Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/22: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’-17

Årab Mahā Bhārat:  1/22:

‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’

DSM Satyarthi

Chapter 1

Chapter 2


Chapter 4

Chapter 5


Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā
Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī

Sheikħ Ammī Kħālidah Umm Mūsā sucked my Uncut Hindu Penis passionately.

Though I was the third man in her life, my Uncut Hindu Penis was the first she kissed, licked and sucked ever.

She never sucked her Musalmān husband’s nūnī ever.

Yes, she never called it a penis.

She always called it a nūnī due to its tiniest shape, length and thickness.

I kissed her nude Saůūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān body.

Even in her sixties, it was still athletic.

They doubted I was anywhere between twenty-eight and thirty-two.

Sheikħ Ammī Kħālidah Umm Mūsā appeared to be forty at least.

She sucked me until I blasted into her exquisite Saůūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān mouth.

She swallowed all of my Hindu semen.

She always found it tasty.

With Kħadījah Muħammad’s vaginal juices, it tasted more excellent.

She started to talk with me when I had fucked her in numerous positions to her heart’s content.

Her physical needs were more important than even her present predicament.

Allah, what a sexy woman she was!

She knew very well she was in a very serious dilemma.

Yet, instead of solving it, she was getting fucked in numerous sex positions.

Sheikħ Ammī Kħālidah Umm Mūsā could not believe she was the same sophisticated Saůūdī Årab Wahābī Musalmān woman, who hated infidelity very much once.

Her desire to have a son compelled her to deceive her religious Musalmān husband.

She herself seduced Sinhdév Rājpūt and got the young Sheikħ Sheikħ Al Zabīr from him.

Sinhdév Rājpūt loved Sheikħ Ammī Kħālidah Umm Mūsā very much.

Kħālidah, forget Sheikħ Al Aħmad, please!” Sinhdév Rājpūt suggested, “He gave you numerous daughters. I promise to give you numerous sons.”

“No, Sinhdév, I’m sorry. I’m grateful to you that you gave me my only son.”Sheikħ Ammī Kħālidah Umm Mūsā looked at Sinhdév Rājpūt gravely, “I’d never say ‘no’ to you. Whenever and wherever you want me to make love with you, I promise to do it. But, sorry. I can’t leave my innocent husband.”

Sinhdév Rājpūt was startled.

“Kħālidah, your husband maybe innocent. But he is not capable to fulfill your needs.”

“I’ve managed till now. Didn’t I, Sinhdév?”

“The hell if you didn’t.” Sinhdév Rājpūt said furiously.


Sheikħ Ammī Kħālidah Umm Mūsā addressed me bravely at last.

Durgesh, I’m in the devil of a mess.”

I smiled still penetrating her vehemently.

“Okay darling. You are not alone. Your Hindu live in friend is always with you. Let’s have it.”

“I’m being blackmailed, Durgesh.”

“What? What for?”

“Zabīr is my son, but not from my husband, you know.”

“I see. Mahā Rudr Bachhalyā and his Kauravs—”

“They have nothing to do with it.”

“How do you know? Zabīr is out on bail now. And it’s not easy for Mahā Rudr Bachhalyā and his Kauravs to digest it.”

“Well, they are fighting it already. I think I’ve another enemy too.”

“A woman in your position has to have millions of enemies.”

“I know. But…”

“If you are so afraid of your political rivals, Kħālidah, I don’t think you deserve the political position you are enjoying now.” I admonished her ruthlessly.*

Sitting on the couch, the evening news played in the background as Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī ran things over in his head.
His friend, Sheikħ Aħmad, had told him that he was divorcing his wife, Sheikħ Ammī, Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, to shack up with his twenty-five year old secretary, Attāhirah Assaiyad that put quite a damper on Eīdul Fitr.
It had hit his wife, Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, hard who still cried privately some nights over the ending of her marriage.
Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā hated to cry where someone else was present.
However, she wasn’t crying because her husband, Sheikħ Aħmad was divorcing her.
He was useless as a husband now.
No, he wasn’t exactly impotent now.
He had suddenly turned into a cunt licker and ass licker more than he was a lover.
It was immensely surprising and shocking for her that the more the Musalmīn violated Islam, for their Årab Imperialism, the more they loved to be a cunt licker and ass licker than to be a real male lover.
Then they were falling more, to be a bisexual and gay ultimately before being impotent completely.
Even then their fall didn’t stop.
Their transformation into female started if they even then didn’t control themselves.

Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī’d spent his time since the last meeting ended bumming around the house while trying to cheer up his friend’s otherwise ever cheerful wife, Sheikħ Ammī, Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā,.
However, it was his last summer to enjoy his freedom since Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī’d head the Mukherjī Creations next year and would need to become a responsible adult.

Sheikħ Ammī, Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, walked in from the kitchen in her navy pajama pants and a simple white top with spaghetti straps.
Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī’d always thought her gorgeous and the years hadn’t changed his opinion.
She kept herself in shape and indulged in all those feminine things like spa treatments, facials and pedicures.
Her long, raven black hair was as luxurious as ever and the shirt she wore showed that her shapely C-cups hadn’t sagged even somewhat.
Most of all, she carried herself with a quiet elegance he admired and wished he could find in a woman.

“Bhābhījān,” Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī’ asked, a stray thought coming to him. “Does Åbdul Aħad still have that house in Mecca?” Her brother Åbdul Aħad ran a successful construction business there catering to rich people who wanted expensive houses.

“I think so,” she mused, her voice warm despite the weariness in it. “Why?”

“Well, I was thinking. Why don’t you take a week vacation down to the shore like you always used to.”

“Oh, I don’t know… it wouldn’t be the same.”

Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī was glad she hadn’t added ‘without your friend’s but the sadness showed in her beautiful face anyway.
“Actually, Åbdul Aħad is too my friend,” Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī looked at her gravely.
“I know,”
“Åbdul Aħad has called me. He needs me. I have to go there. I can’t let him down. Besides, you could use a vacation too.”

She looked at Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī for a Moment without saying a word before walking over to the couch and throwing herself down next to Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī.
“It would be nice to spend some time with my brother.” A grin was on her beautiful face as she wrapped an arm around Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī’s back and hugged Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī against her side.
Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī smiled.
Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī felt elated to see her smiling.
All through his acquaintance with her, she’d had a smile on her beautiful face constantly and was a constant optimist.
All of that had gone away since his friend, Sheikħ Aħmad, had admitted his affair and filed for divorce. “Great, let me call Åbdul Aħad and see if we can use it here soon and then we can get to planning things.”
Sheikħ Aħmad’s affair with his comparatively immensely younger, twenty-five year old secretary, Attāhirah Assaiyad!
Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī knew it wasn’t the truth.
His twenty-five year old secretary, Attāhirah Assaiyad, actually fucked Durgesh and Sheikħ Aħmad licked her cunt and her Panjvaqtah Namāzī ardent Musalmān ass too, after Durgesh fucked his twenty-five year old secretary, Attāhirah Assaiyad.
Sheikħ Aħmad had asked his wife, Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, to fuck Durgesh and let Sheikħ Aħmad lick her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān Cunt and Musalmān ass after it.
Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā couldn’t even digest the proposal.

Not wanting to give Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, a chance to change her mind, Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī called Åbdul Aħad right away and, after chatting about life, found out he did indeed still have a place down in the City.
Even better, it was right next to the beach and his family didn’t have plans to go down for a month since Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī was wrapped up in securing a new deal on a property in Center City.
Hanging up, Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī discussed things with Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā.
They decided she’d put in to have off next week from her duties to her subject.
Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī would grab the keys from Åbdul Aħad by Friday so they could take off on Saturday morning for Mecca.

Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī couldn’t help noticing how upbeat Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, was the rest of the week.
They spent a lot more time talking or simply sitting on the couch watching movies.
Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī didn’t even balk once when she would put in a chick flick on occasion.
Even with the time together, the week took an eternity to get over for Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī who’d been restless for a while.

Friday finally came and he grabbed the keys along with the’ alarm code for the beach house from Åbdul Aħad.
He spent the rest of the day packing and loading the car up with his stuff and Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā’s bags she’d packed during the week.
When Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, finally got home, they had a nice dinner chatting about what they would do and he noted how she never mentioned going out on the beach.
Sleeping that night was difficult as Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī always had trouble getting rest before a trip because of nervous energy.

After a fitful night of sleep, Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī got up, throwing on a pair of khaki shorts and a navy Henley, and began making breakfast.
The coffee was essential but the whole wheat waffles were more for Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, wanting to start her vacation right.
They had been close when Sheikħ Aħmad was with her but he had let the rebellious in him push them apart, only realizing afterwards just how much she had done for him, how much she’d given of herself.
Now, Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī wanted to give back to her, to see her happy like she’d done for him.

Soon, the flapping of leather on wood sounded in the hallway.
Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī looked up at Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, amazed at how gorgeous she could look in the simplest of outfits. She wore a teal sundress that set off her tan skin and bared her fit shoulders and arms.
The hem of the dress stopped just short of her knees so her shapely legs were on display down to her sandal covered feet.
Nevertheless, the smile on her lips was what caught Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī’s gaze, pleased to see it was becoming a permanent fixture again.

“Breakfast is ready,” Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī said, setting a plate of waffles on the center island.

“You’re going to spoil me,” she retorted, grabbing a cup of coffee.

“Beautiful women should be spoiled.” Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī smiled at her hoping his ego stroking wasn’t over the top but she was in need of a boost.

“My ex-husband’s friend, my friend more I think, the charmer. Or is it the player.”

They both snickered at her comment knowing Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī was never one to treat women like something to chalk up and prove himself.
Eating quietly, they were soon on the road heading through a grey, ugly City before the New Mecca countryside was passing by them.
The weather was beautiful for the trip with plenty of blue sky and sun as they took the back roads not wanting to deal with traffic on the Parkway. It let them stop along the way as they wished.

As they got closer, music from the Amitabh Rajesh days blaring from the speakers, Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī glanced over at Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā.
“I was thinking we could hit the beach when we get there and leave unpacking for later. A dip in the ocean sounds good right now.”

She looked over at Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī hesitantly as the smile slipped from her lips.
“You can do that,” she started, her words slow and quite. “But I didn’t bring a bathing suit as no one wants to see my old asks in one.”

The tires squealed on pavement as Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī hit the brakes and turned sharply into a parking lot.
He moved into the back of the lot before slamming the car into park, shifting in his seat to face the startled Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā. “Don’t talk like that,” Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī said more vehemently than he meant. “You are beautiful and any man would be ecstatic to see you in a bikini. I wish I could find a woman as gorgeous and elegant as you are. Sheikħ Aħmad was an idiot to leave someone as hot as you are, so stop putting yourself down.”

“You’re just saying that.”

“No, I’m not. I’m being honest with you. I just don’t go around saying you’re hot because it’s weird.”

“No, it’s not weird. And thank you.”

Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā and Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī drove in silence for a little bit after that but they both had smiled on their face, the little exchange touching both of them.
Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī was surprised when Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, suggested they stop at a little boutique to look for a suit for her.
It was near where they were heading so he headed that way hoping there were other stores in the area.
Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī’d gone shopping with Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, before and it could take a while so Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī’d have to find something to keep him busy while she looked. Traffic was heavy but thankfully, Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī’d avoided some of the worst going the back ways and pulled the car into a spot near the store she wanted.

He got out and looked up and down the strip mall, trying to figure out where Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī’d go, when Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, asked him to come in with him.
His curious glare provoked a giggle before she said he had to help since he thought she would look hot in them so she’d need some encouragement to pick one out.
Snickering, Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī shrugged and headed into the store with her, the bell ringing as they walked inside to be surrounded by the perfumed air and racks of clothes.

They looked through the racks of swimsuits with Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī standing next to Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, looking at everything she paused on.
She kept quickly passing over the bikini’s and going for the one-piece suits as she slid the plastic hangers over the metal rack.
When she finally held up a simple black and white one piece, Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī pursed his lips for a Moment before reaching past her to pull out a bikini that was a light green, as she liked.
“How about this one,” Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī’ asked.

She looked at Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī suspiciously for a Moment before looking at the item again, a pained look on her beautiful face.
“I can’t wear that on the beach,” she said, not willing to bring up the ‘because no one wanted to see her in it’ again.

“Well, you can wear it at the pool,” Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī replied. “Åbdul Aħad said the place has a nice, secluded pool in the back. And it will save you the trouble of having to wash out one suit to use between the beach and the pool.”
He told himself it was just because Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī wanted to boost her body image that he pushed but Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī couldn’t help finding a strange thrill at Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, in the suit just for him to admire.

Grabbing the bikini, she took it with the swimsuit she picked out and headed back to the changing room with Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī following.*

Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī took a seat outside while she disappeared behind the door.
It was weird, Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī thought, sitting there facing the door that was open at the bottom and top.
Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī could see Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, strip out of her dress and caught sight of the panties at her ankles just before she pulled them off.
It stirred the excitement inside him, feeling himself getting hard, before the guilt flooded him a short while later.
Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī shouldn’t be excited thinking about Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, that way.
She was his friend’s wife.
He called her Bhābhījān.
She had immense faith in Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī.

The door clicked and she walked out causing Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī to harden even more despite his guilt.
She looked gorgeous in the bikini as it held her lovely breast and displayed her well-formed body just wonderfully.
She turned around.
Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī saw her firm, Panjvaqtah Namāzī, gorgeous, glamorous, perfectly round, excellent, exquisite, Kuwaiti, Wahābī, Musalmān ass held back by just some thin material.
The natural curves of her firm, Panjvaqtah Namāzī, gorgeous, glamorous, perfectly round, excellent, exquisite, Kuwaiti, Wahābī, Musalmān ass well displayed by the tight bottom.
He had to swallow hard as she turned back around and looked at Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī expectantly.
“You look wonderful,” Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī said, his voice sounding strained.

Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā stood there for a Moment looking at Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī with a curious gaze before turning on her bare foot and going back in.
He heard her trying on the other suit but she never came out which added to the guilt Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī was already feeling.
She must have seen his reaction to the suit and everything, thinking Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī was some sick pervert getting hard because of Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā.
Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī took deep breaths trying not to freak out despite his mind wanting to linger on the image of her in the suit.

Finally, Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, unlocked the door and came walking out in her sundress, the suits slung over her arm.
She held out a hand to him that Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī looked at for a Moment before taking it, letting her lead him to the cashier.
Once she paid for both suits, she led him out of the door and paused to give him a kiss on the cheek, something she hadn’t done in a while.

They got back in the car and headed to the beach house as the day was getting late.
The house was a modern structure Åbdul Aħad had built just to his specifications.
It was a dark gray building with lots of windows and a large deck.
The pool was on the first floor out back and a hot tub was off the master bedroom on the deck.
It was a lot of black and metal in the kitchen and bathrooms, nice but not really either of their tastes.
Taking the bags in, Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī set them near the stairs while they looked around.

“I think it might be getting too late to go out on the beach,” Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, said, opening the sliding glass door that led to the pool area.

“Yeah,” Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī said sadly.

“Well,” she said, looking back at Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī. “It was a long day. How about we just order in some pizza and take a dip in the hot tub?”

Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī carried the bags up stairs and put them all in the large master bedroom that took up the back half of the second floor. Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī was about to head back down when Sheikħzādī Kħālidah Umm Moosā, appeared behind him, looking around the room curiously.
She walked over to the bed and gave it a push with her hands.

“You can take this room,” Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī said, nodding towards the bed.

“Don’t be silly,” Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī suddenly said, turning towards him. “You are not cramming yourself on that child’s bed in the other room and I’m not having you sleep on the couch. We can share the bed, it’s not like it’s the first time we have and we both are grown adults.”

Before Brahm Nārāyañ Mukherjī could argue, she grabbed the phone that was on the side table and called to order the pizza.

Chapter 18
1. More Creative Adult Sex in English from Durgesh

2.Durgesh in Hindi/Urdu

3. Science Fiction

4. On History

5. Commentary on Ved

6. On Hinduism

7. On Islam

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