindu semen.

Åāýéshah Muħammad Hāshmī had surpassed all the Musalmān Beauties that loved to enjoy my Hindu semen previously, in their Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān mouths so much.***

Muħammad Abdullah turned his car onto the gravel road and drove up the hill toward the clubhouse.

The brick building was about 2 miles up the road, in a little forest of pine trees.

It could not be seen from the road.

And unless you knew it was there, you wouldn’t even know it existed.

A generous patron had donated the somewhat isolated land and building to the local Explorer troop some years ago.

Even though it had been built in the 1940’s, the Explorers had taken good care of it, and it was very nice.

The grounds were well-kept with a nicely-trimmed lawn and a picnic area.

Inside, there was a meeting room, a kitchen, a bunk room, and a full gym with weight machines, a large mat room for boxing and wrestling, and a large shower area.

The Explorers were a group of teen-aged Hindu boys who were interested in going into law enforcement or fire-fighting careers.

They worked with local agencies to learn about the job and would meet at the clubhouse on Tuesday nights to discuss what they had learned and plan events and fundraisers.

Other than that, the Hindu Lund Muslim Choot International Club house was mainly a place for the guys to hang out and work on projects or work out in the weight room.

The leaders would come in most evenings and open the place from 6 pm to 8 pm if any of the guys wanted to work out.

But the weight room could get pretty crowded at times.

And the guys would sometimes have to wait awhile for their turn.

That was why Muħammad Abdullah had driven up there that night.

At the meeting the night before, I, one of his fellow leaders, had mentioned to him that I was going to stay late the following night and had told Muħammad Abdullah that he could come and work out if he wished.

Muħammad Abdullah’s school schedule was fairly light the following day, and he thought it would be great to be able to get in a workout without having to wait around for machines to open up.

As he neared the clubhouse, he saw that my car was parked in back, but no one else was there.

The outside light was on, as were the lights inside the gym area.

Muħammad Abdullah parked his car and walked over to the building.

It had been a warm spring day, but a cool breeze had begun to blow through the pines.

It was very quiet up there.

The only sound was the wind blowing through the trees.

Muħammad Abdullah breathed in the pine-scented air and enjoyed the moment.

It felt like he was way out in the country.

He had dressed for his workout in a t-shirt and some loose nylon running shorts.

Underneath his shorts, he was wearing a jockstrap and could feel the breeze blow up his shorts and across his butt.

He liked wearing a jock because of the way it snugly held his cut Musalmān nūnī and balls, while allowing him to feel otherwise naked underneath.

He walked into the gym and saw me sitting on the floor, stretching.

I was one of the older leaders.

I was 62 years old, 6′ 5″ tall, and weighed about 250 pounds, all solid muscle.

I constantly worked out and was very strong.

All the Hindus are strong, Muħammad Åbdullah thought retorting.

The sexiest men in entire infinite Creations and infinite time dimension too.

Muħammad Åbdullah himself was a Time Traveller and he himself knew Hindus were never anywhere as morals as the Musalmīn were everywhere.

Muħammad Åbdullah was suggested so many times to reconsider what his system of life should be for his future life.

He always refused whenever Hinduism was suggested to him to replace Islam.

He was already a Posthuman without resorting to the ever immortal ever sexiest Hinduism.

Muħammad Åbdullah couldn’t think himself fucking his friend’s Musalmān houseladies even.

Not even if his Musalmān friends were terrorists themselves.

How can he fuck the women he called Ammī once?

How can he fuck the women he called Bājī once?

How can he fuck the girls he called sisters once?

How can he fuck the women he called Bhābhījān once?


Muħammad Åbdullah would prefer even to die instead.

Let Durgesh and the other ever immoral Hindus do it.

Imām Nārīm sukr’té dadhāt!

To hell with such Sukr’ts.

Might is always right.

That’s what Hindus actually believe in.

Even Brāhmañs don’t agree in this matter with the so called Dvij Hindus and Bachhalyās.

Aren’t Brāhmañs the best of the Hindus?

The Bachhalyās were always immorals.

They always married only one Brahmkanyā, yet they always fucked the entire Brāhmañ houseladies of that household calling them Sālīwife, Salhajwife, etc.

The ever immoral Bachhalyās were the first who started incest.

Moreover, they argued it moral, religious and legal too.

A large number of Brāhmañs, called traditional Brāhmañs, always opposed Bachhalyās on it.

Ultimately Lord Parashu Rām had killed the immoral Bachhalyās consecutively for twenty one times, in twenty one Brāhm Kalp Cycles.***

I reveled in her complete raw sexual cravings, her uninhibited urges to milk my wanting Uncut Hindu Cock of every single drop of my nature.

But what was so intense to me was I had no idea who this Musalmān Beauty was, and she knew nothing of me.

Yet, she had absolutely no quaff with meeting this stranger Hindu  to satisfy my desires, to drink in my very Hindu essence.

“Allah, God, that tastes so good,” Åāýéshah Muħammad Hāshmī grunted.

I moaned, dazed from the delight.

Each encounter was something new and different.

A drastic change from the already staleness, sexually, I had already become accustomed to.

On our last encounter, I went to her house to see her.

She was like nothing I had ever met.

She stopped at nothing to amaze me.

She knew nothing would come of our meetings, but I felt, something inside her loved the attention.

I followed her upstairs to her bedroom, admiring the thigh high stockings and very short miniskirt that left nothing covered.

This, she knew, was one of my fetishes.

We had discussed some very, very sexy ideas and fantasies in our little chats.

In her bedroom Åāýéshah Muħammad Hāshmī  climbed up on top of me, her skirt rising high from her spread legs until her smooth, shaved Saůūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Choot  was easily in view.

“Relax Durgesh darling. Here let me take your pants off so you’re more comfortable,” Åāýéshah Muħammad Hāshmī teased in a little Musalmān Beauty voice.

She stripped away my pants along with my boxers.

Åāýéshah Muħammad Hāshmī  slowly sat back down on me, straddling my hardening Uncut Hindu Lund.

I felt the incredible wetness of her warm Saůūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Choot, her lips melting around the length of my engorged Uncut Hindu Lund.

Slowly Åāýéshah Muħammad Hāshmī  started slipping back and forth, drenching me in her Saůūdī Årab  Wahābī Musalmān juices.

“I love sitting on your Hindu lap Durgesh darling, while you fuck Åāýéshah Muħammad Hāshmī.” she winked at me as she peeled her spaghetti-strapped top up over her head, her large melons dropping and swaying from the release.

Åāýéshah Muħammad Hāshmī  lowered herself down onto my bare Hindu chest.

Her nipples softly slipped across my skin and then pressed against my Hindu chest.

I lay there in absolute ashvinātam ecstasy as Åāýéshah Muħammad Hāshmī  ground her sopping wet Saůūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Choot along my Hindu girth.

The slushing noises of all those juices being forced in-and-out, up-and-down, back-and-forth was enough to bring me over the edge.

“Hold on Durgesh darling, I’ve got to go get something,” Åāýéshah Muħammad Hāshmī  said as she rose up off me.

Cautioning my mind back in reality, I was cautious as I stared at her bare Saůūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Choot release itself from me.

Strands upon strands of her natural lubrication clung to my Uncut Hindu Lund, refusing the separation.

Well, the refusal was inevitable ultimately.

I’d fucked infinite outstanding Årab Musalmān Beauties in Absolute Space, Param Vyom, since I was brought into existence by my Eīshān Param Brahm Paramātmā.

It all had made its own infinite time cycle repeating itself again and again.

Musalmān Beauties had to fuck me consequently.

Even they couldn’t resist the temptation.

Their Musalmān Cunts demanded my Uncut Hindu Lund uncompromisingly.

I watched, bewildered, as clear droplets of desire splashed silently, from deep within her, against my lurching Uncut Hindu Cock.

I had rarely, seen a Musalmān Beauty so wet, even while I always fucked infinite of them actually.

Wasn’t it something special?

Certainly it was.

I watched her large, naked extremely beautiful extremely gorgeous Saůūdī Årab  Wahābī Musalmān ass as she walked into her sister’s room.

Her short skirt was lowering a little with every step.

Walking back into the room, Åāýéshah Muħammad Hāshmī  again straddled my hard Uncut Hindu Cock.***

It all made sense now.

Jamīlah Bū Pāshā could feel me — feel a man nearby.

The voices and images that had bombarded her made sense now — and they had washed away her old reality.

All Jamīlah Bū Pāshā remembered was being sucked up by the blue light into the Posthuman warship, and the gas she and the other Musalmān Beauties  had been subjected to….no, not gas exactly, the were tiny particles like…dust or…spores.


Jamīlah Bū Pāshā knew that now.

Finally, all of it made sense.

She had eons worth of memories; the biologically—encoded memories of a great race, an ancient race.

The body of knowledge that filled her brain overshadowed all ethical, political, or religious beliefs; her race—memory was all.

Jamīlah Bū Pāshā had awakened at long last from a prison of petty, weak, female morality and anxiety, and Jamīlah Bū Pāshā knew what Jamīlah Bū Pāshā had to do.

Increase. Reproduce.

Again, and again.

It was not a means to an end, reproduction was the end.

It would be beautiful; she was beautiful.

Jamīlah Bū Pāshā had been given a gift when the Posthumans sprayed her with their spores; Jamīlah Bū Pāshā knew that she did not need to age, she need not fear rejection.

Jamīlah Bū Pāshā knew that Jamīlah Bū Pāshā had a choice of any man… she was erupting with the power of limitless seduction — no matter a man’s station, commitment or preferences — Jamīlah Bū Pāshā could have me…Jamīlah Bū Pāshā could possess the best men…but… but…she didn’t want the best man…

Snarling, Jamīlah Bū Pāshā ran a hand across her slippery Panjvaqtah Namāzī ardent Saůūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Cunt .

No, she wanted…all Hindus!

All of them!

She would spread her legs, shake her extremely beautiful gorgeous glamorous excellent exquisite perfectly round firm Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab  Wahābī Musalmān ass for any chance to copulate with a Hindu.

She laughed when Jamīlah Bū Pāshā realized that normal Musalmān Beauties would be selective for the most suitable Hindu.


What mattered was breeding!

When Jamīlah Bū Pāshā had been human; Jamīlah Bū Pāshā had wanted only to attract the right Hindu; now Jamīlah Bū Pāshā could attract any Hindu, and wanted them all!

They thought she was an Egyptian.

‘Pāshā’ was an Egyptian surname.

Well, only her Abbū was an Egyptian Årab Musalmān.

Her Ammī was a Saůūdī Årab  Wahābī Musalmān.

Jamīlah Bū Pāshā closed her eyes, and felt a sweet sensation.

It was an aura that teased her senses like electric sugar.

Jamīlah Bū Pāshā could see glowing blue threads in the air,

Many of them with a common root — but with a few wild branches.

The glowing threads that waved and wandered in front of her seemed to radiate that energizing sweetness.

She grasped a tangential strand, and gained a flash of images — massive lovely Musalmān breasts, platinum blond hair, metal studs and piercings, a extremely lovely Musalmān feminine shape.

Jamīlah Bū Pāshā visualized herself putting the glowing strand in her ardent Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab  Wahābī Musalmān Pussy, and the sugary bliss intensified and stimulated her yet more.

Jamīlah Bū Pāshā was dimly aware of her flesh flowing, bones popping, chest expanding.

And in a flash, Jamīlah Bū Pāshā knew that Jamīlah Bū Pāshā had become the very soul of desire!

The sweetness grew more intense, and was accompanied by a sense of invincible power.

Jamīlah Bū Pāshā was desirable now, a perfect match…but….for what?

For a Hindu…Jamīlah Bū Pāshā could practically smell his anti-Islamic Hindu lust.

It was not the nature of the Hindu himself, but the strength of his Hindu libido that drew her.

It made no difference what he looked like.

Jamīlah Bū Pāshā knew that Jamīlah Bū Pāshā would spread herself for any Hindu even…Hindus from other planets?

Yes…yes…their Hindu libidos captivated her, made her wet, made her pulse flutter with longing.


There was a time when Jamīlah Bū Pāshā would have rejected a Hindu based on meaningless emotional impulses!

She scoffed at the human woman she used to be, Jamīlah Bū Pāshā was…. yes, a Musalmān Beauty.

She embraced the term as normal, natural.

Jamīlah Bū Pāshā had reached the inevitable evolution of the female Musalmān organism — absolute promiscuity.

She looked forward to impregnation — Jamīlah Bū Pāshā knew that Jamīlah Bū Pāshā could give birth offspring quickly, easily, without pain or risk of injury — in her new, advanced body Jamīlah Bū Pāshā realized the process would be highly pleasurable!

And imagine, Jamīlah Bū Pāshā had been afraid when the Posthumans had first captured her!

No…not Posthumans…

“Hindus,” she breathed.

Jamīlah Bū Pāshā was one of them now.

They were her people, her species.

It was human Musalmān Beauties that were Posthuman now.

Her new sisterhood ruled this planet.

And they would steal every living Hindu away from their own Musalmān Beauties.

But that had already been done.

Only a tiny handful of Hindus in the most remote places on Earth could have possibly escaped the Great Harvest.

Jamīlah Bū Pāshā knew that ships had even combed the Kalahari Desert and Amazon rainforests, to capture every possible Hindu to ejaculate into Musalmān Cunts for the Ashvinātam Empire.

But there was one left.

Durgesh must have somehow escaped.

He had a cunning, powerful mind, but his lust for fucking Musalmān Beauties nonstop was strong.

That was what drew her, the greater the Hindu’s lust, the more her own Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān sexual craving was fed — and Jamīlah Bū Pāshā knew Jamīlah Bū Pāshā had taken the shape of a deep—rooted desire.

Jamīlah Bū Pāshā was drawn to me like a magnet, from my Hindu sperm; Jamīlah Bū Pāshā would derive both pleasure and sustenance, from her Panjvaqtah Namāzī ardent Saůūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Cunt.

Durgesh would gain a potent addiction.

She loped forward to follow the strands of desire across the stripped soil where blue moss from the Hindus Homeworld had been planted.

Hindus Homeworld?


Jamīlah Bū Pāshā was not sure.

Hindus lived originally in Vyom, an immensely unapproachable Space with equally immensely unapproachable time dimension.

Their President, Durgesh, lived in still more immensely unapproachable Space, Param Vyom, the Absolute Space.

It was said that no man except Durgesh himself could stay male in Param Vyom.

He would immediately be transformed into an extremely beautiful woman, if he even enters there somehow.

What a security system.

Well, Durgesh is Parahuman, the ultimate evolution of Posthumans.

There was a ship; it was a small shuttle made from rough, bluish—purple crystalline blocks.

Not Hindus Manufacture.

Her race memory told her that it was made by an ingenious, telepathic species smarter on average than humanity, but far less fertile.

Nonetheless, the Hindus of that race could not restrain themselves from the limitless sexual indulgence the Hindus promised — and had thus become one more planet of lesbian savages and stud—slaves.


Masters actually.

Now, there were Hindus who had added that race’s genius and greater telepathy to the gene pool at large; making them all the more capable to conquer Trio Arabia Creations.

“Ashvinātam Intelligence is limited; Ashvinātam Lust is eternal.” Jamīlah Bū Pāshā droned, her race memory feeding her a popular Hindus maxim.

The mating instinct was a weakness shared by the smartest, strongest, toughest species — none could resist The Ashvinātam Empire.

And the leaders of this planet had been so eager to ejaculate their freedom and power into the accepting Musalmān Cunts of the First Wave agents.

This ship’s presence here was a mystery.

A mystery that Jamīlah Bū Pāshā would explore after she’d gotten a Musalmān crotch full of sweet, virile, human Hindu Semen.

A mystery that was fleeting, it seemed.

The bluish blocks began to fracture, crack and smoke.

In a few moments, it was clear that somehow, the ship was disintegrating from some reaction inside its own structure.

The blocks fragmented and faded into sandy debris, flowing downwards into a pile around the crash site.

Beneath the blocks oozed a substance that resembled molten metal that flowed in steely rivulets.

In less than a minute, evidence of the Posthuman craft had vanished, and what remained could easily resemble the melted wreckage of any human-manufactured aircraft.

And in the center, stood the Hindu.

I was wiry, of medium height for my species, not bulky, but with a hint of lean muscle.

Clean shaven, my black hair resembled a spiky crew-cut, and there was a fierce gleam of Uncut Hindu Cock—sure certainty in my smoldering eyes.

And my rod… my Hindumeat stood poised, half-erect as if ready at any moment to surge into steely rigidity.

My sausage—like Uncut Hindu Cock throbbed, seeming to beckon her forward.

Knots of desire twisted in her gut, and her Panjvaqtah Namāzī ardent Saůūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Cunt began to quiver with the raw instincts that burned in her Musalmān blood.

Chapter 2


1. More Creative Adult Sex in English from Durgesh

2.Durgesh in Hindi/Urdu

3. Science Fiction

4. On History

5. Commentary on Ved

6. On Hinduism

7. On Islam

20 Comments on “Kħātūn-e-Jannat:1”

  1. […] Tum isé sahlāné aur mujhsé chudvāné ké liyé hī Makkah Mukarramah sé yahān Hindusthān Ved Nagar āī ho. Āī ho […]

  2. […] Ved Nagar sé lagā huā thā yah ilāqah. […]

  3. […] Åbdullāh Hāshmī watched her elder brother, Muħammad Åbdullah, with immense […]

  4. […] worry. I’d be in Makkah Mukarramah as soon as the next flight from Ved Nagar would reach […]

  5. […] right. I received a call from my elder sister, Ruqayyah Muħammad Åbdullah when I was with Åāýéshah Siddīqah Sheikħ and […]

  6. […] “Perhaps you’ve forgotten, Durgesh darling that I made you pay Rupees one hundred crore more for the land you purchased in Ved Nagar.” […]

  7. […] took our time driving back to Ved Nagar where I […]

  8. […] Lund Muslim Choot International Club, Ved Nagar has played ‘Khai ké paan Banāras wālā’. I connected to the club and asked if they knew a […]

  9. […] The Bājīrāo Mastānī Apartments were one of the most ultramodern Apartments of Ved Nagar. […]

  10. […] that? You are forgetting that you are talking with the ACP responsible for law and order here at Ved Nagar. Well, why the hell don’t you open the bloody safe immediately and look it up? Imām Muħammad […]

  11. […] Ghayās Beg was an Associate Professor at recently established University of Ved Nagar in the department of behavioral […]

  12. […] “Ved Nagar,” she announced, and with that, the meeting came to order, “I understand, Dr. Åārifah Mustafā, that you and Nafīsah Salmān are briefing Evelyn Carter,” she noted her wristwatch, “―in an hour. Does Evelyn Carter have any idea of what’s at stake here?” […]

  13. […] At the moment both Lily Turner and she were expected in the president’s Oval Office to give Evelyn Carter a general picture of the lunch with Durgesh, the Mayor of Ved Nagar. […]

  14. […] had acquired a property at Ved Nagar in the name of Shaguftah […]

  15. […] Does she represent Sultanate of Oman here in Ved Nagar? […]

  16. […] you certain Muħammad Ůsmān isn’t playing some deep game with Ruqayyah Muħammad Åbdullah Bājī?” Fātimah Muħammad Åbdullah asked Naushād Åzīz Ibrāhīm […]

  17. […] Turner was still annoyed and still concerned with her failure to brief Evelyn Carter on me, Ved Nagar and my Svarūpé […]

  18. […] the second time in a week, he had lied to Jamīlah Bū Pāshā even about his hours, to get away from home […]

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