The Durgesh Obsession: 14

The Durgesh Obsession


Previous Chapters

Chapter 14

Durgesh Fātimah Saåīd

Durgesh Åāyeshah Taymūr 

Fātimah Saåīd could definitely smell cum, strong virile male and female cum.

Åāyeshah Taymūr had fucked Durgesh definitely to her heart’s content.

Fātimah Saåīd had herself watched.

Her entire beautiful Musalmān lady friends enjoyed sex with Durgesh very much.

They squeezed Durgesh’s ceaselessly unyielding, ever impulsive, ultimate skilled, matchless, extreme manifest Uncut Hindu Lund playfully as soon as they were near him.

Durgesh also squeezed their beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān boobs and buttocks playfully entirely unashamed of it.

It was normal for her entire beautiful Musalmān lady friends and Durgesh, both.

They had their own kind of morals.

Extramarital sex wasn’t abnormal for them, neither immoral.

Åāyeshah Taymūr said.

“Sex is a normal love between a consenting male and female. What’s wrong in it if they both enjoy it?”

Fātimah Saåīd was startled.

“You are a married woman, Åāyeshah Taymūr.”

“So what? I’m twenty eight years old now. I have a right to marry anyone I damn please as soon as I was Just Eighteen Just Adult.”

“That’s not I’m talking of.”


“Taymūr Bhāī loves you very much.”

“I too love him.” Åāyeshah Taymūr raised her beautiful eyebrows, “I changed my surname even including his name in mine. I married a Pakistani though I am a Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān myself.”

“You are not loyal to him.”

“What do you mean?”

“You have extramarital sex with Durgesh.”

Åāyeshah Taymūr smiled sarcastically.

“I see. So you are jealous of your beautiful Musalmān lady friends.”

“Nonsense. They call Durgesh Anant Muslimātchod Hindu.”

“So what? Durgesh has incredibly infinite lust to have sex with us beautiful Musalmān houseladies. He fucks us as wildly, as passionately, as even our over religious over moral Musalmān husbands can never. Why should we be the damnfool enough not to take advantage of it and enjoy it? Our husbands can’t provide us as much sex as Durgesh does. Our husbands can’t provide us as much money as Durgesh does.”

“Oh, so you are after Durgesh’s endless money?” Fātimah Saåīd asked Åāyeshah Taymūr sarcastically.

“Why should not we, if we can get it?”

“Isn’t it prostitution?”

“Certainly it is if you think so.”

“What do you mean?”*

Chapter 15


More Creative Adult Sex in English from Durgesh

2.Durgesh in Hindi/Urdu

3. Science Fiction

4. On History

5. Commentary on Ved

6. On Hinduism

7. On Islam

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