Al Jihād fil Durgesh fī sabīlillāh: 5

Al Jihād fil Durgesh fī sabīlillāh


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

You are naked!

Durgesh Nasīm Muåāwiyah

I had been living in Live in relationship for 20 years with a Musalmān woman I once loved but we had grown apart now, ultimately.

Jamīlah Aurangzeb had ultimately decided not to live a sinful life anymore.

So many Pakistani Musalmān ladies used to think so, after enjoying a very wild and adventurous sex life with me.

Jamīlah Aurangzeb didn’t prove to be any different from them.

After extinguishing the fire between their legs to a large extent with me, they thought to be popular in their own Ummat-e-Muslimah now too.

Jamīlah Aurangzeb started to live with me in Live in relationship when I was forty two.

She got five sons from me; she wanted to convert into Islam now.

Life together had not been good, she announced ultimately.

I poured my energies into work and sex, with my other still countless Musalmān Beauties.

It was natural that I had become successful.

The resolute determination, the nonstop hard labor and brains always pay.

Jamīlah Aurangzeb’s daughter, Bābarah Åālamgīr, turned 18 then, graduated high school and left.

At first my Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Live in relationship Partner  or ex-Live in relationship Partner  went through all the stages, hurt, angry, vindictive.

I had prepared for it though.

I had immense experiences of the same for a long time already.

A person burned of milk, drinks even its cold reproduction, cautiously always.

Years earlier, I had channeled investments into an out of State Corporation that I had formed just for this purpose.

I didn’t get greedy.

I left enough in the open so that nobody would look too hard.

Eīshān Param Brahm Paramātmā had given me too much.

And it was still pouring in too much, for me.

How much, after all, could I consume and enjoy?

I knew very well, so many of them never lived with me for the righteous reasons they claimed to.

They lived with me, for sex and money, both, actually.

I was unique in sex and a zillionaire, too.

My Live in relationship Partner, Jamīlah Aurangzeb’s lawyer, had been lazy and did not look too far or hard.

While I was myself a most successful Barrister and moreover I was always assisted by the most brilliant legal brains the money and my unique incredible sexual prowess could get for me.

Her lawer found cash and minor investments to be what was expected, a little on the low side, but not too much.

I ended up giving my Live in relationship Partner , Jamīlah Aurangzeb, 65% of our joint property and agreed to a limited 2-year spousal support payment.

All in all, it had been only about ½ of what I had been prepared to give up to get rid of the skillfully planned shrewd Live in relationship.

After all, I enjoyed the great Musalmān Beauty, Jamīlah Aurangzeb till now.

Didn’t I?

To me, it was a proposal of convenience only, ab initio, irrespective of all the window dressing Jamīlah Aurangzeb could provide to it.

After all, I was not born yesterday myself.

Jamīlah Aurangzeb walked out of the courtroom happy, figuring she had bankrupted me and I let her think it.

That was what I wanted her to think.

The greedy Mullahs and Maulavīs of present day Pseudo Islam smiled cunningly that they had succeeded not only in saving a Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān lady from a Kaffir’s bed, but in punishing me with several millions of dollars for it too.

That was a great achievement for them.

But it was a negligible loss for me that I could afford to enjoy great Musalmān Beauties of the time.

The downside was that Jamīlah Aurangzeb’s daughter, Bābarah Åālamgīr, would not speak to me.

She felt as though I had abandoned her Ammī and pissed on her.

That wore off in time.

First, I worked at it, letting her know I loved her then I carefully made sure all the support payments went on time and without a hitch.

I was civil to my ex-Live in relationship Partner  and even tried to be friendly.

What had I to lose in doing it, after all?

Eventually my ex got over it and moved on, realizing that we were both happier than we had been.

Then Jamīlah Aurangzeb’s daughter, Bābarah Åālamgīr, began to loosen up more as she saw her Ammī accept it and she too realized that it had been for the best.

Now here I was, 4 years later.

I had moved to a beach community in North Carolina and into one of the rental houses my “company” owned as an investment then proceeded to buy it from my “company” actually myself .

It was all legal and above board.

My Live in relationship Partner , Jamīlah Aurangzeb, stopped paying attention to what I was doing.

She had hers and was comfortable and even admitted to feeling a little guilty occasionally for the way she had taken me to the cleaners.

Jamīlah Aurangzeb’s daughter, Bābarah Åālamgīr,  had started speaking to me again and even came for 2 visits during her Junior year, Once over the Eīdul Fitr break and again right after classes let out for the summer.

Admittedly, both visits had been short only a few days each, but we had been nice and the Hindu Father and Musalmān Daughter had began to get comfortable with each other again.

The following year she visited more often and stayed longer.

A few weekends, 10 days over Eīdul Fitr and a week of spring break.

It was nice having her visit and I had plenty of room.

The house was only about 100 yards from the beach, a multi story job with wrap around decks on each floor.

The first floor was set up as countless bedrooms, a family room and garage.

The second floor had again countless bedrooms and two baths.

The third floor was where I spent most of my time, Master bed and bath, kitchen, and living/dining area.

I hardly ever used the other rooms except when I had company.

Life was good although a little lonely at times, when I needed it for my work.

During the summer season, I had plenty of nubile young Musalmān women to watch on the beach and quite a few single older Musalmān women made themselves available to me.

The great attraction I had for them was my unique legendary Uncut Hindu Cock and my ever pouring in money too, my ever increasing Bhogyantrānk, Āgamānk and Bhāvānk were providing nonstop.

Occasionally one of the young vacationers got interested in an “older Hindu man” and I took advantage of that occasional 28-year-old extremely beautiful female Musalmān body.

But in the off season the pickings got slim.

I still was able to get laid fairly regular, but I had to settle for what was there, if I wanted to pay optimum attention to my work and countless business organizations I owned.

My life changed one day in May and I did not even realize it.

Jamīlah Aurangzeb’s daughter, Bābarah Åālamgīr, called and after chatting for a few minutes got to the purpose of her call.

She wanted to come to visit me after PhD and bring a few friends for two weeks.

I didn’t know, neither even suspected, it was a deliberate plan, suggested by Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan.

Well I never could say no to my little girl and I did have lots of rooms too.

Therefore, I just told her I’d be happy to have them.

PhD week came and I made the trip to see Jamīlah Aurangzeb’s little girl getting PhD.

Bābarah Åālamgīr introduced me to the three Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girls who would be visiting me with her.

I saw my ex-Live in relationship Partner  again, with her Musalmān husband, Maulānah Aurangzeb Åālamgīr.

I suspected Maulānah Aurangzeb Åālamgīr himself had master minded the whole affair to get several millions of dollars from me as a settlement for his extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Live in relationship Partner .

Well, even if it was true, I hadn’t any objection whatsoever at all.

If he wanted to lease his extremely beautiful Pakistani Musalmān wife to me for twenty years, it was okay with me.

I had enjoyed his immensely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān wife, Jamīlah Aurangzeb, very much.

Maulānah Aurangzeb Åālamgīr acted like an ass but I kept my cool and just smiled knowing I would probably never see him again anyway.

The Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girls went through their PhD ceremony and each took their things home.

The plan was for them to meet up again two days later and drive to my place.

I went home to ready the house under my own supervision and wait.

The first to show up was Jamīlah Aurangzeb’s daughter, Bābarah Åālamgīr herself.

Like the other Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girls, Bābarah Åālamgīr was 28 and very pretty, prettier than even her Ammī ever had been. 5’4″ 115 lbs, long legs and a shock of long red hair.

She had a nice Musalmān body well proportioned and had big breasts too.

The big-breasted big buttocked Panjvaqtah Namāzī young Musalmān bitch?

Well, I smiled to myself.

She greeted her Hindu father with a hug and a daughterly kiss on the cheek, obviously excited about having her friends together for an after PhD vacation.

We no sooner had her stuff stored in “her” room than Nishāt Nāzlī arrived.

The Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girls greeted each other with hugs and squeals of joy.

I instructed my maidservants to carry her things in and let her choose her room.

Nishāt Nāzlī was shorter than Bābarah Åālamgīr was, about 5′ or a bit more and slim at maybe 100 lbs.

But she also was pretty with a very nice Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān body and long blonde hair, reaching down her back to the top of her extremely beautiful Musalmān ass.

The two Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girls got settled in.

I got them each a beer and we all sat on the deck.

We talked while we waited for the other two to arrive.

Zubaydah Bābar and Nasīm Muåāwiyah showed up together a while later.

Zubaydah Bābar was a tall brunette, built like the proverbial “brick shithouse” 6’1″ 180lbs with not an ounce of fat on her frame.

She was an attractive Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān woman with big tits.

Her size and build made her intimating to many of the boys around campus as well as her reputation for being a master of martial arts and a “No Nonsense ” attitude.

But even then, she was a very pleasant and soft spoken Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girl.

Nasīm Muåāwiyah was of an average height and weight, built a lot like Bābarah Åālamgīr but with somewhat smaller breasts.

Not huge, somewhat smaller instead.

She was gorgeous with long black curly hair, a pale white complexion and soft blue eyes.

Once we were all together, I realized I had two problems.

One I was going to have to behave myself with all this young Musalmān flesh running around and two, I was going to have to do something to keep from walking around the house with a 24 hr Hindu hardon.

I had promised to take them to dinner on their first night but we had time so all the Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girls got their bathing suits on and walked down to the beach.

I watched through the window as we walked away.

Three of them were in their Bikinis and Zubaydah Bābar in a modest one piece.

I just shook my head and wondered what I had set myself up for, two weeks with all this young female Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān flesh in my already sexiest house, I had built for Jamīlah Aurangzeb.

But she never realized what more she could have gotten from me.

Jamīlah Aurangzeb proved to be a faithful wife of her Musalmān husband even after a long Live in relationship with me.

Jamīlah Aurangzeb actually faithful to her Musalmān husband even for those long twenty years she lived with me.

She was always an ardent Musalmān even enjoying sex with me for long twenty years.

Once the Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girls returned from the beach, we all changed for dinner and I invited them on the deck for a drink before we left for the restaurant.

We finished our drinks and piled into my MERCEDES for the trip to the restaurant.

We had a nice dinner and by the time we were through, the Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girls all started to loosen up around me.

We shared even some dirty jokes and stories about encounters with the opposite sex.

Even Bābarah Åālamgīr started to treat her Hindu father more as a friend than as a stepfather.

Once dinner was done, I took them to a club for a little dancing before getting home after midnight.

When I woke late the next morning, I found myself alone.

The Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girls had all gone to the beach already.

That suited me fine.

I had to make a trip to see one of the clients I did some consulting work for and would be gone till early evening.

Therefore, I left Bābarah Åālamgīr a note in an envelope with $500.00 in cash and told her she needed to go grocery shopping if they wanted to eat anything more than delivered pizza for the next two weeks.

I got home around 9:00 that evening and found a note.

We had gone shopping and put everything away and went out dancing,

“Don’t wait up. We’ll be late.”

I smiled and as tired, as I was, I ordered for myself a juice and went to bed.

I was up early the next morning and left to do a little fishing before the day got too hot, returning around lunchtime.

Once again, the Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girls were at the beach.

I put my tackle away and ordered to make a sandwich when I heard something from the second floor.

It sounded like whimpering so I went to investigate to make sure none of the Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girls was sick or hurt.

I followed the sound to one of the bedrooms and peeking in through the half open door I saw Nasīm Muåāwiyah lying in the bed quietly crying.

I knocked on the door,

“Nasīm Muåāwiyah, are you alright, my darling?”

“It hurts.” She whimpered, “My sunburn, it hurts! I think perhaps I overdid it.”

I turned on the overhead light.

What I saw, shocked me.

The Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girl with the pale white skin, skin like milk, was as red as a lobster just out of the pot.

She was lying on the bed with just a light bra and panties on.

Eīshān Param Brahm Paramātmā! girl, what did you do?” I asked in amazement.

“I put sun block on but then went swimming and forgot to reapply it. I fell asleep and now it hurts!”

“Alright, just stay here. I’ll be right back.” I ordered as I went to my medicine chest and retrieved a container of skin suave made especially for sunburn.

I returned to the Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girl’s room and offered her the jar of suave.

“Here, rub this on. It has a local anesthetic and healing oils in it.’

Nasīm Muåāwiyah sat up to take the jar.

I noticed that she was as badly burned on the back as she was on the front.

“Oh Eīshān Param Brahm Paramātmā. I’ll go to the beach and find Bābarah Åālamgīr to do your back.”

“No, please. You do it. It’ll take hours to find her.” She whimpered.

“Ok, just lie down on your stomach.” I asked her.

She lay down.

I could see that she was literally burned from head to toe.

So I started on her shoulders.

Moving the long black curls out of the way I began to apply the suave lightly rubbing it into her skin, not wanting to apply any pressure until the stuff had a chance to work.

I applied liberal amounts to her shoulders and upper back and as I finished that section, I asked,

“Does that feel any better?”

“Allah, yes” Nasīm Muåāwiyah answered, “Please hurry and do the rest of me. It hurt so bad last night I couldn’t sleep. I cried all night.”

I continued applying the stuff to her back and Nasīm Muåāwiyah sighed appreciatively. “That stuff really works. You’ll have to undo my bra strap to get all of my back.”

The idea of taking this little Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Beauty’s  bra off was a bit unsettling.

But she was hurt so bad, I felt more like a father taking care of a child than of a Hindu man with a Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān young woman.

I unhooked her bra and let the straps fall away to the sides.

That was when I noticed that there was no tan line on her back.

“Were you girls up at the park on the nude beach when this happened?” I asked her.

“How did you know that?” Nasīm Muåāwiyah asked a little shocked and a little bit of embarrassment in her voice. “We left our bottoms on but none of us had ever been at a nude beach and we were curious.”

I laughed at her.

She was acting as if she had been caught at something.

“I’m not chastising you. It’s not my duty. I just noticed no tan line.”

“Oh, Bābarah Åālamgīr said not to tell you where we were. You might get mad.”

“That’s because Bābarah Åālamgīr is Jamīlah Aurangzeb’s daughter. Would you tell your father where you were?”

Nasīm Muåāwiyah giggled,

“No, I guess not.”

“She’s a Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān woman now. And as hard as that is for me, at times, I have to accept it. So although I may not like all of her choices they  are her choices. I would not get mad unless she did something really stupid and got hurt or got in trouble or something. She’ll always be Jamīlah Aurangzeb’s little Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girl, but my grown up little Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girl.”

I finished her back and started rubbing the suave into her legs starting at her feet and working up first her left then her right leg.

Once I finished all the exposed areas, I told her to roll over.

She hesitated and then said,

“I’m a little embarrassed but I was wearing a Thong bikini and my butt is burned. If it were possible for me to get any redder, I would have.”

She blushed with embarrassment.

I chuckled,

“Ok then drop your drawers and let’s get that done too.”

She pulled her panties down and wiggled out of them until they were down around her knees.

Without saying another word, I dropped a dollop of suave on each cheek and started to rub it in.

She had a beautiful ass, tight and firm but skin so soft and perfectly shaped.

My Uncut Hindu Lund  grew to its full erect size while I massaged the suave into her skin, notwithstanding the fact that she was only twenty eight while I was sixty two already.

My lust for Musalmān Beauties had increased with my age, instead of diminishing.

I was working hard not to let this become sexual, trying to stay detached.

I started at the top of her firm Musalmān buttocks and worked down across it and onto each side and then just slightly into the crack of her extremely beautiful Musalmān ass to get some of the soothing suave in there.

Soon I had my hand down where her cheeks met her thighs and applied it into the crease that formed there then I found I had to get a little closer to her sex than I was comfortable with.

But I went ahead and applied it to the underside of her extremely beautiful Musalmān ass anyway.

As I rubbed it in, Nasīm Muåāwiyah sighed and moved her legs apart just a bit.

I looked up and saw that she had fallen asleep.

“The poor kid is exhausted.” I thought to myself and although I hated to wake her, we had to get the stuff applied to all the burned areas.

So I gently called her name and when she responded I told her to roll over.

I never for an instant thought that she would just roll over.

I did not know that she was as sound asleep as she was.

I had assumed she would pull her panties up and hold her bra to herself as she rolled.

But she was in a deep sleep, or she pretended to be so, under Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan’s well planned strategy.

Hearing my request, she just rolled over.

Suddenly I found myself staring at a perfect set of tits and a smooth shaved Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot belonging Nasīm Muåāwiyah.

What’s more, I could see that her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot was wet.

What did it mean?

Nasīm Muåāwiyah was excited for me?

What else?

She had gotten wet while I was rubbing her back and the juices had run around and wet her front down.

I stared for about half a minute, and then realized that I was staring.

I turned my head and called her name.

“Nasīm Muåāwiyah, you may want to cover up.”

She woke and looked at herself, then laughed.

“Well I guess I don’t have anything now you haven’t seen before. Okay. I don’t care even if you see me. You are helping me. You must have at least this much reward.”

“Are you sure you want me rubbing stuff on you when you don’t have any clothes on?”

“Oh I’m sure. It feels so good. The relief is wonderful and you apply just the right amount of pressure. Please don’t stop.”

So now, without even a little hesitation, I turned around again and started to rub the suave into her shoulders, this time from the front.

Shortly I found that I had to work it into her tits and again I hesitated.

She was lying there with her eyes closed but she knew I stopped and she knew why.

“It’s ok. Go ahead. My tits won’t bite.” Nasīm Muåāwiyah smiled.

That’s when I knew she was teasing me, enjoying my discomfort.

Under the successfully experienced guidance of Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan?

Eīshāno Vishvvédasah!

“Well we’ll see you little vixen.” I thought to myself.

Instead of applying it directly to her breasts, I moved around them and below to work her abdomen, and up underneath each of those perfect globes.

Then up her Musalmān cleavage and around them again.

“We will see who gets teased.” I thought to myself.

I continued to work her abdomen down to just above her exposed Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot just onto her pubic mound then down her thighs and her legs.

I slowed my pace down now and avoided the places that might give her a thrill, getting close with a sensuous rub but not quite getting there.

As I finished the rest of her body, I returned to her breasts and slowly worked the suave into them working in circles around first one breast then the other until the circles got small enough that just the areoles were left untouched.

Then ever so gently, I did each nipple rubbing the cream in with one finger making slow circular motions.

By this time, her nipples were standing hard at attention and she was breathing different.

I laughed to myself,

“Now who is going to have a problem with sexual frustration?” I thought to myself.

But I wasn’t finished.

I had avoided the area near her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot.

I moved my hands down and before I started, I noticed that where she had been a little wet before, she was dripping now.

The Sālī deliberately wanted me to fuck her.

Her legs were spread, almost inviting me to touch her.

But instead, I continued to rub the suave into her thighs and around the crease, where her legs met her torso, always getting closer to her sex.

Finally I was done.

I had not rubbed her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot because it had not been burned but I could easily see that she was excited.

Her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot lips were swollen and there was a trickle of juice running from her.

I decided to tease her just a bit more.

I took a bit of suave on my fingers and ran it down the crease of her leg, starting on her hips and down toward her sex until I just touched her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot.

She let out a mewing sound and I stopped.

“Well, all done.” I said as I stood and pulled a sheet over her, “Get some sleep. You’ll need another application in about 4 hours. The anesthetic will wear off and it will start to hurt again.”

Nasīm Muåāwiyah looked up at me and smiled.

“Thanks, I feel better already, except for a little tension that is. I’m also glad to see that you’re not as old and decrepit as you are always telling us.” she glanced at my crotch and the Hindu hardon, straining my pants.

Now it was my turn to smile.

“Well, you are a beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān woman and I am old, not dead.” I told her as I started to walk away, “Just let me know when it starts to hurt again and we will reapply it. Now get some sleep.”

Nasīm Muåāwiyah grabbed my Uncut Hindu Lund.

I smiled at her.

“Let me help you in calming down it.”she said and kissed the tip.

Nasīm Muåāwiyah brought out her greedy Pakistani Musalmān tongue and started to lick it.

“Thank you.” I closed my eyes.

“It’s alright. You helped me and therefore I’m helping you.”

Nasīm Muåāwiyah kissed and licked my Uncut Hindu Lund along its entire length.

Then she took it in her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān mouth and started to suck it passionately.

I was so excited that I started to fuck her mouth.

Nasīm Muåāwiyah smiled.

“Chađhī jawānī buddhé nū.”

“Sālī,” I winked at her, “Buddhā hogā térā baap. My so much long and so much thick Uncut Hindu Cock is fucking your very young Pakistani Musalmān mouth. Yet you call me an oldman?”

“A unique Hindu oldman who persistently refuses to be old. Naåīmah Muħammad Ħasan says you are thirty two.”

“She is crazy.”

“But she is your wife now. Isn’t she?”

I smiled.

“No comment.”

Nasīm Muåāwiyah sucked me till I blasted into her exquisite Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān mouth.

Nasīm Muåāwiyah swallowed it all.

I thanked Nasīm Muåāwiyah.

“Thanks for helping me to calm me down.”

“You are most welcome, my dear. Any time anywhere. Just call me when you need me.”

I closed the door as I left the room.

I went back to the kitchen and found my sandwich already prepared.

I ate it and washed it down with a juice.

For her part, Nasīm Muåāwiyah laid under the sheet that I had covered her with.

Her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot was soaking wet and she was sooo horny.

Why didn’t she act as bold as she really was?

Why didn’t she herself ask me to fuck her?

Hell, she thought I’d ultimately fuck her.

But I didn’t.

Is Durgesh really an old man?

Isn’t he thirty two really?

Is he really sixty two as he claimed?

Is touching her had nearly gotten her off.

As she lay there playing with herself trying to finish what got started she thought,

“If Durgesh can get me this close without trying, I wonder what Durgesh could do if he tried. I wonder if Bābarah Åālamgīr would get pissed if I fucked her Hindu father.”

After my shower, I went to my personal office to get a little work done.

I usually did not accept contracts in the summer.

It wasn’t like I needed the money, but this one was running long from the late winter.

I wanted to finish it up and free my time for some serious time as a beach bum.

Time flew by and suddenly my concentration was broken by a knock at the office door.

“Come in.” I called as I looked at the door.

Nasīm Muåāwiyah opened it and stepped halfway in.

She was naked as the day she was born and holding the jar of suave.

“I’m sorry to bother you but it’s starting to wear off. I was hoping you could do me again?” She asked quietly.

She was looking slightly down and the only way to describe her at that moment was demure.

I suddenly found myself rock hard again.

I also did not miss the potential double meaning of her question.

“Sure. but let’s go up to your room where you can be comfortable. Or if you had enough sleep would you rather lay on the couch upstairs and watch TV?”

“I am feeling more rested. The couch might be better if you don’t mind.”

With that, we moved to the third floor.

As I followed her up the stairs, I could not take my eyes off the perfect Young Musalmān ass in front of me and the way it wiggled or the way her young Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot was exposed to me from behind, only inches from my face.

My Uncut Hindu Cock got even harder and I was having trouble walking up the stairs comfortably.

Once at the top of the stairs, Nasīm Muåāwiyah immediately lay on the couch and looked at me with a demure smile.

Now there was some clout in her behavior.

After all, Nasīm Muåāwiyah had sucked me till I blasted in her mouth.

We were not so unknown now for each other.

I sat next to her on the edge of the cushion and began to apply the cream to her shoulders as I had earlier.

Since Nasīm Muåāwiyah started out naked there was no bra strap to move this time and I quickly made my way down her back and over her extremely beautiful Young Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān ass cheeks then down each leg.

I was trying to behave this time so I avoided her inner thighs and the bottom of her extremely beautiful Young Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān ass, the area closest to her Young Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot.

“Ok, that’s done. Do you want to do your front yourself this time?” I offered, mostly to avoid further embarrassment.

“Hey, Durgesh darling, you’re not done. You missed part of my bottom and inside my legs. That hurts more than the rest.” Nasīm Muåāwiyah pouted.

With a sigh, I put more cream on my fingers and began to work it into her bottom.

As soon as my fingers touched her, Nasīm Muåāwiyah opened her legs up to make it easier for me.

I got another uninhibited view of her Young Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot.

As I worked the suave into her bottom and thighs, Nasīm Muåāwiyah sighed in appreciation and when I got close to her sex, she even moved a little as though she were trying to get my hand onto her Young Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot.

Just as I was finishing Nasīm Muåāwiyah  sighed and asked,

“Could you put some more there it feels nice and it is very sensitive.”

Now I had to sigh.

Just when I thought I was going to escape.

Smiling knowingly , I added some more cream to my fingers and started to work the area again.

Once I had thoroughly coated her once more, Nasīm Muåāwiyah  thanked me and rolled over without warning or fanfare.

There again I found myself staring at two perfect tits and her beautiful smooth Young Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot.

I nearly came in my pants.

“Ok, I’m ready.” She said as she smiled up at me.

“The question,” I thought to myself, “is ready for what.”

I stopped myself from swallowing hard and started to rub the ointment into her shoulders.

“Could you do it just the way you did last time, you know leave my breasts and groin for last?” Nasīm Muåāwiyah  asked entirely unashamed of her now.

Well, why not?

The wall between us was already broken now.

I smiled,

“Sure, no problem.”

So once again, I worked the suave into her shoulders and down her arms then around her breast and up her Musalmān cleavage.

Then down onto her belly to her excellent young Panjvaqtah Namāzī Pakistani Musalmān pubic mound and around to her legs.

Gently massaging the soothing suave into her burned skin.

Then as I finished her legs and feet I returned to her breasts and began to massage the ointment in until I reached her nipples where I lingered as they went to immediate attention and she sighed,

“That feels so good.” Then she stammered, “The relief I mean.” But we both knew that’s not what she meant.

I worked both breasts and nipples and admitted to myself that I was enjoying touching this Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān young woman naked in front of me.

I moved down and started to work it into her inner thighs and again the crease of her legs.

She had opened her legs for me and this time as my hand got to her Young Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot she shifted and I found my fingers running down her slit and touching her clit.

Nasīm Muåāwiyah groaned as I yanked my hand back.

“Sorry.” I muttered.

“That’s Ok, it was an accident.” She responded without even opening her eyes.

And I wondered to myself how much of an accident it was.

But I returned to applying the ointment, this time to the other thigh and as I approached her sex again I saw a trickle of liquid flow from her Young Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot and noticed that a small shudder ran over her body.

‘If I didn’t know better I’d say she just orgasamed.’ I thought to myself.

But instead I said to her,

“Getting cold?” giving her a chance to ignore the event and save her dignity.

“Yes, a little. The AC is blowing on me but it feels good too.” She answered.

“Well I’m done. Let me get a sheet to cover you up with. If you’re lying like that when the Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girls get back they  might think I took advantage of you.” I offered.

“That might not be such a bad thing.” She offered coyly as I left for the linen closet.

I faltered on the step, not sure, if I heard her right.

“Was this little Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girl coming on to me.” I asked myself ?”

“No, can’t be, just my worked up libido. I’m imagining things.”

I continued on my quest to get her a sheet to cover up with and returned a minute later.

I mixed her a drink and as I sat on the opposing chair, she laid on the couch covered with a sheet with the TV remote in one hand.

We flipped through some channels and finally settled on a movie.

We sat and watched the film and talked about inconsequential things.

As we talked, she moved around and soon the sheet was not covering her breasts anymore and one leg was outside of it hinting at the Young Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Choot hidden beneath it.

I tried to ignore the naked Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān flesh but was having a hard time.

Finally, I could stand it no longer.

“You may want to cover up.” I offered.

She looked down at herself,

“I’m not cold and you’ve already seen everything I have.” She shrugged. “Does it bother you?”

“Bother me? No. But you are a beautiful young Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān woman and if you weren’t one of Jamīlah Aurangzeb’s daughter, Bābarah Åālamgīr’s friends I would be thinking of ways to get you into my bed. So since Bābarah Åālamgīr has only recently started talking to me again after the separation  I would prefer not to piss her off.” I answered.

Nasīm Muåāwiyah smiled at me.

“Thanks for the compliment. You’re not so bad yourself and if I was sure Bābarah Åālamgīr wouldn’t mind, you wouldn’t have to try too hard to get me interested.”

” My dear girl, I’m just an old man. Old enough to be your father.”

“So? That just means you know what you’re doing. It’s even better to have a Live in relationship Partner so very much experienced than a damnfool young one who doesn’t know anything and just goes on experimenting one after another. At least one of the couple, having sex, must know what they  are doing. For me that’s important because I have only the vaguest idea what to do.”

I stared at her for a second.

“Are you telling me you’re a virgin?”

“Yep, waiting for the right guy. I decided years ago that I was not going to give it up to some fumble fingered boy in the back of a car and end up like my older sister. By the time, she was 18 she was living in Live in relationship with two kids living in a trailer with a husband who only showed up when he wanted to get laid. Not for her, not till hell freezes over!”

“That’s a commendable attitude and a smart decision.”

“Oh don’t think I’m some snow white high and mighty.” She giggled, “I’ve been on the pill since I was 16, just in case and I’m not above a little mutual masturbation or oral sex. I like both but I’m just not giving up the surprise inside till I’m ready.”

Just then, we heard the door open and the other Panjvaqtah Namāzī extremely beautiful Musalmān girls come in.

Nasīm Muåāwiyah made no move to cover up and instead hollered down,

“We’re up here.”

The three girls came running up the steps with Bābarah Åālamgīr in the lead.

As she topped the steps she stopped in shock as she saw her Hindu father sitting on a chair with a juice in my hand and her friend lying on the couch covered in a sheet but not covered enough.

It was plain her tits were hanging out for all to see and her nipples were standing straight up pointing at me.

The first thought through her mind was,

‘My Hindu dad fucked my extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān friend.’ and a series of emotions started to boil.

Anger, sadness, and most surprisingly jealousy all ran through her at the same time but before she could say anything, Nasīm Muåāwiyah spoke.

“Your Hindu dad took care of my sunburn with this really great stuff. He is so sweet.” Nasīm Muåāwiyah gushed.

“You’re naked!” Bābarah Åālamgīr was stern.

Chapter 6

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