The womankind everfirst: 1

The womankind everfirst



Chapter 1

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās thought all my Musalmān stepdaughters have a secret desire to make love to their father, because she thought all the girls had it for their real fathers even.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās knew she herself was one.

Her Ammī returned to her real Abbū, Al Rashīd Al wahāb, even when Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was very young.

Her Ammī told Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās, it was a sin that she left her ardent Musalmān husband for a ‘nāpāk’(?) Hindu.

Durgesh was of course a very good man.

She had lived entire seven years with Durgesh now.

Durgesh had given her two sons even.

But in spite of her constant dåwat-e-Islam to Durgesh, Durgesh still believed in his ancestral religion Hinduism.

Seven years were enough to prove that Durgesh was interested in only fucking Musalmān Beauties and extremely beautiful Musalmān houseladies.

He was never interested in Islam, neither he could ever be.

Of course, he doesn’t agree with Dr. Ali Sina and his co-authors entirely, but his own views are not strictly Islamic themselves.

She never knew, neither ever she consented to know what the actual Islam was qabl Yazīd malåūn.

It was the greatest tragedy of the entire humanity that it never knew the actual importance of religion.

A religion was actually an international movement of humanity that always needed updation.

Overnight, for Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās, Durgesh became a single parent, and For Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās I became her whole world.

In this particular house, especially, I had named after Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās, ‘Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās Mansion’.

It was now owned by Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās and me.

I had offered her to transfer it in her sole name on her twenty eighth birthday, even if Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās would leave me with her Ammī.

“I’d never leave you.” Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās cried, “I hate my real parents. They shamelessly suggested me to live here with you until my twenty eighth birthday. They suggested I should leave you after getting this vast Mansion entirely in my name. Shame on them. Can’t Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās live here alone with you forever?”

I hugged Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās,

“Your twenty eighth birthday is not very far away. Only one week is remaining. Take your Mansion entirely on your name alone as my good bye gift, my parting gift to you.”

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās hugged me and started to cry,

“I’d never leave you. I’d never let you down as my Ammī, Begum Al Zāhidah Al Imrān did.”

In her opinion, she couldn’t have asked for a more loving and attentive father.

Sometimes Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās felt guilty that I was so alone in this vast Mansion, even if I had my infinite women everywhere.

Ultimately, none of them was here, after her Ammī, Begum Al Zāhidah Al Imrān, returned to her real Abbū.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās knew I would never blame Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās for anything, but Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās wasn’t naive enough not to realize a man had needs.

She wasn’t a child anymore.

Only after a week, she would be twenty-eight herself.

She was already a PhD.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās also knew very well that somehow, someway, she would have to find a way to satisfy those needs herself.

I was everything to Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās.

She would sometimes gaze at me adoringly when I wasn’t looking.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās had always thought me a quite handsome man with my chiseled features and muscular build, which Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās attributed to all those years working sex therapy and various other forms of manual sex labor for needy Musalmān houseladies.

Her hands were always soft and gentle whenever Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās would hug me.

Sometimes I caught Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās holding on to me a little longer than maybe she should have, as she took in my manly scent of Old Spice and peppermint.

And more than once Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās would get a strong tingling sensation between her legs whenever Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās would hold me or she would snuggle up to me next on the couch while I was watching TV.

Simply put, I was something as if a god to Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās.

The more I tried to explain to her that I was nothing as she thought, the more her adoration for me intensified.


Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās worshipped the ground I walked on.

But I didn’t know just how strong her feelings were for me until one time when she made what Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās fondly refer to as her special discovery.

It was one afternoon when Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās had come home from University.

Now Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was 28 and was a PhD herself.

She didn’t allow me to transfer the Mansion in her sole name.

Neither had she left me.

I kept silent not to offend her that her real parents wanted her to leave me after her twenty eighth birthday.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās knew I was already home from work since my limousine was parked in the driveway.

Sometimes I came home from work a little early, so Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās wasn’t alarmed when she saw my limousine parked in front of the house.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was alarmed, however, by some sound that seemed to be coming to her from my bedroom.

Worried, she dropped her purse on the floor of the living room and hurried to my bedroom to see if I needed her help.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās soon discovered, however, that she was “helping” me in a most unexpected way.

Since I didn’t like her just barging into my room unannounced, Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās slowly opened the door to my room just a crack and was about to call out for me.

The moaning got louder the closer she got to my room.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās quickly discovered why, when Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās made her special discovery.

I was fucking one of her friends, her Kħālāzād cousin actually, Al Zubaydah Al Nādir.

She was Just Eighteen Just Adult.

Moreover, she was Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās’s Kħālāzād cousin, almost exactly identical to Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās herself.

For one moment, Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās thought that she was watching her fantasy in her dream.

I was fucking Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās herself.

Her Kħālā was so exactly identical to Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās’s Ammī that I had fucked her Kħālā instead of Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās’s Ammī millions of times, and never knew it was her Kħālā.

The mystery was disclosed when her Kħālā gave birth to a handsome son that was exactly identical to my son her Ammī had given birth simultaneously.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās’s Kħālū immediately divorced Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās’s Kħālā.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās’s Ammī pleaded to me that I should accept her Kħālā too.


Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās gazed us, and her own mouth fell open.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās touched her chest and was about to suck in a quick breath.

She quickly stopped herself.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās didn’t want me to notice her crouching behind the door and seeing that Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was exactly identical to her Kħālāzād cousin.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās knew what I was doing to her Kħālāzād cousin, even though Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās herself was not sexually experienced.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās hadn’t, even yet, been so much as kissed by a boy.

Simply put, Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was still a virgin.

At her twenty eight even.

It proved her immensely high moral character.

She was a real Musalmān.

She wasn’t one of the loose character Pseudo Musalmīn at all.

The Pseudo Musalmīn were always loose character.

And if a Pseudo Musalmān wasn’t a loose character, s/he wasn’t a Pseudo Musalmān herself/himself.

S/he was a true Musalmān.

About the only sexual experience Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās had was whenever she touched herself at night as she lay alone in bed, and that was pretty much it.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās had overheard some girls at University talking about “fucking and playing with themselves” but she didn’t know exactly what they meant until seeing me fucking her Kħālāzād cousin herself.
Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās knew she should have just walked away since a daughter is not supposed to see her father like that.

Nevertheless, Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās just stood there mesmerized by the sight of me with my Uncut Hindu Cock  vanishing in and out of  her exactly identical Kħālāzād cousin and friend, Al Zubaydah Al Nādir, furiously.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās knew what that was, too, even though that was yet another sexual experience she had yet to discover for herself.

Up to that point, the only penises Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās had seen were on the Internet.

Hey, a girl can be curious!

Can’t she?

But seeing a real live one was a totally different experience.

And the fact that my Uncut Hindu Cock was considerably bigger than even those she had seen on the Internet made Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās all the more transfixed.

As Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās stood there watching me fucking Al Zubaydah Al Nādir in that manner, Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās couldn’t help but notice how I kept glancing over at the top of her desk.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās herself glanced over to see what I kept looking at and was shocked to discover a picture of her Ammī in a one-piece red bikini that I had taken of her when we went to the beach on one of our typical family outings just a few weeks ago.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās too wanted to wear a two-piece bikini, but being the stern loving father I was, I wouldn’t allow it for what Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās thought were obvious reasons.

I was pleasuring myself with Al Zubaydah Al Nādir to a picture of her Ammī!

As the initial shock wore off, Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās started to feel a little, well, flattered that I found her Ammī still attractive enough to pleasure myself, even fucking her Ammī’s exactly identical, Al Zubaydah Al Nādir.

What a damnfool her Ammī was.

Her real Abbū never loved her so much as I still did.

As far as I was concerned, actually I wasn’t fucking Al Zubaydah Al Nādir at all.

I was still fucking her Ammī, Begum Al Zāhidah Al Imrān, in Al Zubaydah Al Nādir’s exactly identical Panjvaqtah Namāzī young Musalmān body.

Now there are some people who would probably say at the point Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās should have been outraged that I was still looking at her Ammī in that way.

Nevertheless, the simple truth of the matter was, Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās wasn’t.

In fact, not only was Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās not outraged in the slightest by what I was doing with her Ammī’s bikini-clad picture, Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās also felt those familiar tingling sensations come back between her legs full-force.

Was Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās herself not more identical to her Ammī, Begum Al Zāhidah Al Imrān, than even her Kħālāzād cousin, Al Zubaydah Al Nādir, was?

Why don’t the hell Durgesh fuck Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās herself, instead of fucking her Kħālāzād cousin, Al Zubaydah Al Nādir?

I started fucking Al Zubaydah Al Nādir harder and faster as I increased the speed.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās quickly lifted her dress, slipped her hand inside her dampening panties, and touched her hard throbbing clitty with the tip of her forefinger.

She quickly stifled a loud moan that was about to escape her lips since the last thing Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās wanted to do was shock me that Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was watching me get myself off to her Ammī’s picture, even while fucking her Ammī’s identical, her Kħālāzād cousin, Al Zubaydah Al Nādir.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās knew I was about to climax as I gripped the waist of Al Zubaydah Al Nādir harder and fucked her even faster.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās, too, felt herself about to come as Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was frantically rubbing her little clitty with her fingertip, with her mouth close tight, so I wouldn’t still hear her. All of a sudden, I threw my head back and let out a long drawn-out moan as my white stuff spurted out of the tip of my big penis into Al Zubaydah Al Nādir’s Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Cunt, over and over several times.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās knew what the “white stuff” was since they taught about all that stuff in Health class in University. So Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās wasn’t that sexually inexperienced after all!

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās slipped a finger inside of her and climaxed herself as Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās watched me come into Al Zubaydah Al Nādir.

That time she didn’t stop herself from moaning and Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās fell face-forward into my room.

To say I was shocked to see her there, especially in the, let’s say, condition we were both in, would have been a severe understatement.

“Honey,” I tried not to stammer, trying in vain to cover Al Zubaydah Al Nādir and myself. “Hell! What the hell are you doing in here?”

It was then that I noticed her dress hiked up and her hand still buried down inside her drenched panties.

“And what in the world are you doing with your hand down,”

I paused as if I couldn’t allow myself to admit that Begum Al Zāhidah Al Imrān’s own daughter, Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās, played with herself too,

“…down there like that?”

“Funny, ‘Daddy’,” Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās said with a naughty grin, “I could ask you the exact same thing!”

“Young lady!” I blurted, settling on Al Zubaydah Al Nādir with her Musalmān Cunt still sheathing around my still-erect Uncut Hindu Cock. “You should never talk to your father like that!”

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās stood up, still grinning at me, and said something Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās wouldn’t have normally said to me:

You aren’t my father actually. Are you? Only my Ammī, Begum Al Zāhidah Al Imrān, was your live in relationship partner. And some would say you shouldn’t be fucking Al Zubaydah Al Nādir to the pictures of my Ammī. She isn’t your live in relationship partner any more.”

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās pointed at the bikini-clad picture of her Ammī, Begum Al Zāhidah Al Imrān, placed on my desk.

I glanced at the photo yet my face never flushed a bright red even for a second.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās giggled at the sight of her Kħālāzād cousin’s embarrassment, which was something else Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās normally would not have done to her.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās didn’t know what was coming over her, as that was not like Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās to act in such a flirty way, especially not with me.

It was right there standing in my room that she came to the realization that I was still in love with her Ammī, Begum Al Zāhidah Al Imrān, even when she had returned to her real Abbū.

Subconsciously, she probably knew that, but Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās wouldn’t allow herself to admit that the society conditions didn’t allow us to have these type of feelings for those who are the closest and dearest to us.

But standing there in my bedroom after seeing me pleasure myself to her Ammī’s picture and realizing that I had these kind of feelings, sexual feelings, for Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās’s Ammī still now, perhaps I may say society be damned!

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās strode over to where I was fucking Al Zubaydah Al Nādir.

She didn’t take her eyes off me as Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās stood before me and leaned back against my desk.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās reached behind me, grabbed her Ammī’s photo and gazed down at it.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās gazed back at me and grinned at me again.

“So, Daddy,” Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās said as seductively as she could, “you must really like that picture of my Ammī, huh?”

Her eyes trailed down to my Uncut Hindu Cock that Al Zubaydah Al Nādir was still gripping in her Panjvaqtah Namāzī ardent Musalmān Cunt.

I said nothing as I just kept there staring at Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās with my Uncut Hindu Cock still buried into Al Zubaydah Al Nādir’s Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Cunt entirely.

That was, until Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās reached down and lightly touched the base of my wet penis with the tip of her forefinger.

I jumped back with Al Zubaydah Al Nādir, still embedded in her, and glared at Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās, as Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was one sick little puppy, in spite of what I just got through doing with Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās’s Ammī’s picture.

“What the hell are you doing?” I thundered at Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās reached down again and dipped her finger into the slippery length of my penis that was still dripping with my white hot come and Al Zubaydah Al Nādir’s fragrent Musalmān Pussy juices.

“Don’t,” I ordered sternly.

But Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās didn’t remove her finger. Instead, she rolled her finger around the length of my Uncut Hindu Cock, making her finger wet in the process.

“Stop,” I said even more firmly. “Stop immediately. It still isn’t your own picture,” I paused, “it’s your Ammī’s. Damn you.”*


Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās leaned her head closer to mine and said to me in a soothing voice,

I’m NOT your daughter exactly, and I love you very much, and I know you love me very much.”

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās wrapped her palm firmly around my Uncut Hindu Cock that had started to come out a little.

“Stop, I say,” I demanded in a commanding voice. “We should never do it. It’s wrong.” I shook my head at Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās. “It’s so wrong.”

“Is it, Durgesh darling?”

I was genuinely surprised, even a little shocked, that Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās had asked me such a question.

Then, as if I had contemplated her question in my mind, I slowly leaned forward on Al Zubaydah Al Nādir and gave up trying to stop her.

To the extent she had already gone, it was futile now to stop her.

None of my Musalmān stepdaughters maintained her platonic relationship with me.

I was only an immensely competent man for them they could have their live in relationship with, never a father.

For them I had both money and honey.

None could provide them the incredible sex I always was capable to, neither anyone had that much money always pouring in infinitely as I had.

Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan and her everDurgeshobsessed young Musalmān lady brigade had advertised these facts about me as much as they could to obtain their goal.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās smiled at me once more as she put the tip of my Uncut Hindu Cock, recently pulled out of Al Zubaydah Al Nādir’s Musalmān Cunt, up to her lips.

Then, without hesitating, Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās opened her mouth as wide as she could and took my Uncut Hindu Cock in her mouth.

My Uncut Hindu Cock was still wet with my Hindu come and Al Zubaydah Al Nādir’s fragrant Musalmān Cunt juices.

It tasted hot and salty in her mouth.

Moreover, it slid more easily back and forth between her lips.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās had never sucked a man’s cock before.

Though, of course, she had seen it done on the Internet!

The fact that I was so large made the task a bit more intimidating.

But, being the little trooper that Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was, Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās did her absolute best to give me all the pleasure that I deserved.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās tried to take as much of my Uncut Hindu Cock down her throat as she could without gagging.

When that was achieved, Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās took my Uncut Hindu Cock back out of her mouth and sucked it back in again.

The round flushed tip was poking the back of her throat.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās started moving her head up and down with my Uncut Hindu Cock still in her beautiful Musalmān  mouth, trying not to let her teeth scrape my sensitive skin.

I liked ultimately, what Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was doing to me as I leaned my head back and started moaning again, as before when I was pleasuring myself to her Ammī’s picture fucking Al Zubaydah Al Nādir.

Not only that, but I was also becoming fully erect again in her mouth.

That made Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās proud happy knowing that Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was pleasing me in that way.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās noticed my balls sticking out the top of my briefs.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās stopped sucking me and tried to take them both into her mouth.

It made me moan even louder even though one of my balls did slip out of her mouth.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās popped my Uncut Hindu Cock back into her mouth and went down on me again.

My Anant Muslimātchod Uncut Hindu Cock became fully erect in her beautiful Musalmān mouth as I started thrusting myself a little down her throat.

That was when Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās felt herself begin to gag a little, but Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was able to hold it back as she placed her hands on my thighs and tried to keep her head as still as possible so I could thrust myself inside her mouth.

My cock slipped out of her mouth at one point.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās leaned down with her tongue hanging out, licked the shaft all the way to the throbbing purple head, and sucked the very tip back into her mouth.

I moaned out once more when Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās did that, and something told Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās wouldn’t last much longer with me doing that to me.

I sensed it too.

Before Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās knew it, I had reached down, grabbed her arms, and pulled Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās up onto the top of my desk.

I lifted her skirt and pulled down her panties, which were by now so wet they were soaked.

I pulled her legs apart with my big strong hands and buried my Uncut Hindu Cock all the way into her wet throbbing Panjvaqtah Namāzī ardent Musalmān Cunt.

“Oh, Durgesh!” She cried when Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās felt my long hard Uncut Hindu Cock slide all the way down inside her. “That’s it! Fuck me Durgesh ! Fuck your new young Musalmān beloved!”

I didn’t stop as my Uncut Hindu Cock explored every inch of her virgin Musalmān pussy.

I nearly drove her insane when I fucked her erect Musalmān clitty.

She had never felt pleasure like that before, and Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was determined after that day, Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was going to feel it again and again with me, as Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās realized right then and there that I was the only man for Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās.

I stood up, and Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās found herself staring at my erect throbbing Uncut Hindu Cock.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās reached out, wrapped it in her hand again, and gave it a few light strokes.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was amazed at how it felt both hard and soft at the same time.

I sat down in my chair, making her let go of my cock when I did so.

I noticed her lower lip was quivering just slightly.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was sure Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was excited and never ashamed of what we were doing.

But, to be honest, at that point she really didn’t care.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās knew without a doubt what Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās wanted from me next.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās got up from my desk, reached down and pulled her drenched panties all the way off.

Without taking her eyes off me, Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās threw them off to the side and started to straddle me on my chair.

I gazed down as Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās took my Uncut Hindu Cock  back in her hand and guided it inside her tight virgin twenty eight years old young Musalmān Cunt.

I placed my bear claws on her soft Musalmān thighs and moaned out softly at the feeling of being inside Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās’s virgin Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān Pussy.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās removed her hand from around my penis and slid herself down ever so slowly until her bottom was touching my balls.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās lifted her blouse and then her bra to uncover both her breasts that had also never known the touch of a man.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās leaned forward and all but smothered her tits into my face.

I kept my face between her young smart excellent Musalmān tits.

I wrapped my strong Hindu arms around the middle of her back and thrust my huge Anant Muslimātchod Uncut Hindu Cock  in and out of her.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās had heard stories from some of the girls at University who claimed to have “done it” how painful it was at first.

But, to her surprise, and her delight, there was hardly any pain when I thrust myself into Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was so turned on at that point, and Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās wanted me inside of her so badly that it made Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās feel hardly no pain at all.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās wrapped her arms tightly around my broad shoulders and lay her head next to my ear.

I kept fucking Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās harder and faster until I thought Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās would pass out from the pleasure I was giving her.

I knew Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was about to come as her breathing increased against her small heaving chest and Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās was practically pounding her virgin Musalmān Cunt into oblivion, my Hindu balls making loud smacking sounds each time they slammed against her beautiful young Musalmān ass.

All of a sudden, I threw my head back as I did when Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās watched me fuck to her picture and let out another long drawn-out wail.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās quickly grabbed the back of the chair and held on as tightly as she could as Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās felt my Hindu  come shoot inside her.

I kept thrusting my long hard Uncut Hindu Cock into Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās could feel my hot Hindu semen spill out of her.

It was so much that her little virgin Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān twat couldn’t handle all the Hindu load.*

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās laughed to herself.

If not even a Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān young lady of twenty eight could handle it, who the hell else could?

Wasn’t it a fact that ab initio only Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān womankind handled it?

Wasn’t it a fact that there was no woman for infinite Kalps, eons, except the Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān womankind?

And there wasn’t any other man except Durgesh only?

He himself had his infinite bodies.

There were only Durgesh and his infinite Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān wives.



Live in relationship partners to be more precise.

Wasn’t it?

They were never married.

They aren’t married ritually even now.

There wasn’t any womankind for entire infinite Kalps for Durgesh except the infinite Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saåūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān womankind.

Durgesh fucked only Panjvaqtah Namāzī Årab Wahābī Musalmān houseladies for infinite Kalps, eons, according to Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan, Imām Muħammad Ħasan and Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan’s her everDurgeshobsessed young Musalmān lady brigade.

Al Saåīdah Al Åbbās has received her PhD on it.

She has received a telegram even from the Nobel Foundation of Stockholm:


Chapter 2


1. More Creative Adult Sex in English from Durgesh

2.Durgesh in Hindi/Urdu

3. Science Fiction

4. On History

5. Commentary on Ved

6. On Hinduism

7. On Islam