Sixty One Eighteen in love-4

Sixty One Eighteen in love


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Durgesh smiled at the naked statue of the Al Kħātūn .

At that Moment, suddenly, there was a roar in the sky and, as if from nowhere, the rain came heavily and fell in floods.

I felt a change in the atmosphere, and to my guilt, I felt hot.

My Abbū murmured in my ear, to my shock, and induced Durgesh to have sex with the Saåūdī Årab Musalmān girl.

I said I wouldn’t like Durgesh to touch an outsider because of my past and wanted to make love only to me.

But, why I don’t know, my Abbū talked me into it.

He talked long about his inner voice.

And I had to respect his beliefs.

He then talked to the Saåūdī Årab Musalmān girl.

The girl looked at Durgesh, smiled, and readily agreed.

I don’t know why Durgesh has such an incredible clout in sexual matters, on almost every Musalmān Beauty.

I haven’t seen any Musalmān Beauty, till now, refusing to have sex with Durgesh.

I haven’t seen that the fact that Durgesh is a Hindu, is ever not told to her.

Durgesh hates to hide any fact about himself from any Musalmān Beauty he fucks ever.

Instead he is adamant to tell her every fact about him, so that she can refuse then and there, if she does not want to have sex with Durgesh.

To my utter surprise, I’ve always seen that they start to love Durgesh more after hearing the truth about him.

Durgesh’s Hindutv makes him more desirable to the Musalmān Beauties.

Isn’t is surprising?

Nevertheless, it’s a fact.

To my inquiring Abbū, the girl said it was her first time.

My Abbū grinned at me.

The Saåūdī Årab Musalmān girl blushed.

Durgesh made her naked and laid her on her back on the same granite block where I was laid by Durgesh 21 years back.

Durgesh’s Hindu erection was enormous.

And my Abbū, running his fingers on it, winked at me and invited me to feast on my Durgesh.

I got rid of my cloths.

The Saåūdī Årab Musalmān girl, with her eyes bulging, starred at Durgesh’s stark Hindu nakedness.

Yet, she behaved brave enough.

She was named Asmah Ůsmān.

Asmah Ůsmān climbed and squatted on Durgesh .

I guided Durgesh’s young sturdy Uncut Hindu Cock  into Asmah Ůsmān’s young melting Saůūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt.

Asmah Ůsmān had to close her eyes in pleasure as the young Uncut Hindu Penis of Durgesh bored into her.

She opened her eyes to the mockery in the pleasing look of my Abbū.

Asmah Ůsmān made a face at him.

She moved up and down and squashed her inner folds against Durgesh’s hard Uncut Hindu Cock .

My Abbū laughed and I with him.

But the girl, Asmah Ůsmān, was gasping as Durgesh was fucking her.

She lowered herself on her knees, leaned on Durgesh with her big Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Breasts crushing against his chest and covered his gasping mouth with hers.

She raised her Makkan Saåūdī Årab Musalmān buttocks and glided up and down on Durgesh’s Uncut Hindu Cock .

Durgesh was restless with his hands.

He wanted to have a feel of Asmah Ůsmān’s Saåūdī Årab Musalmān boobs.

She raised her chest a bit and allowed space for Durgesh’s hands to invade.

He grabbed and pressed at them.

I moved up and filled his Hindu palms with my Saåūdī Årab Musalmān nipples.

Durgesh squeezed them eagerly.

Soon Durgesh caught up with the rhythm.

And from down below Durgesh started fucking up.

Asmah Ůsmān enjoyed his Hindu force and speed.

With appreciation, Asmah Ůsmān cast a side-glance at my Abbū.

Poor old man that he is holding his semi hard Cock  and pumping it, to raise it to its glory.

I pitied him.

Asmah Ůsmān too.

From below Durgesh fucked her on.

As they were roused by their movements, Durgesh let out a long groan, lodged his Uncut Hindu Cock  up in Asmah Ůsmān’s Saůūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt and simmered.

His hot Hindu seeds gushed into Asmah Ůsmān’s till virgin Saåūdī Årab Musalmān cave.

She waited Durgesh’s movements to ebb away.

And then she gave him space to slip out his Uncut Hindu Cock  of her Saůūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt and Durgesh of her.

Durgesh filled her mouth.

“Nice way to celebrate my 61st birthday,” said Durgesh , winking at all of us.

We clapped in appreciation.

“Thank Malakul Jannat-e-Firdaus for involving me on this occasion,” I said.

The rain too had stopped.

Asmah Ůsmān and Durgesh dressed and kissed one another thanks.

I sighed.

Aunt Al Sājidah Al Sheikħ, by her story, had heated up the atmosphere in that room.

I was boiling to pull out all the Uncut Hindu Cocks there and fuck.

There was a marshland slopping in between my legs.

It should have been the conditions of other listeners too.

We were looking at each other with a burning desire.

But I had a question to ask,

“And where is your Abbū now, aunty?”

At that, her eyes were filled with tears.

Jabeen Al Qāsim too was shaking with sobs.

I was confused,

“I’msorry, aunty, if I’d asked a wrong question.”

“Never mind,” she kissed me on my lips.

Her tears rolled down on my cheeks.

And remember, I was leaning on her bosoms.

“We planned to go to Kħānkāh-e-Jannat-e-Firdaus  when Jabeen Al Qāsim attained her age.” Aunt Al Sājidah Al Sheikħ continued, “We went up the Himalayas, but our bad time we couldn’t spot the crane which was supposed to show us the way.

My Abbū turned suspicious and he pulled up Jabeen Al Qāsim to know whether she was true to her word.

Jabeen Al Qāsim maintained her stand and opted out if she were not believed.

I was very eager to go up, hence I pressed on my Abbū to proceed.

We proceeded, but shortly our mules were in knee-deep snow.

And suddenly there was a roar in the air and my Abbū shouted us to turn and run back.

We obeyed.

A white wall of an avalanche was sliding down.

We were rushing back to safety with Jabeen Al Qāsim and me in the lead and my Abbū on our back.

We two Saåūdī Årab Musalmān women escaped and turned about to see my Abbū and his mule were buried under the snow, dumped by the avalanche.

I was stunned and speechless, but Jabeen Al Qāsim was crying aloud to forget her sin for she had lied in saying that she was a virgin.”

As aunt Al Sājidah Al Sheikħ told us that much, I heard my Ammījān started wailing.

I realized that the fire alighted on our flesh by her carnal story was put off by her Abbū”s tragedy.

“It was only our fault;” Al Sājidah Al Sheikħ aunt continued, “Jabeen Al Qāsim was kept in dark. We must’ve revealed her that my husband, in fact, was a Hindu.

We took time, much more time than necessary.

If Jabeen Al Qāsim had been revealed of our secret, she wouldn’t have lied of her virginity.”

I felt sorry for aunt Al Sājidah Al Sheikħ, but a bit bad about Jabeen Al Qāsim.

“Of all present here you are more close to me, Jabeen Al Qāsim,” I turned my attention to her, “And may I know who is the man deflowered you? I won’t demand if you want it to be a secret.”

“There’s no secret,” nosed in Al Sājidah Al Sheikħ aunt, “It was him,” she pointed at Durgesh .

Durgesh responded with a brave smile.

I didn’t expect that.

I faced aunt Al Sājidah Al Sheikħ,

“You mean to say that Jabeen Al Qāsim met Durgesh even before you meet him?”

“It was only Jabeen Al Qāsim who brought Durgesh to me.”

I turned again to Jabeen Al Qāsim, “And how come you run into Durgesh ?”

“It was Durgesh who took me to him.”

“But where did you meet Durgesh, in the first place?”

“Only here in this same house. Durgesh was Ammī’s lover, of which I had no idea then.”

My head was spinning.

I slumped.

All others, following my lead, laughed at my loss.

The mood has changed in a fraction of second.

Al Sājidah Al Sheikħ aunt put her hand around me and said,

“Don’t puzzle, Fātimah Zohrah Bittaul darling, Durgesh is the same boy who fucked Asmah Ůsmān and whom I fucked at the Kħānkāh ruins on his 61st birthday.”

“Oh, my…Allah! what a link! Unbelievable!” I shook my head, “Well, now, who”d tell how Durgesh was brought into this fold? Jabeen Al Qāsim? Or Durgesh himself?”

“I’m no good at story telling.” Jabeen Al Qāsim slipped out.

“It’s ok, I”ll try, but I’m afraid I won’t be as good as Al Sājidah Al Sheikħ in words,” so humble Durgesh started his narration:

Al Sājidah Al Sheikħ had told Jabeen Al Qāsim, it seemed, that I was a man who can answer any question.

On that account Jabeen Al Qāsim wanted to meet me, so I was told.

I received Jabeen Al Qāsim at HVS Multiversity Online .

Yes, I was and I’m still now, HVS Multiversity Online Supremo.

Leaving her to my custody, her Abbū  left on some other mission.

At that time I was sitting in lotus posture in my Stavan room.

Jabeen Al Qāsim scanned the room around with her beautiful eyes.

Looking at her lower lip protruding than her upper one, I thought,

“Here is a sensuous Saåūdī Årab Musalmān girl.”

“What do you think about incest?” she asked, “Is it wrong or right?”

I was startled by her question, but managed to get my ground,

“I think it’s wrong.” I smiled at her.

“If so, what makes it wrong?” Jabeen Al Qāsim asked.

“The closeness of the blood, of course.” I replied smiling at her disarmingly.

“If it is so, it has to work in the case of other animals too.” Jabeen Al Qāsim argued.

“But other animals don’t relate.”

“Therefore, it’s not the closeness of the blood.” Jabeen Al Qāsim declared.

“Then, what do you  think? Is it the sixth sense?” I asked her opinion, innocently.

But Jabeen Al Qāsim argued,

“If a real Ammījān and son were separated so long as to recognize not each other when they meet again, what the so called sixth sense would do?”

“You mean to say that the difference is not born with, but folly?” I argued in response.

“You got the point.” Jabeen Al Qāsim said victoriously.

I sat there without a word for a longtime.

As if allowing her to think again.

She did not say anything.

I interrupted her silence cautiously, “What made you to ask a question on incest?”

She didn’t answer, but asked instead,

“Where’s your Ammījān?”

“She is with my Pitr’shrī Vishvās Shakr Mānav. What has it to do with?”

Jabeen Al Qāsim looked deep into my eyes, remained so for a minute, and left my place abruptly.

A month after that meet, Jabeen Al Qāsim arrived back at HVS Multiversity Online .

She was in a sexy dress, exposing her young Saåūdī Årab Musalmān boobs almost to their nipples and her shaped long legs almost to her panties.

I passed a comment to myself, “She urgently needs a nice Hindu fuck.”

“You wanted to know last time, what made me to ask you a question on incest, right?” She started. “I’ve come back to answer that.”

I kept silence and was listening.

She continued,

“whom I believed as my Abbū is not my Abbū, but my Ammī’s Abbū. They think that I’ve no idea, but I know. The old man lives as my Ammī’s husband and sleeps with her. I learned from you last time that it was wrong with incest. So I went back to tell them the same. But this time I’ve come here to tell you,” Jabeen Al Qāsim stopped for a Moment and said, “my Ammī sleeps not only with her Abbū but also with you, Durgesh.” She took a breath and asked, “What do you say about it?”

“What’s there to say? I’m already 18, old enough to have my way in these matters. Your Ammī needs me sexually. Your Abbū ask me to quench her thirst. Ask them. ” I said.

“Is that all? I’m19. You mean to say that I can do whatever I like?”

“Yes, if it doesn’t hurt others as well as you.”

“What do you mean by hurting one’s own self?”

“For example, if I fuck your Ammījān on compulsion, but not of my own will.” I explained, “Sorry if my language offends you.”

She laughed and continued in the same spirit of language,

“But even legal fucks are compulsive fucks.”

“They ought to be. Law is compulsion. Being compulsive, law calls unconditional love like incest as taboo.”

“You mean incest is an unconditional, non-compulsive way of love?”

“Yes, incest lovers consider their partners as their own self. So they don’t compel or impose conditions.”

“That’s how my grand Abbū fucks my Ammījān and at the same time allows her to fuck you?”

“You got the point.”

“Your logic is interesting. How come you preach against incest?”

“I find it destructive to society.”


I nodded.

She stared at me.

And to make me believe she brought to me a friend, Nādirah Raħīm.

Nādirah Raħīm expounded me her  past.

“My Ammījān absconded, leaving her three children. And then my elder Kħālāzād Cousin ran away with her Hindu lover. Later I too ran away from home, leaving my Abbū and younger Kħālāzād Cousin.

Running away I reached Jabalpur and joined a business house, but only as an office girl. The payment I received was just sufficient to meet my needs.

In Ashvinātam  Cinema there, I happened to view an x-rated film.

Since then it became a habit of me to visit that cinema house.

As I was watching a movie one day, someone moved in the dark and occupied my next seat.

But after a few minutes I felt his hand on my thighs. Already I was pressing my Saåūdī Årab Musalmān mound now and then.

The scene on the screen was so hot: in a hill station a Hindu taxi driver, hired by a honeymooning Musalmān couple/ took the couple to a remote place in the forest/ binds the Musalmān husband to a tree and rapes the Musalmān wife under his eyes.

And the wife, after an initial struggle/, gives up her struggle and enjoys the Hindu’s fuck.

My neighbor’s hand moved and settled on my crotch.

I didn’t show any protest.

It pressed and squeezed at my crotch.

I did nothing to prevent, but allowed it to have its freedom.

And the hand was not satisfied with that limit.

It opened my trousers and touched my fully aroused Saåūdī Årab Musalmān mound.

Out of fear I looked this way and that way to see if anybody is watching.

“What a beautiful  thing you own,” murmured the neighbor in my ear, “Let me play with it, but don’t spill the juice. Tap my hand when you feel like cumming.”

And the hand seemed to be an experienced one; it performed a sensational masturbation on my extremely ravenous Saåūdī Årab Musalmān mound.

On the screen, the camera moved to a close-up, focusing the bulging in the Musalmān husband’s trousers spans down to the noticing eyes of the extremely beautiful Musalmān wife/ pulls back to show the wife, raising her  Makkan Saåūdī Årab Musalmān buttocks and to a top close up showing the thick Uncut Hindu Cock  stretching in and drawing out through the shining lips of the bulged Saůūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt.

I was on the brink.

So, I tapped the hand and expected it to stop or take care, but an unexpected action followed:

The neighbor took my hand and put it on his own throbbing Uncut Hindu Cock.

It was also about to explode.

I bent down, wrapped my mouth around my neighbor’s Uncut Hindu Cock,  sucked frantically and made his Uncut Hindu Cock -head to burst into my extremely beautiful Saåūdī Årab Musalmān mouth, discharging an abundant Hindu load.

I drank all his Hindu catch.

Within seconds, the hall came alive with lights and I had little time to cover up.

Interval it was.

The neighbor was a handsome old man of above 60, with a man beside him, in police uniform with three stars each on his shoulder straps.

I was panicked, but they smiled amicably.

Subsequently the Police Officer, with three stars, enquired all about me.

I didn’t tell him that I was a runaway Sunni Musalmān girl, but told him the truth about my Jabalpur life.

Once the lights are switched off after interval, the Hindu man with him, gave a squeeze at my mound  and told me to follow them.

They got up and moved out of the hall.

Panic struck me again.

I had no other option, but to follow them.

I had sucked the Hindu man’s Uncut Hindu Penis without knowing that he had a three stars Police Officer with him.


Yā Allaaaaaaah!

What should I do?

Icould easily be charged for prostitution, though I had not even thought of it ever.

They took me in their police Car to a posh bungalow in Vijay Nagar.

The door was opened by a beautiful young Musalmān lady.

Gori gorī, whitish complexion, she looked like a vivacious angel.

Inspector introduced her as his wife and briefed her about me.

She gave me water to drink followed by tea.

I couldn’t help but running my eyes on her voluptuous Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Breasts and butts.

I was not able to take away my eyes until she disappeared from the front room.

“You like her?” inspector smiled at me.

My throat went dry,

“Sorry, sir, I…”

“No excuse, you’re going to stay here.”

I looked for help to his Hindu companion I’ve sucked.

The Hindu smiled at me in assurance.

I was frightened,

“But, sir, my job…”

“Forget it. You are appointed as our housekeeper and already I’ve arranged to bring here your things.” the Inspector said.

I did not know the hold of the Hindu on the inspector, but the both were behaving as if the real authority there, was not the Inspector, the Hindu was instead.

I kept mum.

Inspector called his wife out, but she didn’t show her face again.

Inspector went in and soon I could hear a heated argument and her crying followed.

I was sitting there in great confusion.

“Tomorrow we’ve to start again our job-searching exercise.” I worried within me.

Inspector took me out for dinner.

And, that night, he made me to sleep in a guest room in his house.

In the middle of the night I woke up to hear voices,

“Why are you so adamant? I should’ve left you to rot on the streets.”

“Listen, if you want a child, why don’t you try yourself?”

“Hey, don’t repeat all those nonsense. I’m resolved to achieve my goal with this girl.”

“But she is only a kid and I’m afraid to loot innocence.”

“Come on, she is already 20. Once you had a look at her growth, you’d come to know.”

“No I don’t want to.”

“Look, she is an orphan too. And she won’t go anywhere or breathe out.”

There was no sound for some time.

Then I heard footsteps approaching me.

Inspector woke me up and told me to go into madam”s room.

I obeyed and went in.

Madam told me to bolt the door.

I did.

But then she told me to lie down on the floor and sleep.

I followed.

It went like that for thee days.

On the fourth day morning, inspector called me to his room.

He wanted to know whether Durgesh had intercourse with his wife and me.

I didn’t know what to say, but he guessed.

He pulled me to him and pushed down my trousers.

My mound was exposed to him.

“Let her go to hell. Why should I waste you, Allah!My God, send?”

The more than 60 years old Hindu entered.

Inspector told me that he was Durgesh.

Inspector made me knelt in front of Durgesh and took his Uncut Hindu Cock  into my mouth.

I  held Durgesh’s waist  for support and the sucking went on nicely.

Soon Durgesh was drawn in to the lust wave and was slowly fucking my sucking Saåūdī Årab Musalmān mouth.

By then I noticed the door opened and madam standing there.

Our eyes met and locked for a Moment and then she had gone.

It was so quick that I thought it was only my imagination.

So I pushed it away from my mind and pulled me back to fill my milking mouth.

In the night, madam called me to her bed and told me to press her legs.

I obeyed eagerly.

She wanted to know whether I was truly an orphan.

I said yes, because that’s how I was answering the world from the very first day I flee my home.

She hiked her gown to expose more of her legs to be massaged.

I followed enthusiastically.

She was on her stomach.

Her thighs were plump, smooth and wheat white.

Durgesh smiled.

I didn’t know when he entered there.

His Hindu pecker stirred in his lower.

Few minutes later, she hiked her gown further to expose her big-big orbs of Makkan Saåūdī Årab Musalmān buttocks.

Breathless I was, but attended to her with the attention of Durgesh’s Uncut Hindu Cock .

It might have exited her; she divided her thighs to permit my fingers to move below.

Under her wheat colored orbs appeared her husky brown lips.

I didn’t fail to touch and feel them, as if accidentally.

Suddenly she turned on her back and her shaved prominent Saůūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt blocked and dragged my vision.

Looking at her fleshy mound I had to wet my parched lips.

Nauhīd Shamshād, it was her name, pulled her gown over her head and tossed it off.

Her big-big Saåūdī Årab Musalmān boobs swung forth.

I started trembling in anticipation.

Durgesh smiled victoriously.

“OK, Durgesh, Come on in my old Hindu boy, fuck me out, if that’s what you, both the satans want.” Nauhīd Shamshād invited Durgesh in her melodious voice and at the same time by spreading her beautiful Musalmān thighs.

That appeared vulgar for a Musalmān lady like her.

But it maddened Durgesh and me.

Durgesh and I tore off our dresses.

Durgesh dived in between her extremely beautiful Musalmān thighs.

And Durgesh’s Uncut Hindu Cock  plunged in smoothly and deeply.

Durgesh fucked Nauhīd Shamshād as a long starved lustful Hindu man.

Nauhīd Shamshād too had an urgency to quench her Sunni Musalmān thirst it seemed.

She raised her  Makkan Saåūdī Årab Musalmān buttocks and reciprocated fervently.

Durgesh kneaded her big Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Breasts, sqeezed her beautiful  nipples and fucked and fucked Nauhīd Shamshād’s hot hungry Saůūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt.

Soon she was at her peak and Durgesh could sense the tremor in her Sunni Musalmān body.

Nauhīd Shamshād gasped, stiffened and collapsed down.

Durgesh didn’t stop his powerful Hindu thrusts but speeded up.

The morning suck Durgesh had from me helped in his prolonging.

Nauhīd Shamshād convulsed under Durgesh as if she was in great pain and was moaning continuously.

Her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Breasts hardened as shot-put balls.

For a big mass such as they were, it was unbelievable.

Her nipples stood as hard as my thumbs.

Her Sunni Musalmān sheath was steaming and streaming around Durgesh’s sliding Uncut Hindu Cock  and Nauhīd Shamshād was floating through a groundless grip.

It ended up as too much to bear.

Durgesh ejaculated and collapsed on Nauhīd Shamshād, writhing like a fish out of water.

Nauhīd Shamshād enfolded Durgesh into her arms and legs, and rested Durgesh on her, to perspire in bliss.

Nauhīd Shamshād searched out Durgesh’s mouth with hers and locked Durgesh further.

Next day madam Nauhīd Shamshād told her husband to stay away from Durgesh for Durgesh had become her property.

Inspector blinked at first but jumped up next in happiness.

Yet he was suspicious.

And he expressed so.

Madam, Nauhīd Shamshād, in fury, pushed Durgesh down on his back, pulled out his Uncut Hindu Cock , and mounted Durgesh, in front of her Inspector husband.

Inspector was much pleased, but left the scene because the act of Uncut Hindu Cock -in-Saůūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt was not of his taste.

I was employed to witness Durgesh in fucking madam continuously for three months.

And it bore its fruit.

Inspector achieved his goal.

Madam Nauhīd Shamshād conceived.

And everybody was happy including me.

Durgesh always fucked me after madam Nauhīd Shamshād surrendered.

Durgesh was, even in his 61st, could not be satisfied only by one Musalmān Beauty.

He needed other Musalmān Beauties too after fucking madam Nauhīd Shamshād to her exhaustion.

The Inspector had employed not only me.

He had requested his own sisters and cousins too for the same purpose.

What a grand Hindu fucker of Musalmān Beauties Durgesh was.

I was his new lady Musalmān slave already.

But fate took on its course.

Inspector kidnapped  me, from his own house, put me in a southbound train and warned me that he would shoot me down if he happened to see my head again in Jabalpur.

I left Jabalpur and my meager belongings in madam’s house.

I got down next day morning on the bank of Narmadā, took bath in the great river and roamed empty handed.

A man took me to an Āshram for a free meal.

I liked it.

No work, no worry, nice bath in Narmadā and two meals a day in the Āshram.

I decided to stay in the Āshram, but the chief monk called me in and wanted to know from me if I wanted to be a monk.

Only a monk is allowed to stay there permanently.

I consented.

My steadfastness was tested for a Mandal i.e. 52 days.

Then I was given dīxā.

Once I’ve enrolled into the fold, the secrets of the Āshram were revealed to me.

I stayed there happily for 18 months.

And my fate awakened to take its course.

Inspector from Jabalpur arrived there and wanted to take me back to Jabalpur.

I refused, but he took me back on his gunpoint.

Madam Nauhīd Shamshād was sitting on her bed in her room and a baby was sleeping on a cradle nearby.

Tears welled up in her eyes as soon as she spotted me.

Inspector left us to be alone and closed the door.

I was standing there.

“I need you. I can’t satisfy the immense Hindu lust Durgesh has. All my husband’s sisters and cousins also fail. I wonder how you satisfy the Hindu beast, my dear.” madam Nauhīd Shamshād appreciated.

I was alarmed,

“But how? How do you know?”

Nauhīd Shamshād strode  up to me, patted on my shoulders, ran up to Durgesh,  fell on his chest and cried.

I was completely confused.

She led me to her bed and took out a photograph from under her pillow and put it in my hand.

It was one of my belongings I left in that house.

It was my family photo.

All were there: my Abbū, Ammījān, elder Kħālāzād Cousin, younger Kħālāzād Cousin and I.

“How do you come to know us? Who are you?” I wondered.

She pointed her finger at my Ammījān in the photograph.

And the photograph slipped off my hand.

I was taken aback.

She fell on me once again and burst into sobs.

Tears poured out of my eyes too.

Once we overcome our emotions, she led me to the cradle and showed me the sleeping child, “Look at the beauty, your brother from a Hindu, from Durgesh I mean.”

“I’m sorry, Ammī, it wouldn’t have happened if I had known that you were my real Ammījān.”

She covered my mouth with her hand and said, “No ifs and buts. I must say that I owe my life to the inspector, who saved it and guarding me so far. I became his wife as a safe step for I knew he would not touch a woman in his life. But of late he wanted to have a child by me to show the world that he is potent too. In fact, I wanted to help him boosting his image, but at the same time I didn’t like to bed with a Hindu man. But one has to believe in fate. I came out of my shell on account of you, unaware of our blood link.”

“Oh, Ammī, I never imagined I’d meet you in my life. No matter, Durgesh, a Hindu fucked us. Let’s take it as Allah’s decision.”

“Never imagined to meet me? What do you think I imagined? Me too, but then why did you say that you were an orphan?”

I told her briefly my runaway story.

She took me in her arms and soothed me, “It’s all the game of fate.”

“How come the inspector agreed to bring me back?” I wondered.

“I told him that I would open-out the secret of the baby to the world otherwise,” my Ammījān cleared.

I cuddled in her embrace.

Ammījān, Nauhīd Shamshād, looked at Durgesh to please me.

She kissed me first on my forehead and then Durgesh kissed me on my lips.

The Hindu kiss of Durgesh on my lips lingered long.

“Ammījān, now we’ve come to know we’re Ammī and daughter.”

“That’s why I kissed you on your forehead, and Durgesh kissed on your mouth because he is  now our common Hindu lover, who Abbūed my son, your brother.”

I didn’t stand on her way thereafter.

Durgesh, on my Ammījān’s request,  locked me in his hot wet kiss.

I ran my fingers on Durgesh’s Hindu crotch.

Durgesh’s Uncut Hindu Cock  jumped under his lower.

Breaking his kiss Durgesh said, “It’ll be terrific for us to fuck, knowing you both are real Ammī and daughter.”

So, on my Ammījān’s guidance, Durgesh entered me.

My Saůūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt was slimy and slippery like the floor of Kħātūn-e-Jannat Kħānkāh, where cooked rice was spilled and trodden by human feet.

And we, Durgesh Ammījān and I, fucked.

The heat, the love and all our movements in and out, it was terrific.

Even after ejaculation Durgesh didn’t have the mind to pull out his depleted Uncut Hindu Cock  off my Saůūdī Årab Musalmān Cunt.

“Ammī, what you said was true.” I gasped. “It is unbelievably terrific.”

“Didn’t I tell you?” Ammī patted my cheeks and pulled at them, “It was terrific the way Durgesh fucked, O my..!”

“And I tasted your milk too, ma,” I told her excitedly, “your Saåūdī Årab Musalmān boobs are full of milk.”

Durgesh pecked at my lips and Ammījān pushed my head down to her Saåūdī Årab Musalmān boobs.

“A Saåūdī Årab Musalmān Breast feeding Ammījān has to give the balance milk her child,” she said.

I sucked at her nipples, drawing in her thin sweet milk.

Ammī ran her fingers through my hair and said,

“You  remind me of your Abbū. He too was mad after my milk pots.”

Chapter 5


More Creative Adult Sex in English from Durgesh

1. Bahoo Bégum

2. The obsession

3 The daughters and wife of my Musalmān friend

4.The Extramarital affair: Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah:Social Service

5.   Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–1

6. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–2

7. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–3

8. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–4

9. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–5

10. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–6

11. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–7

12. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–8

13. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–9

14. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–10

15. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–11

16. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–12

17. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–13

18. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–14

19. A deserving unfaithfulness

20. A deserving unfaithfulness-2

21. Yåqūb Family-1

22. They conspired against me

23. A secret Smile

24. A new young wife at sixty

24. My dad’s new Musalmān wife

26. The Beaming Knowledge

27. The three pregnants-1

28. The three pregnants-2

29. In the Moonlight

30. Sālī, Ammījān!

31. Now entirely secured and safe

32. She needed me extremely

33. Al Jihād fil Durgesh fī sabīlillāh

34. Kħadījah Åbdullah Bājī  seduced me

35. Her Brilliant Decisions-1

36. Her Brilliant Decisions-2

37. Her Brilliant Decisions-3

38. Her Brilliant Decisions-4

39. No Hindu, Please!

40. Only Hindus, Please!

41. Scintillating Ammī and daughter

42. I do hate hypocrisy

43. I still love Durgesh, with immense pride

44. Hell, I revolt

45. She loved me all along

46. She told the untold-1

47. Arātīyato ni dahāti Vedah: The untold history of our freedom fight-1

48. Making love and understanding everything

49. We both, Nādirah, and Arzumand, love Durgesh

50. After the death of my husband

51. The everbest wives-1

52. Ultimately, I’m an Ammī now

53. The most memorable Eidī of her life

54. It was 24×7, that was all we three cared

55. You are the best. You don’t know

56. I’m not defeated even yet-1

57. Misunderstanding: Everyone thought she’s my wife

58. Yūsuf or Kr’shñ?-1

59. Kħadījah Durgesh Åāyeshah:  I Lost My Sister And Wife To Durgesh

60. A rapist Hindu Piya-1

61. Åli Muħammad Satyarthi-1

62. I love my wife Kħadījah Muħammad

63. Raziyah Akbar Aurangzeb-1

64. I live with him

65. The only man she loved

66. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-1

67. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-2

68. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-3

69. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-4

70. My Hindu Dad’s two Musalmān Wives

71. It all happened just naturally-1

72. It all happened just naturally-2

73. Under Open Sky

74. Ammī the competent

75. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-1

76. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-2

77. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-3

78. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-4

79. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-5

80. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-6

81. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-7

82. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-8

83. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-9

84. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-10

79. The Extent

80.Ashvinātam intimacy-1

81.Ashvinātam intimacy-2

82. Three sons three Ammīs

83. Ahl-Al Bayt 1: College tour

84. Ahl-Al Bayt 2: The Aftereffect

85. Ahl-Al Bayt 3: The Aftereffect

86. Ahl-Al Bayt 4: Satisfaction

87. Ahl-Al Bayt 5: The Surprising Rest

88.  Ahl-Al Bayt 6: The Nude Day Arranged

89. Ahl-Al Bayt 7

90. Ahl-Al Bayt 8: The Uncut Hindu Obsession

91. Ahl-Al Bayt 9:The Obsession Continued

92. Ahl-Al Bayt 10: The Obsession Still Continued

93. Ahl-Al Bayt 11: One More Obsession

94. Ahl-Al Bayt 12: Obsession One More

95. Ahl-Al Bayt 13

96. Ahl-Al Bayt 14

97. Ahl-Al Bayt 15

98. Ahl-Al Bayt 16

99. Ahl-Al Bayt 17

100. Ahl-Al Bayt 18

101.Ahl-Al Bayt 19

102. Ahl-Al Bayt 20

103. Ahl-Al Bayt 21

104. Ahl-Al Bayt 22

105. Ahl-Al Bayt 23

106. Ahl-Al Bayt 24

107. Ahl-Al Bayt 25

108. Ahl-Al Bayt 26

109. Ahl-Al Bayt 27

110. Ahl-Al Bayt 28

111. Ahl-Al Bayt 29

112. Ahl-Al Bayt 30

113. The everincreasing infinite lust

114. The women in my life

115. My Social Service: My Sex Empire: Durgesh

116.  A Deep Conflict-1

117. I’m never ashamed of it

118. Jahān Ārā Aurangzeb Bājī and a Fools’ Paradise

119. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 1

120. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 2

121. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 3

122.  Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 4

123. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 5

124. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:1

125. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:2

126. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:3

127. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:4

128.Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:5

129. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:6

130. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:7

131. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:8

132. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:9


More creative adult sex in Hindi/Urdu from Durgesh:

1. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 1

2. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 2

3. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 3

4. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 4

5.Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 5

6. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 6

5. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 7

7. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 8

8. Karwā Chauth kā Rozā

9. Mérā Piyā ghar āyā,Yā Allah! Uiiii!-1

10. Mérā Piyā ghar āyā,Yā Allah! Uiiii!-2

11. Durgesh Sidrah Aħmad aur uski Bhābhījān-1

12. Durgesh Sidrah Aħmad aur uski Bhābhījān-2

13. Eidul Fitr-1

14. Mérī mubārakbād qabool farmāýén, Ħazrat!

15. Méré Māmūzād Cousin kī Sasurāl mein main

فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ16Fabiayyi ālāi Rabbikumā tukazzibāni?’

17. Ahal-e-Bait-1

18. Main térī dīvānī

19. Al Jihad: No incest: 1

20. Buniyādī insānī ħaq

21. Majājī Kħudā: 1

22. Majājī Kħudā: 2

23. Majājī Kħudā:3

24. Majājī Kħudā:4

25. Majājī Kħudā: 5

26. Majājī Kħudā: 6

27. Pyār na dékhé ůmr:1

28. Pyār na dékhé ůmr:2


Science Fictions from DSM Satyarthi:

1. The Foundation Story Coninued: Chapter 1

2.  The Foundation Story Coninued: Chapter 2

3.  The Foundation Story Coninued: Chapter 3

4 . The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 4

5. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 5

6. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 6

7. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 7

8. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 8

9. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 9

10. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 10

11. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 11

12. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 12

13. The Foundation story continued: Chapter 13

14. Prelude to Ten Commandments-1

15. Prelude to Ten Commandments-2

16. Prelude to Ten Commandments-3


Commentary on Ved from DSM Satyarthi:

1. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

2. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 2

3. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 5| Mantr 3

4. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 5| Mantr 3

5. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 7| Mantr 5

6. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 7| Mantr 8

4. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 1

5. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 2

6. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 3

7. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 4

8. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 5

9. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 6

10. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 7

11. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 8

12.R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 9

13. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 58| Mantr 6

14. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 164| Mantr 20

15. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 164| Mantr 46

16. R’gved: Mandal 2| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

17 R’gved: Mandal 3| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

18. R’gved: Mandal 3| Sookt 6| Mantr 2

19. R’gved: Mandal 4| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

20. R’gved: Mandal 5| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

21. R’gved: Mandal 6| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

22. R’gved: Mandal 7| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

23. R’gved: Mandal 8| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

24. R’gved: Mandal 9| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

25. R’gved: Mandal 9| Sookt 63| Mantr 4-5

26. R’gved: Mandal 10| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

27. R’gved: Mandal 10| Sookt 85| Mantr 42

28. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 1

29. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 2

30. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 3

31. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 4

32. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 11| Mantr 1

33. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 13| Mantr 4

34. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 23| Mantr 3

35. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 40| Mantr8

36. Saamved: Mantr 1

37. Sāmved: Mantr 115

38. Sāmved: Mantr 641: Mahānāmnyārchik| 1

39. Sāmved: Mantr 650: Mahānāmnyārchik| 10

40. Sāmved: Mantr 651: Uttarārchik

41. Atharv Ved: Kaand 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

42.  Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 3

43. Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 4

44. Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 6

45. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 6

46. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 7

47. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 8

48. Atharv Ved: Kaand 8| Sookt 1| Mantr 6

49. Atharv Ved: Kaand 14| Sookt 1| Mantr 22

50. Atharv Ved: Kaand 14| Sookt 2| Mantr 25

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