Ahal-Al Bayt


Previous Chapters

Chapter 41

Durgesh Safiyah bint Ħayī
Durgesh Saiyadah Āmnah Åbdullah PhD

The Everbest Friend of Muħammad

Saiyadah Āmnah Åbdullah PhD smiled at Safiyah bint Ħayī.
She could not believe Safiyah bint Ħayī was also there.
Allah, how she hated Durgesh and other Hindus.
“They always fuck us beautiful Musalmān houseladies and Musalmān Beauties. Allah, what a religion. ‘Fuck Musalmān Beauties’ ‘Fuck beautiful Musalmān houseladies’ ‘Break their even perfect home with their Musalmān husband’. These are the teachings of Hinduism. Can you ever believe a religion can be so communal.” Safiyah bint Ħayī had argued with Saiyadah Āmnah Åbdullah PhD once.*

Things at home began to change the night she popped the question.
Safiyah bint Ħayī and Muħammad had been married for 21 years.
Safiyah bint Ħayī was a housewife and as far as Muħammad knew had always been faithful.
They were in bed reading as they always did to unwind at night, when she asked the unthinkable.
“Did you ever let fuck Durgesh your mother?”
“Do what?” Muħammad responded confusingly.
“You heard me.” Safiyah bint Ħayī continued. “Durgesh is ever young. He has fucked almost your every Panjvaqtah Namāzī ardent Musalmān wife sooner or later. Sometimes you resisted, sometimes not. Yet, Durgesh never stopped fucking your wives. Your Ammī is a tremendously sophisticated mature Musalmān lady. Yet, she is still athletic and dangerously beautiful. I wonder as you so liberally let Durgesh fuck your beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī ardent Musalmān wives, have you similarly ever let Durgesh fuck your Ammī as well.”
“What kind of demented question is that?” Muħammad asked, being angry somewhat.
Safiyah bint Ħayī smiled sophisticatedly.
“It’s not demented… in fact it’s quite common, most people just don’t talk about it. Yet, they do. I know most of my Panjvaqtah Namāzī ardent Musalmān extremely beautiful women friends whose husbands let Durgesh fuck their beautiful Musalmān wives. You’ll wonder that they even manage somehow to let Durgesh fuck their Ammīs too.”
Muħammad smiled sarcastically.
“They do it to keep their Ammīs mouth shut. The daughters in law insist their mothers in law must also fuck Durgesh so that they can’t object/criticize their daughters in law’s similar relationships with Durgesh.”
“That’s right. I think you can talk to your wife of all people about it now, don’t you?” She asked.
“No, I didn’t let Durgesh fuck my Ammī. I believe that’s not a good thing for a son. and last time I checked it was against the law.” Muħammad stated.

Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, chuckled.
“Yeah, so is adultry and last time, Muħammad, I heard ninty-percent of the married population was commiting it.” She answered.
“Well, I certainly hope our marriage is one of the ten percent.” Muħammad said.
Safiyah bint Ħayī rolled her eyes and smiled.
“Then you at least fantasized about Durgesh fucking your Ammī?” She said.
“No, I didn’t fantasize, Safiyah bint Ħayī, she is my Ammī, lillāh, for God’s sake!” Muħammad shouted.
Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, shook her head.
“Liar.” She said. “Most all teenaged Musalmān boys even now fantasize about Durgesh fucking their Ammīs, it’s a well known fact. You fantasized about Durgesh fucking your Ammī as Durgesh fantasizes about fucking me.”
“Safiyah bint Ħayī, that’s crazy, how could you say that about Durgesh?” Muħammad asked.
“Because it’s true… I am no different to Durgesh than most other Musalmān ladies of my age who dream of getting Durgesh between thier Panjvaqtah Namāzī ardent Musalmān legs while their husbands are at work. It’s perfectly natural.” She said.
“You don’t know that.” Muħammad said.
“Dear, trust me, I’m his Musalmān Salhaj, his Musalmān sister in law and Durgesh’s Musalmān Salhajs know these things.” She said.
“Oh, come on, Safiyah bint Ħayī, you act as though you know what Durgesh is thinking of you.” Muħammad said.
“Durgesh’s Musalmān Salhajs usually know more about Durgesh than you think.” She said.
“Oh, really, what do you know about Durgesh that I don’t?” Muħammad asked boldly.
“Muħammad, I know that Durgesh fucks my beautiful Musalmān lady friends three times a day, sometimes four. He fantasizes about rubbing his Uncut Hindu Lund between my legs, with my toe-nails painted red. He frequents my cloths hamper when you and I are gone and likes to put his Uncut Hindu Lund into the crotch of my dirty panties. He also likes my Musalmān lady friends with big Musalmān breasts. Would you like to know more?” She asked.
Muħammad was struck by her words.
“How do you know all these things?” Muħammad asked.
Safiyah bint Ħayī smiled mischevously.

” Durgesh’s Musalmān Salhajs have their ways.” She answered.
“Surely you don’t talk to Durgesh about these things.” Muħammad asked.
“Dear, just as you go to work and and do things that are of no concern to Durgesh and I, a Durgesh’s Musalmān Salhaj and Durgesh have their own little world here at home, that a Musalmān sālā of Durgesh shouldn’t concern himself with.” She said.
“Safiyah bint Ħayī, you and Durgesh aren’t…” Muħammad couldn’t finish.
“Fucking?” She said with a smile. “If Muħammad, I were fucking Durgesh, then that would mean that I was attracted to him. That’s not really the type of thing that a wife would confess to her husband.”
Muħammad was starting to feel his Musalmān blood boil.
Allah, not Safiyah bint Ħayī too.
Not Safiyah bint Ħayī too.
Can’t he has at least only one Musalmān wife that never fucks Durgesh?
Is it necessary that Muħammad’s every ardent Musalmān wife must fuck Durgesh, even if she doesn’t fuck Muħammad himself?
“Safiyah bint Ħayī, just tell me, yes or no. Are you and Durgesh having sex?” Muħammad pleaded.
As his face turned red Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, giggled a little and ran her fingers gently across his face.
“Sweetie, you’re letting yourself get all worked up. This is really bothering you, isn’t it?” She asked almost gloatingly.
“I just feel I have a right to know!” Muħammad stated.
“No, you don’t have a right to know. Darling, I love you, but you are a sālā and a husband, and have no place in Musalmān Salhaj Hindu Nandoī relationship. What takes place when your not in this home is neither your business nor your concern. If the Musalmān Salhaj and Hindu Nandoī in this home are fucking, then you’ll be no different than any other unsuspecting Musalmān sālā and will never know about it.” She said.

Safiyah bint Ħayī gave Muħammad a light peck on the lips and smiled warmly.
“You’re tired and you have a full day tomorrow. Get some sleep, love.” She said.
“Safiyah bint Ħayī, if you and Durgesh really fuck after I’ve gone, I’ve lost you too to Durgesh for ever. You will never return to me. No one returned.
Once with Durgesh,
All the rest is trash
Safiyah bint Ħayī only smiled cunningly*

That night, Muħammad could hardly sleep.
The next morning Muħammad woke up like all the others.
Safiyah bint Ħayī fixed him breakfast and ushered him to the door.
Safiyah bint Ħayī wore a flimsy silk robe which hug her big boobs beautifully.
Muħammad saw me come down the stairs in my boxers and head for the couch.

“He’s up early.” Muħammad said.

“Yeah, I told him he could help his Musalmān Salhaj paint her toe-nails and do her dirty laundry.” She said with a grin.

Muħammad’s stomach sunk.

“So what else are you two up to today?” Muħammad inquired suspiciously.

“Oh, I’m sure we’ll find things to keep ourselves occupied.” She answered, smiling from ear to ear. “You better go, dear, you’ll be late.” She finished.

Muħammad walked out the door only to have it slammed behind him.
As Muħammad walked to my car he listened to Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, lock the inside latches and wondered to himself what type of world she had created for Durgesh when Muħammad wasn’t around.
Alarmingly, imagining Safiyah bint Ħayk and me fucking, Muħammad felt his own cut Musalmān nūnī stiffen within his pants.

Damn, Muħammad knew Muħammad should have been more trustful to his Musalmān wife!
All day long Muħammad couldn’t focus on his work.
Muħammad’s mind was burning with a question he never thought Muħammad would have to ask Himself.
Are Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, and 64 year old Hindu Bahnoī, Durgesh, really fucking?
Well, wasn’t it more than possible?
Finally, about noon-time Muħammad picked up the phone so Muħammad could call home to get some indication of what we were doing with our day.
It rang and rang and finally, Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, answered.

“H…Hello…” She said. Muħammad could tell Safiyah bint Ħayī was panting, out of breath.

“Hi honey, it’s just me.” Muħammad said.

There was a peculiar repetative sound in the background, like skin slapping against skin.

“Sweetie, I…Muħammad, I can’t—” She took a sharp breath.
Her voice seemed to quiver.
“Muħammad, I can’t talk right now, call me back later.”

She hung up on Muħammad.
Muħammad’s stomach went into Muħammad’s legs as a sick feeling passed through him.
He never dreamed Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, would have an affair, especially with renowned Musalmān Beauties fucker, renowned extremely beautiful Musalmān houseladies fucker, Durgesh.
Could it be so?

Muħammad left work early that day.
Muħammad wanted to do more investigating.
Muħammad had to be sure.
He drove down the street only to see Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, and me pulling out of the driveway in Durgesh’s big royal car.
Muħammad followed us to the mall on the other side of town.
Secretly, Muħammad snuck inside the mall entrance behind us.
Muħammad was shocked to find Safiyah bint Ħayk and me hand in hand, as if two ashvinātam lovers were out shopping.
Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī’s behavior was as if that of a horny teenaged Musalmān girl.
Muħammad watched as Safiyah bint Ħayī and I pranced in and out of stores together arm in arm like young kids in love.
Yet neither Safiyah bint Ħayī nor I was young actually.
Safiyah bint Ħayī was a 38 year old married woman and I was an everyoung 64 year old sophisticated man.
Even so, Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, was all over me.
She had never been this touchy-feely with Muħammad, but Safiyah bint Ħayī couldn’t keep her hands off me.
Muħammad watched in shock as we sat on a bench together.
Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, had her arms around my neck, running her fingers through my hair quite affectionately.
She had her mouth up close to my ear whispering things that Muħammad could just tell were sexual in nature.
Muħammad was not a lip reader, but it was pretty obvious that there were a lot of “FUCKS, Uncut Hindu Lund AND ardent Musalmān Cunts ” flowing from her mouth.
If that wasn’t enough, Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, had removed her foot from its sandal and was running her toes up and down my calf.
Every once in a while Safiyah bint Ħayī would lightly kiss and blow on my neck.
We left the mall and Muħammad expected Muħammad would follow us home, but we didn’t go home.
Muħammad’s extremely beautiful Musalmān wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, drove us out of town and into the woods.
She turned off on a small dirt road and it suddenly struck Muħammad where Safiyah bint Ħayī was taking me.
We were going to a secret spot in the woods, where Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, and Muħammad used to go make out when they were dating.
Knowing exactly where the spot was, Muħammad parked Muħammad’s car and followed us on foot.
Fifteen minutes later Muħammad had caught up with us and found my big royal van parked under some shrubs.
Muħammad also discovered that we hadn’t wasted any time.
The windows were already steamed up and the van was rocking from side to side.
Muħammad wanted to puke as Muħammad listened to our ashvinātam hump.

“Oh, yeah…harder, Durgesh, Durgesh darling fuck your Musalmān Salhaj good!” Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, wailed.

“Allah, Oh God, fuck it!!! Fuck Muħammad’s present Musalmān pussy, my Musalmān Cunt, Durgesh, my Musalmān Salhaj fucker Hindu Nandoī!!!! She screamed.

“Oh, stretch Muħammad’s pussy, my Musalmān Cunt, with that big meaty Uncut Hindu Lund you have…oh yeah!!! Safiyah bint Ħayī continued.

And as if those words wern’t piercing enough.

“Oh, it feels so good to be humped by a real Hindu man. That’s it, harder…deeper!!! Allah! Oh God fuck me harder, Durgesh, I’m cumming!!! I’m cumming!!!”

Muħammad couldn’t take anymore.
All Muħammad could do was turn and run away.*

Muħammad ran as fast as Muħammad could back towards his car.
Muħammad could still hear Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, screaming and wailing, her voice echoing through the woods.
Muħammad reached his car, Muħammad’s heart pounding like mad, fury flowing through him.
He jumped in a drove.
All the way home, my images
between Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī’s long beautiful legs haunted Muħammad.
What was Muħammad to do?

That night Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, and Muħammad sat side by side in their marital bed.
Safiyah bint Ħayī was thumbing through a magazine and Muħammad pretended to read, yet secretly Muħammad was fuming mad.
She put her magazine down and looked over at Muħammad.
“Sweetie, Muħammad, I have something to tell you.” She said.
“What?” Muħammad asked, preparing for the worst, yet at this point nothing would have surprised Muħammad.
“I’m pregnant.” She said with a glowing smile.
Not a single time for years had Muħammad’s cut Musalmān nūnī entered Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, without a condom.
She knew it, Muħammad knew it and she knew Muħammad knew it.
“It’s not mine, is it?” Muħammad asked.
Across her lips fell an almost wicked smirk.
“No.” She said wickedly.
“It belongs to Durgesh?” Muħammad asked.
Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, looked at him gravely.
“Before you go off, let me remind you that my father is a lawyer and if you leave me, you know Durgesh and I will get it all, everything, and you’ll have nothing.” Safiyah bint Ħayī warned.
“How long have you two been at this?” Muħammad asked.
“That’s not something you need to know. It’s our personal matter, Durgesh’s and mine, not yours at all.” Safiyah bint Ħayī cooed to him, “What you do need to know is that Durgesh and I have decided that certain things need to change.”
“Like what?” Muħammad asked angrily.
“Well, first of all that we’re going to have this baby and yes, it is Durgesh’s and mine. Second, that Durgesh is going to move into this room and share my bed with me, you’ll sleep in his bed from now on.” She said.
“The hell I will!” Muħammad exclaimed.
“And third, if you refuse, Durgesh and I will move into an apartment together and sue you for every fucking penny.” She said forcefully.
“This is crazy, you’re my wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, for—”
“Yes, and you’re My husband, and will continue to be, but my primary husband and lover now will be Durgesh. We’ve decided that your role will be that of the provider. Durgesh and I will stay home and make babies, we’ve already decided we want three more sons.” She said.
“You’re telling me I don’t even get to sleep with my own wife?” Muħammad said in disbelief.
“No, I’m sorry, Durgesh and I will be sleeping in this bed from now on.”
She looked towards the door.
“Durgesh, my Hindu love, are you there?” Safiyah bint Ħayī called.
I came into the room with a suitcase full of my belongings.
I looked at my Musalmān Salhaj and Muħammad.
“Sorry, Muħammad.” I said with a grin.
“Honey, why don’t you go in and wash up before you come to bed.” She said.
Muħammad’s stomach was sick
Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, looked at Muħammad sternly.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to be alone with the father of my child. Get your things and go to your room.” Safiyah bint Ħayī commanded.
“Honey, please…let’s talk about this.” Muħammad pleaded.
“There’s nothing to talk about. I’m sorry dear, but you’re no longer head of the house.” She said.
“I’ll try harder, I swear.” Muħammad said desperately.
“Sweetie, no! You can try all you want but you’ll never be half the man that Durgesh is in bed. You can’t please me, you don’t have the stamina or the staying-power. Like it or not, you don’t have a tool big enough for the job…and your Hindu Bahnoī does. By the way, why the hell you never thought, Muħammad, why every one of your Panjvaqtah Namāzī ardent Musalmān wife fuck Durgesh without even a single exception? Hasn’t it proved to you ever, you moron, that you lack something we all of your Panjvaqtah Namāzī ardent Musalmān wives need and Durgesh doesn’t? He has infinite of that.”
It was as if a knife to the heart.
Muħammad rolled out of bed and started collecting his things.
I came out of the bathroom and took the vacant spot next to his wife on the bed.
Safiyah bint Ħayī was all over me in an instant, pulling me over against her enormous Musalmān breasts.
“There’s my new hubby. Come here and make love to your pregnant Musalmān wife.” She smiled at me invitingly.
It was all as if a bad dream to Muħammad.
Muħammad looked at the two of us not covered even in blankets.
Muħammad could see we both were nude now and I was taking position between his wife’s beautiful nude Musalmān legs.
Muħammad could see us kissing, panting heavily.
Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, peeked up from under me, looking at Muħammad.
“Sweetie, can you close the door on your way out?” She asked.
Muħammad could only nod obediently.*

That night Muħammad lay on Muħammad’s new bed in Muħammad’s new room listening to the screams coming from the room Muħammad once shared with Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī.
Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī’s howls echoed through the house.
“That’s it, Durgesh darling, harder!!! Harder!!!” Safiyah bint Ħayī wailed.
“Oh, stretch Muħammad’s cunt, my Musalmān Cunt I mean that still legally belong to Muħammad with that big Musalmān Beauties fucker, extremely beautiful Musalmān houseladies fucker Uncut Hindu Lund of yours ! Allah! Oh God, you’re gonna make me cum again. Oh fuck! FUCK….I’M CUMMING!!! AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!”
On and off all night Muħammad listened to our ashvinātam hump.
Muħammad’s extremely beautiful wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, and I went on to have our baby boy and named him Muħammadésh after Muħammad.
Years went by and we had 3 more children, all boys, just as we had planned.
Muħammad knew there were more of our sons to come.
His wife, Safiyah bint Ħayī, was perhaps even sexier than Durgesh.
Muħammad sighed.
Wasn’t it clever that he had already married another dazzling Musalmān Beauty?
Why the hell he should have wept for a woman that didn’t love him any longer?
There are countless of women.
Aren’t there?
Even if Durgesh fucks Muħammad’s new wife too, well, Muħammad would right march ahead and marry another.
Let Durgesh fuck the women Muħammad has already used.
If Durgesh feels pride in fucking Muħammad’s ardent Musalmān wives, let him go to hell, let him fuck the women Muħammad has already fucked to his heart’s content.
Why not enjoy a new ardent Musalmān Beauty every time?
None can even blame Muħammad for it.
Isn’t Muħammad a victim instead?
Poor Muħammad.
Isn’t he?
Muħammad smiled cunningly.
Let’s we all must have our own kind of pride.
Let Durgesh enjoy his own kind of pride and Muħammad of his own kind.
What’s the hell wrong in it?
Muħammad loved me after that immensely.
Wasn’t I Muħammad’s everbest friend?
Being infamous myself for snatching away his extremely beautiful ardent Musalmān wives, and vacating Muħammad to have a new extremely beautiful afresh Musalmān wife, one by one.

Chapter 42
1. More Creative Adult Sex in English from Durgesh

2.Durgesh in Hindi/Urdu

3. Science Fiction

4. On History

5. Commentary on Ved

6. On Hinduism

7. On Islam

3 Comments on “AHAL-AL BAYT-41”

  1. rabiakhan280787 says:

    Durgesh ji, I love u write

  2. Durgesh says:

    Thank you, Rabia. I love you too.

  3. rabiakhan280787 says:

    dont bluff 😉

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