The Stunning Musalmān Houseladies: 1- Of my Musalmān friends-46

The Stunning Musalmān Houseladies

1: Of my Musalmān friends

Indro nirjyotishā tamso gā aduxat


Previous  Chapters

Chapter 46

Al Raħmān Al Åbbās family

Durgesh Al Saåīdah Al Zāfar

Durgesh Al Asmā Al Salmān

Durgesh Al Qamar Al Islam

Durgesh Al Shams Al Islam

I went to inspect the costume I was to wear, seeing that it was only a

stupid batman thing with a mask.

“No problem, I guess.” I thought.
I got ready for the party, putting on my costume and seeing what it looked like in the mirror.

It fitted me barely.

I was a tad more muscular than Muħammad Raħmān was.

And it was pretty cheap.

Overall, it was a fun suit, but the mask covered most of my head save for my mouth and eyes.

You could hardly tell it was I.

I myself was a strapping ever young man.

I started for Stavans since my childhood.

I was muscular from keeping up with the Trishapt.
As I looked in the mirror, I briefly wondered what Al Nādirah Al Åzīm would be wearing.

Muħammad Raħmān had forgotten to tell me what costume she was going to be dressed in, and I thought I might be in trouble if she had a mask, like me.

I tried to ignore it, but it had not escaped my awareness that Al Nādirah Al Åzīm was incredibly hot for her age.

My friends always ribbed me about what a beautiful sophisticated young Musalmān lady  she was, and even I had to admit she looked great.

Al Nādirah Al Åzīm was very petite, barely coming up to about 5’0″, but curvy in all the right ways.

She was already twenty-eight.

She had a pear shaped figure with incredibly wide, sexy hips.

She was a yoga instructor at a nearby studio, and as a result was incredibly lithe and fit.

She had small, perky B-cup breasts that perfectly complimented her tiny figure, but what really stood out was her incredible gorgeous Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān ass.

She had, even I could see, never ashamed to admit it as I was, an absolutely phenomenal ass.

It was perfectly round and bounced with her every step, making the most of her curvy, wide hips.

I’d often accidentally find myself staring at her tight Musalmān ass as she performed her morning yoga in the living room.

Even as a Bahū Bégum in late twenties, Al Nādirah Al Åzīm was a perfectly knockout.

I couldn’t believe how Al Muħammad Al Raħmān was ready to share her sexually, and socially even, with me.

I could never even think of to share any of my wife with anyone.

If some of my wife were adamant to want me to share her with anyone, I would have advised her to divorce me immediately.

If she wouldn’t I would have compelled her either to divorce me or have me exclusively.

A wife is a life partner.

A life partner should have only one partner exclusively to establish a good, happy, nice, strong and perfectly progressive family.

Most of the Westerners never realized the pivotal importance of the family in human life.

They have destroyed it mostly knowingly and somewhat unknowingly.

Now almost everywhere failed and collapsed political and social system, Communism, had destroyed family everywhere deliberately as one of its integral movement.

It has done more harm than benefits to humankind.

It has destroyed family, and even massacred millions of corporate or potential corporate financial leaders, thinkers and businesspersons.

If these all would have been allowed to live, the financial progress of the entire humankind would certainly have been sky rocketing.

Unfortunately in its immensely inexperienced unwise enthusiasm the almost everywhere failed and collapsed political and social system, Communism, had destroyed it all, deliberately, with deliberate movements against entire progress of humankind in several important fields.*

I said as I tried to pack more of my friend, Al Muħammad Al Åbbās’ daughter’s, belongings into the car.

“Al Qamar Al Islam, we’re running out of space in here. I don’t think you’ll be able to take anything else, really.”
My friend, Al Muħammad Al Åbbās’ daughter, Al Qamar Al Islam, was moving away to college for the year.

She kept trying the car with all of her stuff because her apartment and school were in another state, so she wouldn’t be able to easily pick up anything she left behind.

Why she chose such a far school, especially when the closer one was the same price, I’d never know.

“What? Durgesh darling,” Al Qamar Al Islam always called me Durgesh darling, instead of uncle, Daddy, or Dad.”

“You aren’t my uncle only anymore.” Al Qamar Al Islam had always explained, “My entire Buās, Kħālās, Chacīs, Mumānīs are your live in relationship partners actually, true, nevertheless, you have sex with my Ammī, Al Shams Al Islam as well.”

“Then call me, ‘Daddy’” I smiled impishly.

Al Qamar Al Islam smiled too,

“You aren’t my Daddy exactly as well.”


“You are only her Sex Therapist.”

“I’m your family Sex Therapist, idiot.” I laughed.

Al Qamar Al Islam winked at me,

“It means you would fuck me too, if needed?”

I watched her gravely.

“It’s a matter that should be decided by yourself, young lady, and by your parents, not by me.”

My voice was somewhat curt.

Yes, Al Qamar Al Islam was too beautiful to resist, nevertheless, there must be a limit of everything.

I was very pleased when Al Shams Al Islam Bhābhījān and my friend, Al Muħammad Al Åbbās, her husband, decided not to inaugurate their daughter, Al Qamar Al Islam.

Al Muħammad Al Åbbās’ parents as well as Al Shams Al Islam Bhābhījān’s parents were very much displeased on it.

“Nonsense, Al Muħammad Al Åbbās,” his Abbū, Al Muħammad Al Åzīm said curtly, “Allah Miyān have blessed you with multi millions. I myself was a millionaire. And by Allah’s fazlo Karam, by Allah’s immense grace, you have converted my million into multi millions. We aren’t poor enough that can’t afford Durgesh’s fee for inaugurating our daughters and granddaughters.”

“That isn’t the matter at all, Abbū.” Al Muħammad Al Åbbās smiled politely with all due respect to his learned successful father, Al Muħammad Al Åzīm.

“Then may I enquire what’s exactly the matter that you are leaving the medical problem of her cherry, and social problem of her mental development to lead a successful family life to an inexperienced unskilled Musalmān kid that would be called her husband?” Al Muħammad Al Åzīm said furiously, “The idiot is bestowed with the moral and sharaåī rights of even to slap, beat and divorce my beloved innocent granddaughters and you want even to risk their health medically and socially only to provide that immensely inexperienced bastard with the virginity of my granddaughters. I say…”

Al Muħammad Al Åbbās raised his hand.

“Please let me explain, Abbū. I plead to you.”

“I don’t want to argue with you anymore.”

“Abbū, please,”

“You know what happened to your Ammī, Al Sādiyah Al Waħīd, when we were married?” Al Muħammad Al Åzīm’s fury was increasing more and more.

“Abbū, those were the days of entirely unjust, unwise, orthodox traditions. Sex Therapy wasn’t accepted in those foolish days of unscientific self respect and family respect. The premarital sex wasn’t even criticized for male members of the family while the same was even a perfect reason for Honor Killings for the female members of the same family. We have left those unscientific days now too far behind. And you are still talking of Ammī’s…”

“Yes. That’s right. I’m still talking of your Ammī’s uncontrolled continuous nonstop bleeding due to the immense ignorance and entire inexperience of both of us of sex.” Al Muħammad Al Åzīm shouted, “We believed in the immense sanctity of virginity of the bride unless she isn’t married. We forgot if Ħuzūr sallallāhu ålayhi wa sallam  had insisted on it, he would never have married Ummil Mominīn Ħazrat Kħadījatul Kubrā razī Allāhu tålā ånahā even. We are Musalmīn. Why the hell we don’t follow Ħuzūr sallallāhu ålayhi wa sallam  intellectually?”


Ħuzūr sallallāhu ålayhi wa sallam  never married with the pre-condition of virginity of the potential bride.”


He sallallāhu ålayhi wa sallam married Ħazrat Sawdah razī Allāhu tålā ånahā. Was she a virgin when Ħuzūr sallallāhu ålayhi wa sallam  married her? Why the hell, the Muħsin-e-Insāniyat sallallāhu ålayhi wa sallam married Ħazrat Sawdah razī Allāhu tålā ånahā while he could marry any virgin he sallallāhu ålayhi wa sallam wanted to if the virginity of the bride was that necessary in Islam?”

Al Muħammad Al Åbbās didn’t say anything.

He listened to his great Abbū, Al Muħammad Al Åzīm, immensely respectfully with immense proud of him.

He wasn’t Al Muħammad Al Åzīm in his name only.

He was really Åzīm, really great, in his thinking and in his actions as well.

Only the one incidence of his life had changed Al Muħammad Al Åzīm entirely.

He loved Al Muħammad Al Åbbās’ Ammī beyond credibility even.

She was suffering from continuous bleeding for a long time, despite the continuous medical treatment of her.

Al Muħammad Al Åzīm was crazy to save her life.

He wasn’t millionaire then.

The necessity of enormous money to save his innocent wife’s life compelled Al Muħammad Al Åzīm to work crazily day and night to extend his otherwise normal business.

It didn’t only save his wife’s life.

It made him a millionaire as well.*

After Al Jalāl Al Islam recovered ultimately, her husband, Al Muħammad Al Åzīm, faced an absolutely different problem.

He couldn’t start his normal life with his otherwise extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān wife, Al Jalāl Al Islam.

She was too afraid of sex to let him even put his hand sexually on her body.

“Allah,” Al Muħammad Al Åzīm couldn’t raise his head from sajdah after completing his Salaāt-e-Shukr, “What the hell have I done in my utter ignorance and entire inexperience. I can’t see her in this way. My Master, Allah, Rabbil Åālmīn. Forgive me for every sin I’ve done either knowingly or unknowingly. I promise you I won’t touch her ever if you don’t want to let me touch her. Yet, please return her to her normal life.”


Closing the door of my library, I watched Al Muħammad Al Åzīm respectfully.

“Yes, uncle, you were very impatient to meet me. Here I am. What can I do for you? You never needed to come here. If you have only called me I would have been glad to serve you being myself present there immediately.”

Al Muħammad Al Åzīm’s eyes were filled with tears of immense remorse.

“First of all, I want your forgiveness, my son. Please, forgive me.”

“Uncle, you never need to degrade yourself in front of your children. I’m sorry about that incident.”

“You don’t need to. You never need to. Al Fātimah Al Åzīm herself raped you virtually. She has convinced me now. You were never responsible even slightly. I misbehaved with you immensely. Al Fātimah Al Åzīm is my youngest sister and I caught you with her red handed.”

“It’s alright uncle, I understand.”

“You were in missionary position with Al Fātimah Al Åzīm. You both were nude. Your pe..penis was visiting her va..vagina vehemently passionately. You were on top of her between her Just eighteen Just Adult legs. I couldn’t control myself.”

“It’s alright.”

“You Hindus don’t have any issue with premarital sex but we Musalmīn believe it’s a gunāh-e-åzīm, a great sin.”

“I know uncle.” I tried to smile, “My Ammī Ħazrat is your own cousin. You know she is herself an ardent Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān lady. I understand what Islam is and what not. I am both Hindu and Musalmān simultaneously. My father is a Hindu but my mother is a Muslim.”

“I know that. I know that.” Al Muħammad Al Åzīm had to exert immense effort to keep himself calm and under control.

He wasn’t used to it.

It was 1970 A.D.

Bhārtīý Jantā Party was not the world’s single largest political Party those days.

Indira Gandhi was Prime Minister of India and V. V. Giri was the President.

It was quite unimaginable then the Indian National Congress would downfall sometimes to the forty four MPs and Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi, Manishankar Iyer and Salman Khurshid would be so desperate, with entire Indian National Congress even, that they would commit anti National political activities even shamelessly.

Al Muħammad Al Zāfar was one of the AlMaghazoobi

ålayhim azzvāllīn suffering under Innallāh lā yahdī


As most of the other Musalmīn, he too thought Indian National Congress was really supporting Musalmīn and RSS and Bhārtīý Jantā Party, then Bhārtīý Jansangh, dissolved in 1977, were anti Musalmīn.

He couldn’t even imagine Indian National Congress was using Musalmīn only as a Vote Bank.

“I know you know that.” I smiled politely and respectfully, “I am not telling you that. I’m only reminding you that I can’t do anything to harm you and your family members. We aren’t two separate families altogether. We are family members.”

“Thanks for still accepting me one of the family members.” Al Muħammad Al Åzīm said gratefully, “I’ve done something very wrong to you. That’s why I hesitate asking you to do something for me only you can do. I need your favor.”

“I see.”

“Would you be generous enough that…”

Al Fātimah Al Åzīm suddenly entered there.

“Abbū, you haven’t any right…”

I raised my hand.

Al Fātimah Al Åzīm, please. You left your Abbū’s house and came here to me. I tried to explain you my best why it wasn’t a good move. You rejected my advice. You refused to return to your Abbū’s home. It’s all right. It’s your decision. You are adult now. I can’t compel you to follow what I advise. Nevertheless, you please understand, he is my maternal uncle after all, even if you don’t want to respect him as your elder brother. Please, no bad manners.”

Al Muħammad Al Åzīm smiled ironically.

“It’s all right, Durgesh. Let her tell me whatsoever she wants to.”

“You don’t deserve any favor from Durgesh.” Al Fātimah Al Åzīm said curtly, “I won’t let him to be as generous as you want him to be.”

“Are you Durgesh’s one more wife now, Al Fātimah Al Åzīm?” Al Muħammad Al Åzīm asked gravely.

“That’s none of your business. You have ordered me to leave your home. I have followed your order. You have told me we are dead to each other. That’s okay with me. Now it isn’t anything for your concern at all what I do and what I don’t.”

“That was my tremendous mistake, Al Fātimah Al Åzīm,” Al Muħammad Al Åzīm said, “I was furious at that time. What I said in my blind fury then doesn’t mean a single damn thing. Forget that and you may return to your home whenever you want to, even if you don’t want to accompany me right now.”

“Thank you very much. I don’t need anything from you now. You said we are dead to each other. Let’s remain so.”

“Māmūjān,” I tried to mediate between them, “she is as furious now as you were then. You said what you told then in your blind fury doesn’t mean any single damn thing. The same principle is applicable here too. Forgive her please. In her blind fury now she too doesn’t understand what she is saying.”

“Nonsense.” Al Fātimah Al Åzīm said, “I am not in any blind fury. I have taken now this decision with my mind quite cold and calm. I would never return there. And, Durgesh, you don’t worry as well. I am myself a millionaire. My maternal grandmother has gifted me enough money to take care of myself. There is even a group of industries that, she has gifted to me. I would never be any financial burden on you. As far as our adult life is concerned, well, I never intend to release you from my clutches. I don’t want to act as a bitch. Not to you. Never. But if you compel me, I can’t help it. I don’t believe in any damn traditional values. But you are my dream man, and I would never let you leave me. I love that great Uncut Hindu Penis of yours between my perfectly adult, Just eighteen Just Adult, Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān legs.”

I smiled.

“Okay, extremely beautiful bitch, you are most welcome in my adult life.”

Al Muħammad Al Åzīm tried to say something but he changed his mind understanding the inappropriateness of the situation.

He turned to me.

Durgesh, I still need a favor from you only you can do to me, none else.”*

I smiled at Al Saåīdah Al Zāfar.

“As soon as the car stops, open the door, grab your gown and wrap it around yourself. I’ll yank up my shorts, and then pick you up and carry you to bed…”

Saåīdah Zāfar interrupted me,

“No Durgesh, you need to take care of Ammī.”

“Let me finish.” I interrupted her. “Telling your Ammī you fell asleep. Once we get to your room, I can put you down and go take a quick shower before joining your Ammī in bed. Okay?”

“Allah Allah. Thank God we’re home.” Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān announced turning into our driveway and hitting the opener.

We drove into the garage, and as soon as the car stopped my door was thrown open, Saåīdah Zāfar jumped out and grabbed her gown off the floorboards.

She quickly wrapped herself in it as I yanked up my shorts.

Jumping out of the car, I swept her up into my arms, and called out.

“Bhābhījān, Saåīdah Zāfar’s asleep, I’ m going to put her to bed. Then I need a shower. I’m sweaty from the ride. I’ll meet you in bed. Okay, mérī Jān? ”

I hurried into the house before My friend, Muħammad Zāfar’s wife, Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān,  could ask any questions.

Practically running through the darkened house I prayed that I wouldn’t trip on anything as I ran up the stairs and down the hall.

Safely making it to Saåīdah Zāfar’s bedroom, she reached down and opened the door.

I stepped over the threshold, neither of us missing the symbolism.

Before I could put her down, she was kissing me and pulling me to her.

Her hungry beautiful Musalmān eyes begged me to stay, but now it was my turn to be the strong one.

“I so want to, Al Saåīdah Al Zāfar,” I said to her unspoken request, “and one night soon I will. But for now we can’t.”

I said it putting her down on her bed.

She pouted and opened her dress so I could get a good long look at her beautiful young adult Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān body.

Leaning down I kissed her beautiful red crimson Musalmān lips and rubbed her clit with my Uncut Hindu Cock.

Tearing myself away, I stood up and turned to the door.

Durgesh, before you leave…”

I turned back to her.

She dropped to her knees and pulled down my shorts exposing my hard Uncut Hindu Dick again.

And taking it in her mouth, she started to rub her pretty Musalmān Cunt as she sucked me to full hardness.

Pulling her head away, she looked at me in the eyes,

“Go make Ammī as happy as you made me, and one day we can all make each other happy.”

I nodded and smiled, taking one last long hard look at Al Saåīdah Al Zāfar.

Then I pulled up my shorts and I left her room.

As I shut the door, I heard a slight buzz, and she moaned,

“Ohh Durgesh, fuck my Musalmān Cunt, while Ammī sits on my face.”

I paused willing myself not to look back.

I pulled the door closed and headed into the master bath.

My friend, Muħammad Zāfar’s wife, Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān, hadn’t made it to our room yet, so I stripped off my clothes and threw them in the hamper.

I turned on the water to very hot, and began to scrub all traces of my friend, Muħammad Zāfar’s daughter from my body.

I took extra care to wash my Uncut Hindu Cock  and balls making sure no trace of her, or my earlier orgasm remained.

I dried myself off and wrapping a towel around my waist, I walked into the bedroom where my friend, Muħammad Zāfar’s wife, Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān, was standing in the heels and hose she wore to the wedding, but the rest of her outfit was like nothing I had seen before.

I didn’t even have words to describe it except what I said to her.


She smiled and did a pirouette.

“Do you like it?” she asked innocently batting her eyelashes at me as I just stared and drooled at her.

It was white, and looked very bridal.

“Ůzrah showed it to me in a catalog and told me it was what she was wearing under her wedding dress, and would be wearing tonight when she and her Hindu husband …” That was the last word spoken as I grabbed her and threw her onto the bed burying my face into her exposed and freshly waxed Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Pussy.

“There’s your welcome material.”  She said.

Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān was moaning and bucking her hips as I drove my lips.

All too soon, she moaned,

“Fuck me now or lose me forever,” and I goosed her perfect gorgeous Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān ass.

It was a game we had played every time, we made love.

The first time we made love was in a movie theater.

We were watching Top Gun, and when I slid into her, Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān said,

“Take me to bed or lose me forever.” Since that night, she always repeated that line when she wanted my Uncut Hindu Dick inside her.

I pulled my face away from her, causing her to shudder in pleasure.

I climbed up her nude beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān body.

She smiled at me and said,

Durgesh, Al Muħammad Al Zāfar got called out of town on business on our wedding night. Since you are my favorite man in the whole wide world, I decided to spend my wedding night with you.”

I shuddered at how much her voice sounded like Ůzrah’s.

I didn’t respond for caution my voice would betray my thoughts.

She whispered in my ear,

“I won’t be mad but I always wondered…did you ever fuck Ůzrah? I believe she won’t let you not to.”

My Uncut Hindu Cock grew as she said that in my ear, and I drove it home.

“Allah! OH God, Durgesh. You’re so big…bigger than Al Muħammad Al Zāfar. It feels so good, Durgesh.”

I began to furiously thrust into Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān picturing Ůzrah wearing the exact same lingerie My friend, Muħammad Zāfar’s wife, Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān, was wearing.

Just then, I realized what a grand Bhogchakr I had.

I had an 18 year old daughter of my friend Al Muħammad Al Zāfar who wanted to sleep with me, and is willing to share me with her gorgeous Ammī, and his second daughter too that just might join in the fun.

I savagely fucked Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān roughly squeezing her beautiful Musalmān tits.

Sweat was dripping off my body and each time a drop landed on her body she convulsed in pleasure.

After a long session, my balls were boiling and my Uncut Hindu Dick was tensing up in preparation to blast my Hindu cum deep into My friend, Muħammad Zāfar’s wife, Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān’s Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Pussy once again.

I grunted.

“I’m about to blow…”

“You are always welcome, Durgesh. I’m even ready to have your baby always. Al Muħammad Al Zāfar would never mind.”

My senses went onto overload.

I pushed my Uncut Hindu Cock into her Musalmān slit deeper and aimed at her inside bottom penetrating her womb even.

The first blast came a fraction of a second later, and to me it sounded like a howitzer, as each blast exploded from my Uncut Hindu Dick and found its target.

Each time my Hindu cum struck into her womb she moaned in desire as it was hammering into her cunt simultaneously.

The fourth blast was the last one and it hit her as her orgasm over took her body and sent her into full body convulsions.

She gasped and moaned and I let the last of my cum spill from my cock into her hot Musalmān womb.

I fell on her listening to my friend, Muħammad Zāfar’s wife, Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān, as her orgasm ended.

I just lay there breathing trying to control of my body, listening to my friend, Muħammad Zāfar’s wife, Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān, panting form her own explosion.

I pulled myself up using the bed and sit on it.

My friend, Muħammad Zāfar’s wife, Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān, lay there looking so sexy in her lingerie, with her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Pussy covered with my Hindu cum, and a sheen of sweat covering her skin, I couldn’t resist.

I picked up my cell phone and took several dozen pictures of her.

I even took some extreme close up video of her body starting from her cute toes and working up to her still wet Musalmān pussy and then on to each breast, and I continued up to her face.

Putting my phone down, I took her hand in mine and just held it waiting until she was ready to speak.

“Allah, God, that was intense.”

She sighed as she tried to sit up.

I helped her up and handed her several tissues from the nightstand to wipe her face off with.

Taking a deep breath, she looked at me without taking the tissues from me.

“Honey, I need to know, did you ever fuck my daughter?”

Not wanting to lie, I looked her square in the eye and said “The last time I saw Ůzrah naked was when she was 6 and I was giving her a bath while you were out of town, when she had that broken arm. We never did anything like that.”

Nodding she accepted my answer, not thinking to ask about Saåīdah Zāfar, and I exhaled in relief.

“She would you know. She told me more than once, the reason she married her husband, is because he is too a Hindu. She has a bit of an Electra Complex.”

My Uncut Hindu Dick tried to stir, but my balls sent in a rain check since they were totally drained of cum.

My Uncut Hindu Dick said what the hell and started to grow anyway.

“I know how you feel about her, hell the whole family does and we all know she wants you and you want her. When she gets home, you have my permission to make love to her.”

I stood there in shock.

Was my friend, Muħammad Zāfar’s wife, Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān, actually suggesting I sleep with her married daughter?

I couldn’t help but wonder.

“Umm I take you up on that very generous offer. Thank you very much.
Bit I reminded myself that I had fucked her youngest daughter less than an hour ago, and she didn’t know it.

I decided this was not the time to confess to her, but to reassure her I wasn’t mad and to plant the idea that maybe it was okay with me if she decided to be more than an Ammī to our four boys.

I leaned close to her.
Her eyes met mine and we kissed.

It wasn’t a passionate kiss but it was powerful and brought us emotionally closer than we ever had been before.

We stared at each other silently for over an hour, just holding hands and enjoying.

As the sun was rising, she stood up and went into the bathroom to wash.

I laid down naked in our bed, and soon Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān joined me wearing nothing but a smile.

She was lying on her side facing at me.

I slid up against her, and reached over her body gently holding her breast.

She moaned in pleasure.

I moved my hips against her and she spread her legs.

My hard Uncut Hindu Cock easily found her wet Musalmān hole and we slowly and gently made love.

No words were exchanged, this was not for pleasure this was the joining of two people into one.

It was the most intense experience I had ever had with her recently.

After what seemed like a week of long slow strokes into my friend, Muħammad Zāfar’s wife, Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān’s pussy, my Uncut Hindu Dick finally convinced my balls to send a rush order of Hindu cum and once again I emptied myself into a warm wet Musalmān pussy.

As my seed filled her, my friend, Muħammad Zāfar’s wife, Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān, moaned and grasped the hand holding her breast pushing it into the soft flesh, whispering, “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” I replied as we lay there joined together, never wanting to pull apart.

As she drifted off to sleep, I said, “Ħamīd the bellboy was right.” as we lay in bed together, glowing from our lovemaking. “Saåīdah Zāfar and I did grow a lot closer during the car ride. I think we’ll be spending a lot of time together from now on.”

Glad to hear it dear.” she murmured sleepily as I lightly caress her naked breast.

Al Asmā Al Salmān Bhābhījān drifted off to sleep, and I lay there wondering what life was going to be like from now on, wondering how to get Ůzrah to go for a road trip on my lap.

Maybe with her real Abbū, Al Muħammad Al Zāfar, driving this time.

Chapter 47


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2. Flowers never weigh

3. Durgesh Sanā Rashīd

4. The Stunning Musalmān Houseladies 43, 45. 46


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1. More Creative Adult Sex in English from Durgesh

2.Durgesh in Hindi/Urdu

3. Science Fiction

4. On History

5. Commentary on Ved

6. On Hinduism

7. On Islam