Al Jihād fil Durgesh fī sabīlillāh: 12

Al Jihād fil Durgesh fī sabīlillāh


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Durgesh Zāhidah Humāyūn

Durgesh Faraħ Taymūr

The day seemed different from normal.

I was thinking, even while I was fucking my extremely beautiful psychological Musalmān Beauties patients for their sex therapy and my humanitarian Social Service to them, how to explain to Faraħ Taymūr that Zāhidah Humāyūn must be told the truth.

It amounted somewhat to cheat Zāhidah Humāyūn that we both were having sex behind her back.

I did not feel it decent.

But the ball was not in my court even now.

It was still in Faraħ Taymūr’s court.

I managed to bring the subject under discussing when Faraħ Taymūr was fucking me last night savagely.

Faraħ Taymūr was also wild, mad, and savage with me in sex as her Ammī, the MNC Wonder of Pakistan, Zāhidah Humāyūn was.

“You should tell your Ammī, Faraħ Taymūr.”

“Allah, she is my mother. How can I be as shameless as to talk with her about my sex life?”Faraħ Taymūr increased her vaginal grip around my Hindu shaft more, keeping it buried into her extremely beautiful Pakistani Musalmān Cunt deepest.

“Then let me tell her.”

“Well, I think that would be better.”

“Thank you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I felt we are cheating on her.”

“Nonsense. I’m a grown up young, adult Musalmān lady myself now. I know my Ammī very well. She is a thoroughly democratic sophisticated Musalmān lady herself. She’d never interfere in my sex life.”

“Yes, I know that. But she is my Live in relationship Partner too. And I’m duty bound, morally at least, to tell her that I’m sleeping with her young daughter from Dr. Taymūr Muħammad Åālam too.”

“Are you really?” Faraħ Taymūr looked into my eyes significantly.

“What do you mean?”

Durgesh darling! Méré Hindu Piyā! Hindu Al Buůūlatul Muslimāt! Hum Musalmān ħasīnāonHindu Kħasam! Hindu husband of us Musalmān Beauties! MNC Wonder of Pakistan Zāhidah Humāyūn’s daughter, Faraħ Taymūr, is herself sleeping with you. You are not sleeping with her.”

“I see.”

“You must. You never fucked even a single daughter of any of your Live in relationship Partner, not even for an exception. Their daughters themselves fucked you always.”

“I never thought about it that—”

“Don’t lie to me ever.”

“Faraħ Taymūr.”

Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan is right.”

“You think a daughter is not an individuality in herself. You think she belongs to her parents.”

“Well, it’s not true entirely.”


“Let me correct it. I think a daughter is certainly an individuality in herself. But she owes some duties and responsibilities to her parents too.”

“As you yourself have an individuality. Yet you have some duties and responsibilities to your Live in relationship Partners too. Is it?”

“Yes. That’s it. And why shouldn’t have I?”

“Sure. Sure. But according to the same principle, I’m also your Live in relationship Partner now. Am not I?”

I smiled.

“Do you really mean it?”

“Hey, I’m fucking you now.”


“Doesn’t it imply that?”

“No. It doesn’t. You can fuck me and can still not be my Live in relationship Partner. It maybe our at random lovemaking too. Can’t it be?”

“I see. What did you find me? A virgin, or—?”

“Of course a virgin. That’s not disputed between us.”

“Thank you. You are so truthful with me.”

I smiled impishly.

“I almost always try to be.”

“Oh yes. Sorry I thought you were so cunning, so scrupulous, so smart that—”

“I lie only to them who lie to me.” I cut Faraħ Taymūr short, “If that’s what you were going to say.”

I couldn’t remember the last time that a Friday afternoon felt so good.

I now had two days to help me get over with the Zāhidah Humāyūn and Faraħ Taymūr problem even though I knew it would take considerably longer.

I walked out the door trying to feel good about myself.

I jumped in my Mercedes and made my way through the snarled up traffic jam.

Traffic was at a standstill on the freeway.

I looked in my rear view mirror, saw that nobody was moving so I gunned it, and took off along the side of the road.

The exit was just ahead so quickly I ducked off the freeway and continued on my way home.

I pulled up my driveway and saw Faraħ Taymūr’s car parked up by the garage.

I parked my Mercedes and walked up to the front door.

I checked the mailbox as part of my usual routine as I made my way into the house.

“Hi Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she ran up to me and hugged me.

She felt incredible against me as she pressed into me.

The feel of her soft young Musalmān breasts as they pressed into my Hindu chest caused my Hindu member to stir.

Even the smell of her hair caused me to shiver lightly.

Just then, she reminded me of Zāhidah Humāyūn as well.

“Cheer up Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr smiled as she stepped back from me.

“I made us a nice dinner,” she said as she took my hand and guided me to the kitchen.

“Now go take a shower so we can eat,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she guided me toward the stairs and grabbed me on my Uncut Hindu Lund  to encourage me to go.

I went to my room and immediately felt the presence of my tremendously stunning Live in relationship Partner, Zāhidah Humāyūn.

I don’t know if it was because I was looking at all of her stuff or what.

I quickly went into the rest room and showered as I tried to think about something other than Zāhidah Humāyūn.

Faraħ Taymūr was expecting me now.

I should prepare me for her, not for her MNC Wonder of Pakistan Ammī, Zāhidah Humāyūn.

Moreover, Zāhidah Humāyūn had come to my office today already.

She asked me for an outing.

We went to some forests.

Zāhidah Humāyūn was crazy enough today that she forced me to make love to her there, under open sky, absolutely nude.

“Are you crazy?” I admonished her.

“Don’t stop me today you Hindu brute.” Zāhidah Humāyūn sucked my Uncut Hindu Lund openly under open sky, “Let me celebrate my victory.”


“Yes, you know Pakistan is divided into four provinces.”

“Yes, Balochistan, Kħyber Pakħtunkħwa, Punjab and Sindh. So what?”

“In addition to these four Sūbahs, we have four Territories too.”

“Yes, Islamabad Capital Territory, Federally Administered Tribal Areas including the Frontier Regions, Pak Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. So what?”

“All of them want me now to be their next President.” Zāhidah Humāyūn pushed me on the ground, on my back; straddled me on my Uncut Hindu Lund, and started fucking me furiously.

I digested the information.

The entire rest of the day, Zāhidah Humāyūn fucked me furiously, openly, under open sky.

I also fucked her.

I wanted to participate in her happiness.***

As I stood under the hot water, I became entranced.

It was as if I was paralyzed and I couldn’t move.

I became lost in the memory that I had of the entire day Zāhidah Humāyūn and I made love.

It was right there in the forests under open sky.

MNC Wonder of Pakistan, Zāhidah Humāyūn, was just crazy.

I left her with her friends.

Her friends wanted me also with them to celebrate her victory all night, but I said.

“Faraħ Taymūr is alone. Let me go, please.”

They permitted me very reluctantly.

Looking up I saw the towel rack where my tremendously stunning Live in relationship Partner, Zāhidah Humāyūn, held on to as she bent over.

I remember ever so clearly how the water pulsated down on my back as I held her hips and fucked Zāhidah Humāyūn from behind.

The way Zāhidah Humāyūn moaned and screamed as she came over and over which was something totally out of the ordinary for her.

Whatever the case, I suddenly found myself able to move as I realized that the water was no longer hot, rather it was now cold.

I quickly shut off the water taps and dried off.

I walked into my room naked and reached into my dresser to get out a brand new pair of pajamas.

I stepped into the thin material and marveled at how comfortable they were.

I reached into another drawer, pulled out my favorite tee shirt, and pulled it over my head.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

I did like what I saw.

My eyes were shining brightly and my hair was a temptation for Musalmān Beauties.

I found my comb and fixed my hair as I continued to look at myself.

It was the finishing touch.

At sixty-two even, I didn’t need to start over.

I tossed my comb down onto the vanity and went down to the kitchen.

“Here Durgesh darling, sit over here,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she pulled my chair out.

I sat down just as lovely Faraħ Taymūr pushed my chair under me.

I watched her walk over to the stove to get our dinner.

She looked as incredible as she was wearing a tight pair of blue jeans and a half shirt that bared her midriff.

When she returned she sat a plate down in front of me and then sat down with her own plate directly across from me.

I realized right away that I should have worn underwear under my pajamas when I saw Faraħ Taymūr’s nipples pushing against the thin fabric of her shirt.

As we ate dinner, I had such a hard time keeping my eyes away from her ever-erect Pakistani Musalmān breasts.

I noticed that she wasn’t wearing a bra as every once in a while I could see that oh so sexy jiggle.

I also noticed one other thing as well.

My Uncut Hindu Lund was rock hard and sticking out through the hole in the fly.

We made idle small talk as we ate.

Faraħ Taymūr cleaned up the mess as I tried to think about anything other than Faraħ Taymūr’s breasts.

While Faraħ Taymūr was washing the dishes, I managed to push my member back into my pajamas.

“Go watch television Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she looked back at me over her shoulder.

“OK sweetie,” I said as I stood up being careful that my member didn’t fall out of my pajamas.

I went and lay down on the sofa and turned the television on.

Moment s later Faraħ Taymūr joined me as she laid down on the love seat.

We continued to discuss what had just transpired over the last twenty-four hours as we watched television.

At times, she became somewhat depressed as we talked and reminisced about past events.

There were other times when we actually chuckled as we talked about other things that were quite funny.

We watched the news and then decided to look for a movie.

Faraħ Taymūr grabbed the remote and switched over to Cinemax.

Suddenly there was a wild sex scene on the television.

Quickly she changed the channel and there was another hot sex scene.

She changed the channel again and unbelievably there was another wild sex scene on the television.

I noticed this time that Faraħ Taymūr didn’t change the channel as quickly as the other channels.

I noticed that the girl on the television had her wrists tied to the headboard and was blindfolded.

Just as I got interested, she shut the television off.

“I’m going to bed Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she jumped up off the love seat.

“Me too sweetie, even though I probably won’t sleep too well,” I said as I got up and began to shut down the house.

Faraħ Taymūr disappeared upstairs while I made sure the doors were locked.

I went up to my room, noticing that Faraħ Taymūr’s door was closed.

I quietly closed my door and lit the two candles on the nightstand.

I turned out the lamp as the glow of the candles gave me enough light.

I sat down on the edge of the bed as I continued to ponder how my Live in relationship with Zāhidah Humāyūn could go so wrong.

The longer I sat there the more restless I became.

Looking over I saw Zāhidah Humāyūn’s pill bottle next to the candles.

I closed my eyes as hard as I could because everything I looked at reminded me of my tremendously stunning Live in relationship Partner, Zāhidah Humāyūn.

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath as I stood up.

I walked over to the sliding door that led to the balcony.

I unlocked the door and pulled it open.

I could feel the warm breeze blow across my face as I stepped out onto the balcony.

I walked over to the edge and leaned against the wall with my arms under me as I leaned down.

I just stood there for what seemed like an eternity as I stared out into the eternal darkness.

Memory after memory seemed to be flashing past my eyes.

I stepped back and sat down on the small swing near the middle of the balcony.

I sat down and looked up at the stars as they twinkled above.

Only the moon cast any light onto the lonely balcony.

Every happy memory began to race through my mind.

The warm breeze against my skin helped to soothe my agony.

That’s when I felt something.

I realized that Faraħ Taymūr must have heard me coming there because she was now standing in front of me with her arms around me.

Her soft hug and gentle stroke of her hand over my head helped ease the pain.

That’s when I noticed that she was crying.

“It’s going to be OK Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr said over and over, as we held each other.

I could feel Faraħ Taymūr adjust herself as she now knelt between my spread open legs.

She pressed her warm wet face against mine.

Ever so slowly, I began to caress her back through the thin white sleep shirt she was wearing.

I felt her caressing my back as well as our faces came apart.

We looked into each other’s eyes.

Slowly, our faces came back together.

I closed my eyes.

Faraħ Taymūr reminded me so much of her Ammī as she knelt before me.

Her hair, her appearance, even the light hint of perfume she was wearing reminded me of Zāhidah Humāyūn.

“Allah, Yā Allaaaaah!  Durgesh darling, I love you,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she squeezed me harder, smashing her ever-erect Pakistani Musalmān breasts against my chest.

“I love you too sweetie,” I said as I pulled her in even tighter.

“Oh Durgesh darling, don’t ever leave me like Ammījān did,” she said as she continued to cry.

“Don’t worry precious,” I said as I could feel her breath on my neck.

Suddenly the close intimate bond I shared with Faraħ Taymūr began to consume me.

The feel of her face against mine and the touch of her hands as they slid over my back caused a stirring in my loins.

I felt our faces begin to move.

I felt Faraħ Taymūr kiss me lightly on the cheek.

I too kissed her back gently as her face moved slightly.

Over and over, we continued to kiss each other’s cheeks.

With each kiss, our lips grew closer and closer.

I felt the corner of Faraħ Taymūr ’s extremely stunning Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān mouth with my lips as I kissed her gently.

Faraħ Taymūr kissed the corner of my mouth back.

The next kiss I gave Faraħ Taymūr changed our lives forever.

Our lips came together as Faraħ Taymūr tilted her head slightly to the side.

The air that came out of our noses hit each other’s faces.

We shared kiss after tender kiss.

With each passing kiss, our passion intensified.

There was a slight pause as our faces backed up enough so only our lips touched.

Our eyes opened as we looked into each other’s souls.

For one awkward Moment, I swore I was looking into Zāhidah Humāyūn’s eyes.

Our heavy breathing continued as our eyes slowly closed and our mouth’s pressed back together.

After one gentle kiss, our mouth’s opened in unison.

Our breathing intensified even more as our tongues came together, meeting half way.

“Ohhhhh…” we both moaned softly as I felt Faraħ Taymūr ‘s fingers begin to slide down my arm.

My Uncut Hindu Lund urged me to go ahead.

Our faces pulled apart slightly as our eyes opened half way.

Our tongues however, continued to dart in and out of each other’s mouths.

Faraħ Taymūr leaned back slightly farther as we continued to stare into each other’s eyes.

Her hands now rested on my thighs as my hands rested on top of hers.

“Faraħ Taymūr,” I addressed her as I looked into Faraħ Taymūr’s lust filled Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān eyes.

A tear trickled out of the corner of Faraħ Taymūr ‘s eye as she leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine.

Faraħ Taymūr became very aggressive as she reached up and cupped my face.

Her lips and tongue kissed up my cheek to my ear.

I could feel her hot breath as her lips kissed my lips over and over.

I felt her teeth as she began to chew lightly at my lower lip.

Reaching out I caressed Faraħ Taymūr’s back as we both were now out of control.

“Pretend I’m Ammījān,” Faraħ Taymūr whispered into my ear just before she slid her tongue into my ear canal.

What Faraħ Taymūr just whispered into my ear sent chills racing up and down my spine.

My breathing grew heavier as her tongue continued to flicker in my ear.

Faraħ Taymūr pulled back as she still knelt between my parted legs.

There was a glow in her face as she stared at me.

I watched as she glanced down before looking back up into my eyes.

A smile flashed across her face as she looked back down at my lap.

Looking down I realized that my Uncut Hindu Lund was sticking straight out of the fly of my pajamas.

I began to tremble as I saw Faraħ Taymūr sink down even farther as her face grew closer to my trembling Uncut Hindu Lund.

Looking up into my eyes Faraħ Taymūr again smiled as I felt her warm breath against my member.

The sight of Faraħ Taymūr’s glowing face next to my rock solid Uncut Hindu Lund was too much for me to take.

I watched as she lowered her lips to just above the tip of my Uncut Hindu Lund.

I wanted her so badly to touch me.

“Shhhhhh… Durgesh darling, tonight I’m Zāhidah Humāyūn,” she whispered as she touched her lips to the tip of my Uncut Hindu Lund.

I gasped loudly as I felt her warm Musalmān lips touching my throbbing engorged Uncut Hindu Lund head.

I began to pant as she looked so incredibly beautiful as her tongue slithered past her lips and along the underside of my Uncut Hindu Lund.

“Oh Eīshān,” I said as I looked down into Faraħ Taymūr’s eyes.

“Shhhhh… Durgesh darling, it’s OK,” Faraħ Taymūr said as I watched her lips part slightly.

“Faraħ Taymūr let’s…” was all I could say as I looked into lovely Faraħ Taymūr’s eyes as her extremely stunning Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān mouth opened slowly.

Eīshān,” I moaned as I felt her warm breath on my groin as her lips slipped over the head of my Uncut Hindu Lund.

I threw my head back as I felt every nerve in my body begin to tingle.

I placed my hands on top of Faraħ Taymūr ’s that were still on my thighs.

Looking back down I stared into Faraħ Taymūr ‘s beautiful green eyes as her head began slowly to bob up and down.

My breathing grew even heavier when Faraħ Taymūr slipped one of her hands from my thigh to my balls.

Her soft fingers lightly fondled my nuts as her extremely stunning Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān mouth continued to slide up and down the entire length of my Uncut Hindu Lund.

“Oh my darling Faraħ Taymūr,” I moaned softly as I watched her continue to suck my Uncut Hindu Lund.

She slid my Uncut Hindu Lund out of her extremely stunning Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān mouth as she slowly stood up.

The nightshirt she was wearing was still completely covering her.

“Tonight call me Zāhidah Humāyūn,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she lifted one leg over my lap and straddled me.

Faraħ Taymūr was now standing and towering over me as she reached down and slowly began to lift the hem of her nightshirt.

As she pulled her shirt up to her waist, she began slowly to lower herself down onto me.

“Oh Eīshān Param Brahm Paramātmā,” I moaned as I felt my twitching Uncut Hindu rod press against her warm sticky Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot.

“Oh Eīshān Param Brahm Paramātmā  Faraħ Taymūr,” I said as she began to lower herself down onto me.

“Shhhhhh,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she placed her finger on my lips.”Call me Zāhidah Humāyūn,” she said softly as she sank completely down on me.

I reached behind Faraħ Taymūr and pulled her into me, feeling her nightshirt clad breasts pressing into my face.

Her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot was so hot and as tight as it was wrapped around my Uncut Hindu Lund.

I looked into Faraħ Taymūr’s eyes as she leaned closer and placed her lips on mine.

“Make love to me like I’m Ammījān herself, your Live in relationship Partner.” Faraħ Taymūr said as she kissed me softly on the lips again.

Our tongues quickly darted in and out of each other’s mouths as she slowly began to grind her hips.

After our soft kiss, she pulled back and looked into my eyes again.

“Fuck me like you fuck my Ammījān,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she again pressed her warm soft Musalmān lips onto mine.

Faraħ Taymūr began to gyrate her hips a little more as our tongues continued to dance in each other’s mouths.

I began to slide my hands up and down her back as her hands began to explore my neck and side.

“Fuck me hard Durgesh darling, just like you fuck Ammījān,” she said as she now began to slide up and down, fucking me like my tremendously stunning Live in relationship Partner, Zāhidah Humāyūn, used to.

I reached behind her and slid my hands under her naked perfect round firm Pakistani Musalmān ass.

Her cheeks were on fire as I cupped her extremely gorgeous firm round perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass and stood up.

Faraħ Taymūr instinctively wrapped her legs around my waist as her arms held on to my neck.

Whole time our mouths never came apart.

Slowly I began to carry Faraħ Taymūr toward the sliding door as her legs remained completely wrapped around my waist.

As I walked, she continued to work her delicate Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot up and down my Uncut Hindu Lund.

I walked through the door and made my way to the bed.

I slowly began to lean her back until I placed her back on the mattress.

She looked as beautiful as she laid there with her legs around me and her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot still enveloping my Uncut Hindu Lund.

“Fuck me Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr begged as she bit her lower lip.

I slipped my hands under her thighs and lifted them up to my shoulders.

I took her ankles in my hands and then pushed her legs out wide as I continued to hold her legs up.

“Allah. Yā Allaaaaah! Oh God, fuck me like you fuck Ammījān,” Faraħ Taymūr hissed as I felt her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot  begin to tighten even more around my throbbing Uncut Hindu Lund .

I began to rock my hips back and forth, as I looked down into Faraħ Taymūr’s eyes.

I wanted so badly to see her ever-erect Pakistani Musalmān breasts but she still had her sleep shirt on.

She began to moan as I increased my tempo.

I could feel my balls beginning to slap against her extremely gorgeous firm round perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass as I fucked Faraħ Taymūr harder and faster.

“Allah, Oh God, Yā Allaaaaah!  Yeah, fuck me Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr screamed as she reached down and began to rub her clit.

“Did Ammījān ever fuck you this good?” Faraħ Taymūr moaned as her back arched as she bit her lower lip.

Eīshān Param Brahm Paramātmā,  NO,” I shouted as I was now pounding her for all I was worth, “You are fucking me even better than your Ammī.”

“Oh Durgesh darling, I’m cumming,” Faraħ Taymūr panted as her back arched even higher while her head thrashed from side to side.

“Oh Zāhidah Humāyūn, cum for me,” I moaned as I realized that I just called Faraħ Taymūr by my tremendously stunning Live in relationship Partner, Zāhidah Humāyūn’s name.

Suddenly Faraħ Taymūr began to thrash about as she lost all self-control.

My nuts were on the verge of exploding as I watched her toes curl and her eyes roll into the back of her head.

Suddenly her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot became very slick as I could feel her juices running out onto the mattress below.

I knew I couldn’t last much longer myself as I watched Faraħ Taymūr continue to cum.

“Oh Zāhidah Humāyūn, Sālī, here I cum, take it.” I said as I pulled out and quickly pulled on my Uncut Hindu Lund.

I watched Faraħ Taymūr open her eyes and watch as suddenly a rope of cum shot out of my Uncut Hindu Lund and landed on her chin and neck.

Spurt after spurt of cum continued to coat Faraħ Taymūr’s sleep shirt.

Faraħ Taymūr began to slide her fingers through my jizz as she looked into my eyes.

“Did Ammījān like it when you came all over her?” she asked as she lifted one cum coated finger up to her lips.

“No,” I said as I shook my head as I watched her lick my Hindu cum off her finger.

“Aww… I guess she missed out on a lot of fun then,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she sat up on her elbows.

I just stood there with my half limp Uncut Hindu Lund resting on Faraħ Taymūr’s Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot as I stared at her cum covered body.

I watched as she looked over to the side of the bed and then back at me.

A smile crept across her face.

“Did Ammījān like this?” she asked as she slowly pulled her sleep shirt off, completely exposing herself to me.

I just shook my head ‘no’ as I watched Faraħ Taymūr reach out and pull my pajamas down past my ass and then down to the floor.

I stepped out of my pajamas and now stood naked before naked Faraħ Taymūr.

Faraħ Taymūr positioned herself in the middle of the bed as she leaned back on her elbows.

Her legs were parted and her knees were bent as her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot lips glistened with wetness.

Looking seductively into my eyes Faraħ Taymūr motioned for me to come to her with her finger as she slowly slid her tongue along her lips.

I began to crawl across the mattress until I knelt between Faraħ Taymūr’s parted legs.

She looked so much like her Ammī that it was unreal.

One difference was that she seemed to enjoy the things that Zāhidah Humāyūn hated.

“If you only knew what this does to me,” Faraħ Taymūr whispered as she leaned her head back.

Faraħ Taymūr looked as incredibly hot as she lay sprawled out before me.

“Do it Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she moaned softly.

“Oh Zāhidah Humāyūn,” I moaned.

“Allaaaaaaah, Yā Allaaaaah!” Faraħ Taymūr cried out in a dry husky voice.

“Arrrrgggghhhh,” Faraħ Taymūr screamed out as she thrust her ever-erect Pakistani Musalmān breasts up even higher as her back arched.

Looking down I could see her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot begin to leak as there was now a wet spot on the comforter beneath her awfully elegant firm round perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass.

Her breathing was rampant as she still leaned back on her elbows.

Her ever-erect Pakistani Musalmān breasts began to heave up and down as her breathing became heavier.

“Allaaaaah, Oh dear God, Yā Allaaaaah!  Durgesh darling,” she screamed out as her hips began to buck slightly.

“Do it Durgesh darling, I know you always wanted to do this to Ammījān,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she reached up and pulled on one of her nipples.

Her heavy breathing and her words of encouragement were all that I needed.

“OH FUCK YEAH!” Faraħ Taymūr screamed as the hot Uncut Hindu Lund  rubbed onto her clit and ran down the length of her gaping tremendously attractive young Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān slit.

I lay flat on the bed between Faraħ Taymūr’s legs.

I slipped my hands under her thighs and around and held on as I lowered my throbbing Uncut Hindu Lund  to her smoldering Panjvaqtah Namāzī young Pakistani Musalmān Choot.

Suddenly I realized that nowadays I’m fucking young Musalmān Choots more and more.

Of course, the reasons were different every time.

But the fact was that the Musalmān Beauties of my own age group were almost retiring from their sex lives.

The younger Musalmān Beauties, mostly of twenty-eight, were replacing them in my sex life in larger and larger numbers day by day.

Even Saiyadah Fātimah PhD and Kħadījah Muħammad are not so active now.

Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan is replacing Kħadījah Muħammad in my active sex life more and more.


Here again, Zāhidah Humāyūn has left me without even telling me any proper reason.

And her twenty eight year old young Musalmān daughter, Faraħ Taymūr, is replacing Zāhidah Humāyūn very competently.

I kissed her parted Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot softly as I looked up between her ever-erect Pakistani Musalmān breasts and into her eyes.

“Fuck my Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr begged as she cupped a breast with one hand and ran her fingers through her Mohawk with the other hand.

I continued to look into her eyes as I sunk my Uncut Hindu Lund  into her wet Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān depths.

Her taste on my Uncut Hindu Penis was so different from that of my tremendously stunning Live in relationship Partner, Zāhidah Humāyūn that as I looked into her eyes all I saw was Zāhidah Humāyūn.

“Oh yeah Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr moaned as I began to flutter my Uncut Hindu Lund  over her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān clit.

I felt her slip her hands under mine, as she squeezed my hands.

I squeezed back as I sunk my Uncut Hindu Lund  in even farther, as I inhaled her musky Pakistani Musalmān scent.

The whole time I Penised Faraħ Taymūr ‘s Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot our eyes remained glued together.

“Mmmmm yeah, just like Ammījān,” Faraħ Taymūr said as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

Suddenly her hips began to rock back and forth, as I felt her awfully graceful perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot begin to grip at my Uncut Hindu Lund .

Her thighs began to squeeze my head as she gasped for air and thrashed back and forth on the bed.

“Allah, Oh God, Yā Allaaaaah! Oh God, Allaaaaaaaaaah, Oh Goddddddd,” Faraħ Taymūr panted over and over as she began to shake out of control.

I held on to her young Pakistani Musalmān legs as her hips were now bucking against my waist.

Her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot juice was smeared across my Uncut Hindu Lund  as I held on for her to finish.

Her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot continued to gush cum as she slowly began to come down.

I crawled up onto my knees as I watched Faraħ Taymūr twitch and shake.

Yes, perhaps my Musalmān Beauties were right.

Now these young ravenous Musalmān Beauties needed my unique hyper sexuality more than the Musalmān Beauties of my own age group.

I could satisfy these young Musalmān Beauties, sexually, more than the Hindus of their own age group could even.

Perhaps they were right.

I should really fuck these young Musalmān Beauties now as many as I could.

I shouldn’t resist them anymore.

A smile flashed across her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān face as she pulled her young Pakistani Musalmān legs up and placed her sexy feet on my chest.

Faraħ Taymūr rubbed her feet up and down from my stomach to my chin.

She giggled.

The hazed over look in her eyes told me she wasn’t finished as she laid on her back and raised her young Pakistani Musalmān legs.

Ever so lightly, Faraħ Taymūr blew me a kiss.

“Come fuck me Durgesh darling,” she said as I slowly crawled between her spread open legs.

Along the way, I planted kiss after kiss from her bush to her navel.

Moans of excitement escaped her lips as I kissed my way toward her ever-erect Pakistani Musalmān breasts.

I kissed my way across her ever-erect Pakistani Musalmān breast toward her nipple.

“Allah, Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr moaned loudly as I planted my lips around her nipple and kissed.

I felt Faraħ Taymūr grab my hips and pull me the rest of the way up so my Uncut Hindu Lund was pointing at the entrance of her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot.

We stared deeply into each other’s eyes as she lowered her young Pakistani Musalmān legs around me, resting her heels on my ass.

Not a sound came out of Faraħ Taymūr ’s extremely stunning Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān mouth but I did manage to read her lips as Faraħ Taymūr softly mouthed, “fuck me.”

I felt her heels begin to push down on my ass, causing my throbbing Uncut Hindu Lund to part her lips and slip inside her slippery awfully graceful perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot.

“Mmmmmm, did Ammījān like it like this?” Faraħ Taymūr asked as she pulled me all the way inside her.

I smiled.

Faraħ Taymūr was still jealous of her Ammī, Zāhidah Humāyūn, though Zāhidah Humāyūn had left us for unknown reasons.

I nodded my head yes, as my hips began instinctively to thrust back and forth.

The soft skin on her young Pakistani Musalmān legs felt like velvet around my waist as her thighs slid back and forth.

The feel of her bare feet digging into my hips was a feeling that I had never experienced before.

Our eyes remained glued together as our tongues began to lick at each other’s mouths.

“Oh Durgesh darling you’re so fucking good, why did Ammījān leave you?” Faraħ Taymūr whispered out as she reached around me and caressed my back.

“I’m going to do everything that Ammījān didn’t do,” Zāhidah Humāyūn said softly but passionately and truthfully.

Her hips rocked back and forth to meet mine.

“Moreover,” Faraħ Taymūr smiled triumphantly, “I’m going to do everything for you that even Ammījān wouldn’t do.” she said softly as I noticed a tear trickle out of the corner of her eye.

I kissed my thanks on her extremely beautiful young Pakistani Musalmān lips.

“I’m going to do everything that Ammījān couldn’t do,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she leaned up and slid her tongue into the back of my mouth, “I love you more than even my Ammījān, Zāhidah Humāyūn, did. You were not her first man. My Abbū were her first man. She preferred you on my Abbū only because you are a Hindu and Hindus don’t have any irrational sex taboos.”

“Faraħ Taymūr .”

“Ammījān, Zāhidah Humāyūn, wanted violent and aggressive sex in broad daylight even everywhere. She was so proud of her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān female body that she wanted to exhibit it being loved by even you, the ever best Hindu lover of us Musalmān Beauties. Well, she had to leave my Abbū. But you are the only man in my life. And I’m a One Man Woman.”

I kissed Faraħ Taymūr back with passion.

Our hips rocked back and forth in unison as we gently made love.

The feel of Faraħ Taymūr ‘s legs wrapped around me along with my Uncut Hindu Lund sliding in and out of her soft Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot felt magnificent.

“Wait Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she placed her hands on my chest and pushed me up.

She scooted back, pulling herself off my throbbing Uncut Hindu Lund.

“Lay down Durgesh darling,” she said as she crawled to my side and guided me onto my back.

Faraħ Taymūr looked as beautiful as she began to rub me all over as she lifted her young Pakistani Musalmān leg over me and straddled me.

Looking up at her I watched as she slowly began to lower her glistening Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot toward my Uncut Hindu Lund.

“Did Ammījān ever ride you?” Faraħ Taymūr asked as she pushed the head of my Uncut Hindu Lund inside her.

“Yes,” I said as I watched Faraħ Taymūr close her eyes and throw her head back as she sank down completely on my Uncut Hindu Lund.

I could feel her extremely gorgeous firm round perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass on my thighs as Faraħ Taymūr sat down all the way on my lap.

She pulled her head up and leaned forward.

Placing her hands on my chest Faraħ Taymūr slowly began to push herself up and down.

“Allah, Yā Allaaaaah!  You fill me up Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she scraped my nipples with her fingernails, “My friends say you fill them the best. Even their Hindu boyfriends of their own age can’t fuck them as wildly and as savagely as you do fuck my extremely beautiful extremely ravenous Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān  even at your sixty two.”

“Thank you, my darling.” I kissed Faraħ Taymūr on her quivering Pakistani Musalmān lips.

I reached around, cupped her extremely gorgeous firm round perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass cheeks, and caressed her magnificent ass as Faraħ Taymūr continued to slide up and down.

Her ever-erect Pakistani Musalmān breasts swung down over my face as she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip.

Her breathing was heavy as a light sheen of sweat broke out across her body.

“Allah, Yā Allaaaaah!  Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr moaned as her body began to tremble.

“Allah, Oh God, Durgesh darling,” She moaned again as she threw her head back.

Suddenly she sat still for a Moment.

I watched in amazement as her body tensed up and began to contract.

Every muscle on her body contracted over and over, even her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot as it gripped my Uncut Hindu Lund over and over.

Faraħ Taymūr gasped for air as she held her breath for an extended period of time.

Her fingernails dug into my chest, as she turned red in the face as she exhaled.

Her body quivered and shook.

Faraħ Taymūr suddenly began to ride me wildly as she held on to my chest with both hands.

I continued to hold her soft supple Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass as Faraħ Taymūr bounced up and down.

Loud gasps came from Faraħ Taymūr as her body began to tremble and shake again.

“Allah, Yā Allaaaaah! Durgesh darlinggggggggg,” Faraħ Taymūr cried out as she tensed up all over again.

Her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot  squeezed and massaged my Uncut Hindu Lund  as her juices began to trickle out of her awfully graceful perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot and across my balls.

“Oh Durgesh darling, I can’t stop cumminggggggg,” Faraħ Taymūr shouted as she again began to slide her velvet like Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot  up and down my aching Uncut Hindu Lund .

I couldn’t believe how many times Faraħ Taymūr came.

It was like one long orgasm with only slight pauses between climaxes.

I could feel her cum dripping off my balls as Faraħ Taymūr continued to ride me.

Just then, she pulled herself off me.

She was breathing hard as she crawled onto her knees and turned around.

She looked back over her shoulders and smiled, as I knew what she wanted.

I crawled up behind her, pointing my Uncut Hindu Lund at the entrance of her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot.

“I’m going to do something that Ammījān wouldn’t do,” she said as she lowered her face into the pillow while reaching back and spreading her extremely gorgeous firm round perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass cheeks.

“Go ahead Durgesh darling, you know I want to,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she pulled her extremely gorgeous firm round perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass hole open slightly.

“I know Ammījān would never let you,” she said as I watched her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān sphincter relax.

Faraħ Taymūr  began to tremble as her fantasy of me fucking my tremendously stunning Live in relationship Partner, Zāhidah Humāyūn, in the ass was about to become a reality.

I reached out, held onto Faraħ Taymūr ’s hips, and slowly moved into position.

I placed the head of my trembling Uncut Hindu Lund against her tight sphincter and pushed lightly.

“Oh Durgesh darling, fuck my ass,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she pressed back against me, causing the head of my Uncut Hindu Lund  to push inside her extremely gorgeous firm round perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass hole.

“Arrrggghhhh,” Faraħ Taymūr screamed out as I inched myself even farther inside.

“Do it,” Faraħ Taymūr hissed as she began to pant heavily.

Eīshān Param Brahm Paramātmā, Faraħ Taymūr ,” I said as I swung my arm, slapping her delicate Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass.

“Allah, Yā Allaaaaah! YES,” Faraħ Taymūr screamed as I began to slap her extremely gorgeous firm round perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass repeatedly as I gently rocked my hips back and forth.

I couldn’t believe how tight Faraħ Taymūr ‘s Pakistani Musalmān ass was.

“Harder Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she continued to thrust back at me.

My balls began to slap her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot as I now fucked her extremely gorgeous firm round perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass with some force.

I reached under and cupped her soft breast while I pinched and pulled on her nipple.

“Allah, Yā Allaaaaah! Oh God yes,” Faraħ Taymūr moaned.

I slid my hand down and felt her Mohawk as I slipped my fingers closer to her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān Choot.

I touched her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān clit, nearly causing her to scream as she began to grind back at me like a wild Musalmān woman, wild for my Uncut Hindu Lund.

I felt my balls begin to tingle along with my toes.

Every nerve in my body was on fire as I fucked Faraħ Taymūr in her extremely gorgeous, Panjvaqtah Namāzī, Pakistani Musalmān ass.

I could hear Faraħ Taymūr panting and moaning face down in the pillow as I again slapped her awfully elegant firm round perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass.

“Faraħ Taymūr , I’m gonna cum,” I said softly as I continued to fuck her extremely gorgeous firm round perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass hole like there was no tomorrow.

“Allah, Yā Allaaaaah!  I wanna feel it,” Faraħ Taymūr screamed as she tensed up and began to cum.

Just then, I too felt the first contraction in my nuts.

This was the sexiest, most romantic thing I ever experienced.

Simultaneously Faraħ Taymūr and I came.

I felt my cum racing up my Hindu shaft as her Pakistani Musalmān sphincter began to squeeze at my Uncut Hindu Lund.

“Oh Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr screamed.

“Oh Faraħ Taymūr ,” I cried out as I held her hips and pumped spasm after spasm of cum deep into her bowels.

“Allaaaaaaaaaaaah, Yā Allaaaaah! Oh Goddddddd,” Faraħ Taymūr screamed out again as she began to climax all over again.

“Oh Faraħ Taymūr I love you,” I shouted as the end of my orgasm neared.

“I love you too,” Faraħ Taymūr yelled back in the throes of a mind shattering orgasm.

I felt my Uncut Hindu Lund begin to soften, but hardening again, as I slowly pushed in once more.

I lay down on Faraħ Taymūr completely exhausted and spent.

Faraħ Taymūr turned around pushing herself into my waiting Hindu arms as she pulled the blanket over us.

“I love you Durgesh darling,” Faraħ Taymūr said as she kissed me softly on the lips.

“I love you too Faraħ Taymūr ,”: I said as I looked into lovely Faraħ Taymūr ‘s eyes.

A tear trickled out of her eye down across her cheek.

Faraħ Taymūr lowered her head as I pulled her into me tightly.

I closed my eyes and before I knew it, we fell fast asleep.

My Uncut Hindu Lund was still embedded fully into Faraħ Taymūr’s gorgeous Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān ass.

Her firm round young perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān buttocks had filled my nude Hindu male lap once more.

Chapter 13

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