The Chairman:4

The Chairman


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

I didn’t say anything.

We just sat there looking over the valley.

I turned my head, my nose and face finding the back of her head.

The smell of clean hair, the smell of a different Sunni Musalmān Beauty filled my nostrils.

I nuzzled the side of her head, kissed her ear, inhaling and enjoying her scent  ̶  different than my women, different than Zaynab Raħmān.

“Ummm. I like that.”

“Like what?”

“I like it when you kiss my ears.”

I lowered my mouth just a bit and kissed her earlobe like I had earlier.

Her hands came up and rubbed her bare arms  ̶  I looked down and saw goose bumps.

“Allah! that curls my toes when you do that.”

I changed to the other side, kissed her other ear lobe.

Naåīmah Furqān shrugged her shoulders and giggled, the hair on the back of her neck standing up.

“Do you have fantasies?” Naåīmah Furqān asked.

“Of course. Everyone has his/her fantasies. I’m no exception. Why do you ask?”

Naåīmah Furqān didn’t answer immediately, then shaking her head said,

“I do also. You’ll think it’s weird.”

“Try me.”

Naåīmah Furqān said nothing.

I bent back to her ear and whispered just before I kissed her ear lobe again, “Does it have to do with your ears?”

Naåīmah Furqān shivered in response.

She nodded.

“Tell me.”

“It’s impossible.”

“Impossible to tell me, or to do?”

“To do. I’ve always fantasized about being sucked by a group of communal Hindus. Not just my ears, but everything, ten mouths on my fingers, ten on my toes, on my ears and nipples and extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Pussy. All at the same time.”

I controlled myself from the jolt.

So, Naåīmah Furqān was not a lady.

She was still an animal in her fantasies.

We all are more or less.

The persons who realize it timely and train their minds to be civilized are converted into real human beings.

She hadn’t a trained civilized mind.

I’d to help her.


Eīshān Param Brahm Paramātmā!

Vitishŧhantām māturasyā upasthānnānāroopā pashavo jāýmānāh.

Sumangalyup sīdémamagnim.

sampatnī, pratibhhoshéh dévān.’

‘Let there come forth from the genital organ of this mother, animals of various forms, being born.

Well doing woman, sit by the man leading to light. Proper wife, ornamentize here the divine ones.’

̶ Ved: 4A: 14|2|25

I sat quietly for a moment, then hugged her to me.

My hand was on her Sunni Musalmān breast, her nipple was hard in my palm.

“I don’t think you’re weird.” I whispered. “And you’re right  ̶  I think it might be impossible. You might have to settle for one per hand and foot, but the rest  ̶  it could be done.”

“Oh no!” Naåīmah Furqān gasped, “I don’t actually want to do it  ̶  it’s just a fantasy.”

Naåīmah Furqān nestled back against me, enjoying my caresses.

“How about you? What’s your great fantasy?”

“Ummm. Hard to say. As a Hindu, of course every Sunni Musalmān Beauty is a fantasy.” I left the answer hanging as I thought about it, then it dawned on me. “I’ve had this one fantasy since high school. There were these identical twins in one of my classes that were the hottest extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān girls in the school. I’ve always fantasized about a three some with twins.”

“That would be a tough one.”

“Tell me about it. That’s why it’s a fantasy  ̶  it’ll probably never happen.”

It wasn’t long after that we finished the juice and wine, and called it a night.

Naåīmah Furqān refused my offer to share my bed, I kissed her goodnight at the bedroom door and Naåīmah Furqān didn’t invite me in.

I overslept in the morning.

It was after seven when I finally awoke.

For some reason, I didn’t mind.

There was no sound from her room, so I quietly left a sticky note on the wall across from her saying I’d be back by 9 and went out, after Stavans, on my morning run.

Sundays I normally take a longer run.

It was slightly after 9 when I stepped into the back yard to find Naåīmah Furqān sitting in a chase lounge, lying back soaking up the morning sun.

Naåīmah Furqān was totally nude except for some stretchy extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān girl briefs that were extremely sexy on her.

“I think I could get used to being naked outside,” Naåīmah Furqān said as I sat down on the chair beside her.

“Yeah, but you’re not naked.”

“I figured if you were going to get into my panties today that I better have some on.”

I stood up and bent over to kiss her, running a hand over her Sunni Musalmān breast and down to the shorts where I rubbed her side and onto her bottom as Naåīmah Furqān leaned onto her side into me.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“You’re sweaty  ̶  go swimming.”

I reached down and dropped my shorts as I straightened up, my Uncut Hindu Cock beginning to harden up and flipping toward her face as it cleared my shorts.

“A little sex will make you sweaty too.” I countered.

“You tempt me,” Naåīmah Furqān responded, “but you owe me a second date first.”

“What? But I thought…”

Naåīmah Furqān laughed.

“Oh don’t worry, you don’t even have to try and impress me. I’ll guarantee I’m a sure thing but you’ve got an Uncut Hindu Cock that needs a whole lot more teasing before I’m ready to be had.”

I took a swim; Naåīmah Furqān went inside and got a towel which Naåīmah Furqān held up for me as I got out of the pool.

I wiped my face and chest as Naåīmah Furqān turned away.

I dropped the towel and spun her back to me, pulling her against me, nothing between us except her shorts.

My Uncut Hindu Cock was no longer just semi rigid.

I pulled my mouth to hers, Naåīmah Furqān responded in kind, her hands gripping my naked ass, mine sliding down over her cloth covered ass, squeezing the firm extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān globes I found there.

“You’ve got a great Penis.” Naåīmah Furqān said.

“You’ve got a great ass.” I answered.

“I’ll tell my aerobics instructor you think so. Naåīmah Furqān said, “she’d get me back in shape.”

Naåīmah Furqān pushed me away.

“Here’s the plan. Feed me. Then we’re going to do something, you owe me a second date. And then what do you say we play with whatever pops up?”

Naåīmah Furqān reached out her hand pushing my erection to one side.

“You really need to put that thing away.”

Naåīmah Furqān turned and began to walk away.

I stepped forward, reached down and swatted her bottom, Naåīmah Furqān bent a little and wiggled it at me in response.

“Uncut Hindu Cocktease!”


Naåīmah Furqān made breakfast, during which I came up with the perfect thing to do.

I told her casual, shorts and t-shirt would do.

Naåīmah Furqān wanted to know where we were going, I didn’t tell her until we pulled into the parking lot at the beach.

I told her to take her shoes off, which I did also, putting my wallet and ID and keys inside before I got out of the car, checking first to see if anyone was watching.

I have a car door key that I keep on a leather that goes around my neck when I’m running, but put everything else into the trunk.

I pulled out a blanket that I keep along with a bottle of sunscreen that I slipped into my pocket, and locked the trunk.

“What’s the blanket for?”

“Sand gets hot, gives you something to sit on that’s a little cooler.”


We walked over to the surf line, hand in hand, letting the wave’s wash over our feet as we worked our way south.

It wasn’t far and the noontime crowd eased appreciably.

I spotted the first nudist on a blanket, not saying anything to Naåīmah Furqān as we passed him.

Naåīmah Furqān missed him completely as Naåīmah Furqān wasn’t looking toward the cliff.

Naåīmah Furqān didn’t miss it moments later, a couple walking towards us getting their feet wet also, and both totally naked.

“Where are we?” Naåīmah Furqān asked, after they’d passed.

“Black’s Beach. It’s pretty much clothing optional, been that way for years. I just thought you’d said you’d go topless on the beach if you had the chance again  ̶  so here’s your chance.”

I turned up onto the dry sand, walked a bit further to where it leveled off and spread the blanket.

Naåīmah Furqān looked both ways, realizing that up ahead were numerous naked people, and at least one back toward where we’d come from.

“Are you serious?” Naåīmah Furqān asked.

In response, I undid my shorts, letting them drop along with my underwear to the blanket, and then removed my shirt.

“Let’s go swimming.” Her eyes bugged in response.

“I, uh, I don’t know….”

Her apprehension was obvious.

I didn’t push it.

“I’ll be right back,” I said, walking nonchalantly toward the surf.

There was no one else in the immediate area.

I could see the naked couple still walking north along the beach away from us.

I figured to give Naåīmah Furqān time to get used to the idea, but if Naåīmah Furqān’d decided she could go topless on South Beach, it wasn’t much of a step to going naked on Black’s Beach.

I took a plunge into the normally cool and invigorating Southern California water, got beyond the surf break and tread water waiting for a wave.

I finally caught a wave only to realize that body surfing naked allowed my pecker to flutter in the water.

I hadn’t brought towels, but used my hands to wipe the water off my face and was practically dry by the time I got back to the blanket where Naåīmah Furqān was sitting.

“It’s just like at home  ̶  except the water is salty and there happen to be a few other people around.” I said as I took a seat on the blanket.

I lay down on my back, watching Naåīmah Furqān through my sunglasses without moving my head.

Naåīmah Furqān glanced around one more time, then proceeded to remove her shirt, shaking and folding it before placing it at the top of the blanket.

Naåīmah Furqān pulled her shorts off by raising her hips rather than standing up, folded them and put them with her shirt.

Confidently Naåīmah Furqān looked around once again, and removed her bra, leaving her in the same stretchy briefs Naåīmah Furqān’d had on at the pool at home.

I sat up, found the lotion out of my shorts and began putting it on.

When I finished my front, I handed her the bottle.

“Do my back?”

Naåīmah Furqān took it and I rolled over onto my front.

Naåīmah Furqān started at my shoulders, worked her way down, skipping my butt as Naåīmah Furqān went to all the way down to my feet.

I was about to say something when Naåīmah Furqān returned to my bottom.

“I can tell you go naked a lot, your bottom is already somewhat tanned.”

“Uh-huh. Not surprised. I don’t lay out much, don’t come here much either, but I go naked at home most of the time. I thought maybe you were being bashful for a moment.”

“Just saving the best for last. And your Penis is definitely the best.” Naåīmah Furqān squeezed my Uncut Hindu Cock needlessly. “That’s for swatting me earlier.”

“Did you like it?”

“That’s beside the point. Do me?”

I sat up and took the bottle from her.

Naåīmah Furqān glanced around once more, rolled over and lay face down on the blanket.

As Naåīmah Furqān did, Naåīmah Furqān raised her hips and slid her briefs off, tossing them onto the pile of clothes up top.

I started at her feet, rubbing lotion into every inch of skin.

I did her bottom when I went by, sliding my fingers between her legs, not quite touching her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Labia.

I ran my hand along her butt crack, not spreading her cheeks just making sure Naåīmah Furqān had protection, then moved on up her back and shoulders.

Naåīmah Furqān had her arms by her side, I did them too, then told her to roll over.

Naåīmah Furqān rolled over, face up.

I moved back down to her feet and started over, gradually moving up her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān body.

I worked up one leg, working to her extremely beautiful Saůūdī Årab Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān Crotch before starting over on the other.

When I reached her extremely beautiful Saůūdī Årab Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān Crotch, the second time, I didn’t hesitate to touch where I’d so urgently wanted to for two days.

To my extreme pleasure, Naåīmah Furqān made no effort to stop me.

Her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Pussy lips protruded slightly, her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Clit hidden.

Naåīmah Furqān wasn’t clean shaven; however her pubic hair was thin and ran in rows to the center of her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān body.

I wasn’t sure whether Naåīmah Furqān trimmed closely or that’s just the way her hair grew.

I spread the lotion around her thighs so there was little left on my fingers when I reached her pubic hair.

I slid my fingers down over her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Labia, dragging my middle finger between her lips and across her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Clit.

I wasn’t spreading lotion, I was blatantly fondling her.

The only lotion I got on her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Clit was her own moisture, and Naåīmah Furqān was definitely wet.

It was evident; the Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Beauty was enjoying my Hindu sexual attacks on her, very much.

I smiled and looked up at her face, her lower lip was between her teeth.

So, the bitch was teasing me!

I didn’t linger, but proceeded up her stomach, covering her Sunni Musalmān breasts and chest, feeling her slightly hard nipples stiffen up even more as I rubbed them with lotion.

By the time I got done, my Uncut Hindu Cock had stiffened up quite a bit also.

I glanced around; I’d been on nude beaches enough to know that obvious arousal is generally a no-no.

No one was near; I made no effort to hide it.

I finished up with her neck, then reached out and removed Naåīmah Furqān’s sunglasses before gently rubbing lotion into her face.

“You’ve got the best strong Hindu hands,” Naåīmah Furqān said as I began to put her sunglasses back on.

I inadvertently stuck them in her ear of course, Naåīmah Furqān took them from me and finished putting them on.

“And you’ve got the best Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān body.” I answered.

“I noticed you like it very much.”

“Is this part of your Uncut Hindu Cock teasing?” I asked laughing.

“Oh no  ̶  this you’ve done all on your own.”

“So there you go, it isn’t so bad, is it?”

“Allah, Durgesh, I feel so naughty! This whole weekend  ̶  I swear, if I told my extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān girlfriend or daughter what I’ve done they seriously wouldn’t believe me. This is so unlike anything I’ve ever done.”

“Didn’t you say you were going to take a little walk on the wild side?”

“Actually I think you described it with those words, but it certainly has been.”

Naåīmah Furqān lay on her back soaking up the sun for a few minutes as we talked.

I sat up, feeling the heat of the sun again, looking around.

“Come on, let’s get wet.”

I grabbed her hand and pulled her up, continued to hold her hand as we went down to the water.

“Crap, that’s cold!” Naåīmah Furqān said as the first wave splashed her legs.

I pulled her in deeper.

“It’s not that bad, just the first splash feels cold. Best thing is to take a running jump, get wet and then it doesn’t feel so bad.”

I let go, high stepped into deeper water, until I half fell, half dove forward into the water.

A few moments later, Naåīmah Furqān caught up with me where I was half treading, half bouncing against the bottom as the water rose and fell.

“I can’t believe how much I absolutely LOVE swimming naked. It’s so  ̶  delicious! In fact I can’t believe how much I enjoy being naked. Who ever would have think it?”

We got back in to where we were thigh deep in the water when I noticed the couple walking back down the beach past us.

The extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān girl waved, the Hindu bobbed his head in recognition, obviously checking us out.

We both waved back.

“Did you see him checking me out?” Naåīmah Furqān asked.

“I don’t know. Did you see me checking her out?”

“I thought you said I had the best body?”

“And how am I to know that if I don’t check out the competition?”

As we came up onto the beach, Naåīmah Furqān took my hand and turned south.

“Wanna go for a walk?”

“Are you up for it?” I asked, somewhat surprised after her earlier bashfulness.

“I don’t know if I could alone, but if you go…”

The area where we’d been was fairly uninhabited.

However about a quarter of a mile ahead there were many more people.

Some were swimming, some sunbathing, others walking around like we were.

Not all were nude, but most were.

We walked maybe a mile down the beach before we turned and retraced our steps.

Approaching our blanket, we could see where a new group had set up not too far from us.

They appeared to be two young couples, as we got closer it became clear that they were.

Not just young, but pretty good looking also.

“Ok Naåīmah Furqān, no comparing asses as we walk by.”

“I doubt you’ve got anything to be worried about the way you work out. But I won’t say a thing if you don’t compare boobs.”

“You seem to worry a lot about your boobs for a gal that has a dynamite body.”

“Go ahead, say it: dynamite body for a 38 year old.”

“Or a 28 year old.”

“You know who that looks like? That looks like, what did you call her? On the plane? Allah!  ̶  I think it is!”

I looked closer, and there was no doubt.

“Eye-Candy” was one of the two knockout blondes with two men that were obviously Marines, both had crew cuts and chiseled bodies.

They’d set up their blankets and towels just a feet from where our gear was.

As we walked up toward our blanket, we passed within just a few feet of the four which gave us plenty of time to review our new neighbor’s bodies.

“Eye Candy” was just as good looking naked as she had been on the airplane.

She had a completely smooth snatch, with only a small landing strip above.

Her tits were definitely artificial, much bigger than either she or her friend, and very nice to look at.

The other extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān girl had natural B cup boobs, one of which had a pierced nipple with a small ring hanging from it.

Unlike Eye Candy, she was completely clean shaven.

Both extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān girls had thong bikini bottom marks, but it was obvious they’d spent quite a bit of time topless from the lack of untanned skin.

Glancing at the Hindus, they were also completely shaved, making their Uncut Hindu Cocks look quite large.

They saw us approaching the blanket, I saw Eye Candy glance at us with a second glance a moment later.

A slight double take, but I could tell she didn’t really recognize us, nor did she show a hint of bashfulness.

As her manner on the airplane had said, she didn’t mind showing off a bit.

As we got right in front of their towels, I raised a hand to wave and said,

“Heya Texas, how ya doing?”

She stopped and looked at me solidly, then answered,

“Do I know you?”

“I don’t think so.” I grinned, squeezing Naåīmah Furqān’s hand.

“Then how’d you know I’m from Texas?” she asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?” I answered, barely able to contain my laughter, “They always do things bigger in Texas.”

Her mouth fell open.

Then she broke into a grin as she realized I was only having fun with her.

“We certainly do.” she answered, putting her hands under her boobs and hefting them, showing that she knew exactly what I was talking about.

She looked at me again with a slight look of recognition.

“I’ve seen you before.” Her eyes dropped, checking me out.

I knew there was some of me she’d certainly never seen before.

I laughed. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Actually we were sitting just behind you on the plane the other day.”

“Oh I remember.” Her voice betrayed her; she didn’t really have a clue who we were.

We didn’t stop or intrude any further on their party, just kept walking on with a wave.

We sat down on the towel, I started brushing the sand off my feet to lay down when Naåīmah Furqān leaned over to my ear and said,

Durgesh darling! Méré Hindu Piyā! Hindu Al Buůūlatul Muslimāt! Hum Musalmān ħasīnāonHindu Kħasam! Hindu husband of us Musalmān Beauties! Do you think we’ll get in trouble if I push you onto your back and climb on top and fuck your brains out?”

Her hand slid down, grasping my Uncut Hindu Cock which began to respond to her touch.

“I don’t know, does this mean that I’ve FINALLY gotten into your panties?”

Naåīmah Furqān shook her head no.

“No, but it’s definitely time to.”

Naåīmah Furqān glanced over at our neighbors, my eyes followed.

There were glances coming our way from all four of them.

Naåīmah Furqān smiled wickedly.

“Hum Musalmān ħasīnāonHindu Kħasam! Do you think they’d like to see us do it?”

“I think they would, but unless you want to spend the next couple of days in jail, we better not.”

Naåīmah Furqān let go of my Uncut Hindu Cock.

“Spoilsport. Then I guess you better just take me home.”

I pulled into the driveway, held the gate open to the yard for Naåīmah Furqān.

As I came through after her, Naåīmah Furqān threw her arms around me and began kissing me.

I kissed her back, dropping my shoes that I’d been carrying and almost immediately Naåīmah Furqān began pulling my shirt out of my pants.

I raised my strong Hindu arms so Naåīmah Furqān could pull it over my head but I was too tall for her.

I took the shirt from her grasp and her mouth found my nipples as I was pulling the shirt out of the way.

I reciprocated, working her shirt out, pulling her arms up and out of the way.

As soon as her shirt was clear, her face was again against my stomach, her tongue penetrating my belly button, her hands fumbling with my belt.

We stumbled further into the yard, somehow I unhooked her bra.

Naåīmah Furqān moved it out of the way and off her arms as I kissed her already hard nipples, salty from the ocean, into my mouth.

Her hands continued to fumble with my pants, the button of my Levi’s fighting her efforts.

I moved her hands, taking them myself and easily popping the button free.

I hooked my underwear and pants, my already hard Uncut Hindu Cock popping free, right into Naåīmah Furqān’s face as Naåīmah Furqān’d dropped to her knees.

“Allah! Allah Allah! It’s so handsome.” Naåīmah Furqān wrapped her hand around the shaft and engulfed the glands in her mouth.

Her tongue twirled around it.

Naåīmah Furqān continued down, several inches disappearing into her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān mouth before Naåīmah Furqān began pulling back out, sucking as she did so.

“Umm,” Naåīmah Furqān said as she pulled off, her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān tongue licking up the Hindu shaft and teasing the soft spot just under the head.

Naåīmah Furqān looked up at me with a smile and said with her giggle

“It’s salty. I didn’t know I liked my meat salty,” and then sucked my Uncut Hindu Cock into her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān mouth once again.

I reached down, running my fingers through her hair, enjoying the attention Naåīmah Furqān was slathering on my Uncut Hindu Cock which continued to grow harder to her ministrations.

I took her arms, lifting her from her knees.

Naåīmah Furqān reluctantly pulled off my Uncut Hindu Cock, hungrily sucking as long as she could before, I forced her to rise.

Reaching for her pants, I had to unzip them before I could work them off her hips, her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān mouth devouring mine once again.

When I came to her panties, I hooked them to pull them down with her pants, when Naåīmah Furqān put a hand on mine.

Naåīmah Furqān pulled away from our kiss, huskily saying,

“Did I say you could get into my panties yet?”

“Yes.” I growled as I jerked her panties and shorts down, the smell of aroused Sunni Musalmān Beauty immediately noticeable.

I slid my hand between her legs, unable to spread them as her pants were only down to her knees, but my fingers easily penetrated her hot sex, Naåīmah Furqān was dripping in arousal.

I reached down and pushed her pants down further until Naåīmah Furqān pulled one foot out and stepped on them to pull her other foot out.

We stumbled backwards to the stairs by the pool where I sat her down and pushed her back.

Spreading her willing legs with my own I slipped forward, my Uncut Hindu Cock rooting around once, twice, before finding the hot soft spot that easily accepted my advances.

No need for foreplay, two days of foreplay had left us both crying for relief.

Her legs wrapped around me, pulling me home.

“Allah! Allah Allah!” Naåīmah Furqān said, her legs moving in concert with my own rhythm, pulling me into her again and again.

The pent up frustration of the previous days and nights had addled my mind, I was in no mood to worry about getting her off, making it good for her, all I wanted was to sate my own Hindu lust.

Apparently Naåīmah Furqān didn’t need me too, Naåīmah Furqān began coming before I did.

It wasn’t a long lovemaking session, but neither of us needed it.

What we needed was hard, fast, lusty fucking which is exactly what we did.

I sensed Naåīmah Furqān was coming more than recognized it, and moments later as I began spurting a load into her hot cunny Naåīmah Furqān locked her ankles to hold me in place.

I collapsed against her, pinning her uncomfortably against the steps leading to the pool, until Naåīmah Furqān told me I had to get off as I was killing her back.

I rocked back, pulling her with me, her legs still wrapped around me, until I could stand.

Turning, I easily carried her – still impaled on my Uncut Hindu Cock – to the sun lounge.

As I laid her back, my still unsoftening Uncut Hindu Cock fell from her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Pussy, followed by a flood of cum.

“Allah,” Naåīmah Furqān sighed in extreme relief, “Allah! I needed that, Durgesh darling! Méré Hindu Piyā! Hindu Al Buůūlatul Muslimāt! Hum Musalmān ħasīnāonHindu Kħasam! Hindu husband of us Musalmān Beauties!”

“I’ve needed that for two days” I smiled and winked at Naåīmah Furqān.

Still the minx, Naåīmah Furqān giggled.

“Yeah, but wasn’t it worth the wait?”

Her hand reached down and grasped my cum covered Uncut Hindu Cock, squeezing it, feeling its slipperiness.

It didn’t respond, I knew it would be a few minutes before it would.

“I guess we decided we didn’t need condoms.” I commented.

“I’m glad.” Naåīmah Furqān pulled me to her, leaning forward Naåīmah Furqān took the head of my soft Uncut Hindu Cock in her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān mouth and began trying to get me up.

I groaned as her tongue and lips caressed my glands.

“It’s too much,” I said, putting my hand on her head to move it away, “It’s too sensitive right now. Give me a couple of minutes, I’ll come back  ̶  I promise.”

Reluctantly Naåīmah Furqān pulled away, and we rearranged ourselves to cuddle a bit.

It rapidly became too hot to just lie there in the sun.

I began to move, Naåīmah Furqān sat up, cupping her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Pussy with her hand.

Naåīmah Furqān said she’d be right back and headed for the bathroom.

I headed for the pool.

Moments later Naåīmah Furqān returned.

I admired her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān body as for the first time I was able to sit back and just watch her walking around fully naked.

“You seem to be getting used to going naked,” I said as Naåīmah Furqān was about to join me in the pool.

Naåīmah Furqān stopped on the steps, throwing her arms out to the side, palms up, striking a pose reminiscent of a painting I’d once seen of Venus by some Renaissance painter.

“Ta da!” Naåīmah Furqān grinned, “I’m a convert  ̶  I may never put on clothes again, if I’m with you, neither let you!”

“That ought to make for an interesting plane flight.”

The smile almost instantly disappeared from her face as Naåīmah Furqān stepped forward, down the stairs and into my awaiting arms.

Naåīmah Furqān rested her head on my shoulder and sighed.

“I guess I do have to go home tomorrow, don’t I?”

“All good things end sooner or later.” I kissed her.

Naåīmah Furqān raised her face to mine; her kiss was but only in response.

We’d been standing in what for me was only waist deep water; I began walking backward into deeper water to lean against the side of the pool.

Naåīmah Furqān followed, our kissing unbroken.

I was neck deep and I wrapped my legs around Naåīmah Furqān, her arms around my waist.

“Have you ever done it in a pool?” Naåīmah Furqān asked, finally relinquishing her suction on my Uncut Hindu Cock.

I nodded affirmatively.

“Yeah, but it’s not the best. Water washes all the slickery away, the skin binds together too much.”

“Oh.” Naåīmah Furqān sounded disappointed.

I’d taken a few more steps into shallower water, so that I could comfortably stand with my face just above the level of the pool deck.

“I can tell you what does work best in a pool however.”

“Oh, what’s that?”

“This.” I said, suddenly grabbing her waist and hoisting her onto the side of the pool, the buoyancy of the water making it easy to lift her out.

Naåīmah Furqān squealed in laughter, but didn’t fight as I sat her on the side, spreading her legs and putting them around my waist.

I looked up into her face and started to go to work on her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Clit the way I’d always done with my extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Musalmān women, whether Sunni, Shiå or Aħmadī, with my Uncut Hindu Cock.

I remembered that Naåīmah Furqān’d said her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Clit was too sensitive for that treatment.

I started by putting my Uncut Hindu Cock between her lips, rubbing and penetrating.

I concentrated on everything but her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Clit, rubbing her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Pussy lips, penis fucking, with an occasional tickle of her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Clit with my Uncut Hindu Cock thrown in for good measure.

I looked back up to her face, Naåīmah Furqān took a hand and ran it through my balls, caressing the each of them.

Somehow I understood that although I thought I was doing good, it wasn’t the best for her.

I pulled my Uncut Hindu Penis back out of the way, replacing it with itself again, pressing against the inside of her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Vagina.

Her eyes closed as I worked her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Pussy the way I’d seen her do it earlier, the increase in moisture coming from her telling me I was doing good things.

I took my other hand and began rubbing around her mons, squeezing her lips, pushing hard against her  ̶  basically doing what previously I would have construed as mistreating her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Pussy.

Naåīmah Furqān loved it.

Naåīmah Furqān occasionally let out a moan of pleasure, but mostly her hips and legs were writhing to my touch.

I rapidly learned to tell what was the best, and toward the end her bottom began to come off the decking, her extremely beautiful Saůūdī Årab Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān pelvis rising to my Hindu touch.

I sensed and felt the tension increasing in her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān body, but still I made no attempt to touch her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Clit again.

I removed my Uncut Hindu Cock and leaned forward to insert it once again, finding that whereas before Naåīmah Furqān’d been wet, now Naåīmah Furqān was practically gushing with moisture.

I reinserted my Uncut Hindu Penis, and realized that I could now see the tip of her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Clit protruding from the protecting skin.

Pulling her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Pussy lips I exposed it more and more until it stood proudly, a pink glistening pearl begging for attention.

Her hips were now thrusting toward my Uncut Hindu Cock, her extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān body begging for release, but still I held back.

Naåīmah Furqān had originally been holding herself upright with her arms, but she’d long since given up, now lying flat on her back.

Her occasional moans had become more of a quavering “Allah, OH, OH, Allah!”, and were now nearly continuous.

I sensed her need, and finally relented, moving my Uncut Hindu Cock just enough to lean forward and rub her little pink Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Clit, rubbing my Uncut Hindu Penis hard back and forth across it.

Naåīmah Furqān instantly erupted in orgasm.

Her extremely beautiful Saůūdī Årab Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān Pelvis was trying to pull away as her legs wrapped around my waist pulling me closer.

Her whole body convulsed, and I felt a jet of liquid squirt against my Hindu groin as her “Allah Allah” changed to “Yā Allaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Durgesh darling! Méré Hindu Piyāaaaaaaaaaaaa! Hindu Al Buůūlatul Muslimāaaaaaat! Hum Musalmān ħasīnāonHindu Kħasam! Hindu husband of us Musalmān Beautieeeees! OH FUCK! Fuck me. Fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaard, you Hindu brute!”

Her hands once again found my hair, pulling my waist against her extremely beautiful Saůūdī Årab Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān Pelvis, Naåīmah Furqān convulsed a second, and then a third time, before her hands began to push against me.

I relinquished my rubbing to her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Clit, letting my Uncut Hindu Cock rest against it, feeling it throb as I did so.

A few moments later I wiggled my Uncut Hindu Cock, feeling her convulse as I did so.

“Don’t… don’t Durgesh darling! Méré Hindu Piyā! Hindu Al Buůūlatul Muslimāt! Hum Musalmān ħasīnāonHindu Kħasam! Hindu husband of us Musalmān Beauties! ….it’s too much…too much” Naåīmah Furqān panted.

I stopped my Uncut Hindu Cock once again, withdrawing slightly.

I took my hand and wiped my Hindu groin of the extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān girl cum that had sprayed all over there, realizing as I did so that Naåīmah Furqān was a squirter.

I’d heard of them, but never actually met one before.

I washed my groin with pool water.

Her legs were still draped over my waist.

I pulled them off, letting them down into the water and moving sideways, pulled myself up onto the deck beside her.

Her head rolled sideways, a hand came up to shield her eyes as Naåīmah Furqān looked over at me. “I didn’t know you were a squirter.”

“I didn’t either…..what’s a squirter?”

“When you came, you squirted cum all over my groin. Some women do it when they orgasm.”

“Is that what happened? Allah  ̶  that was so good, so good.”

“I kinda thought you liked that.”

“You’ve got no idea. I swear, that’s what I’ve always dreamed of. My husband would go down on me but it was never like that. He’d always spend so much time on my Panjvaqtah Namāzī Saůūdī Årab Sunni Musalmān Clit, he just never understood no matter what I said. I mean, he’d make me cum, but never like that.”

Naåīmah Furqān rolled over onto her side, I put my arm out and Naåīmah Furqān used it as a pillow.

“Can we go take a nap? I’m suddenly so sleepy.”

“A good orgasm does that to you.”

“Umm, hmmm.”

“Slide into the pool and wash off and we’ll go in out of the sun.”

“Do we have to?”

“Either that or you’ll turn into a lobster. The lotion is all gone and you’re beginning to get pink.”

Chapter 5


More Creative Adult Sex in English from Durgesh

1. Bahoo Bégum

2. The obsession

3 The daughters and wife of my Musalmān friend

4.The Extramarital affair: Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah:Social Service

5.   Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–1

6. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–2

7. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–3

8. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–4

9. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–5

10. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–6

11. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–7

12. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–8

13. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–9

14. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–10

15. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–11

16. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–12

17. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–13

18. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–14

19. A deserving unfaithfulness

20. A deserving unfaithfulness-2

21. Yåqūb Family-1

22. They conspired against me

23. A secret Smile

24. A new young wife at sixty

24. My dad’s new Musalmān wife

26. The Beaming Knowledge

27. The three pregnants-1

28. The three pregnants-2

29. In the Moonlight

30. Sālī, Ammījān!

31. Now entirely secured and safe

32. She needed me extremely

33. Al Jihād fil Durgesh fī sabīlillāh

34. Kħadījah Åbdullah Bājī  seduced me

35. Her Brilliant Decisions-1

36. Her Brilliant Decisions-2

37. Her Brilliant Decisions-3

38. Her Brilliant Decisions-4

39. No Hindu, Please!

40. Only Hindus, Please!

41. Scintillating Ammī and daughter

42. I do hate hypocrisy

43. I still love Durgesh, with immense pride

44. Hell, I revolt

45. She loved me all along

46. She told the untold-1

47. Arātīyato ni dahāti Vedah: The untold history of our freedom fight-1

48. Making love and understanding everything

49. We both, Nādirah, and Arzumand, love Durgesh

50. After the death of my husband

51. The everbest wives-1

52. Ultimately, I’m an Ammī now

53. The most memorable Eidī of her life

54. It was 24×7, that was all we three cared

55. You are the best. You don’t know

56. I’m not defeated even yet-1

57. Misunderstanding: Everyone thought she’s my wife

58. Yūsuf or Kr’shñ?-1

59. Kħadījah Durgesh Åāyeshah:  I Lost My Sister And Wife To Durgesh

60. A rapist Hindu Piya-1

61. Åli Muħammad Satyarthi-1

62. I love my wife Kħadījah Muħammad

63. Raziyah Akbar Aurangzeb-1

64. I live with him

65. The only man she loved

66. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-1

67. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-2

68. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-3

69. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-4

70. My Hindu Dad’s two Musalmān Wives

71. It all happened just naturally-1

72. It all happened just naturally-2

73. Under Open Sky

74. Ammī the competent

75. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-1

76. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-2

77. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-3

78. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-4

79. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-5

80. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-6

81. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-7

82. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-8

83. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-9

84. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-10

85. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-11

86. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-12

87. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-13

88. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-14

89. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-15

90. The Extent

91.Ashvinātam intimacy-1

92.Ashvinātam intimacy-2

93. Three sons three Ammīs

94. Ahl-Al Bayt 1: College tour

95. Ahl-Al Bayt 2: The Aftereffect

96. Ahl-Al Bayt 3: The Aftereffect

97. Ahl-Al Bayt 4: Satisfaction

98. Ahl-Al Bayt 5: The Surprising Rest

99.  Ahl-Al Bayt 6: The Nude Day Arranged

100. Ahl-Al Bayt 7

101. Ahl-Al Bayt 8: The Uncut Hindu Obsession

102. Ahl-Al Bayt 9:The Obsession Continued

103. Ahl-Al Bayt 10: The Obsession Still Continued

104. Ahl-Al Bayt 11: One More Obsession

105. Ahl-Al Bayt 12: Obsession One More

106. Ahl-Al Bayt 13

107. Ahl-Al Bayt 14

108. Ahl-Al Bayt 15

109. Ahl-Al Bayt 16

110. Ahl-Al Bayt 17

111. Ahl-Al Bayt 18

112.Ahl-Al Bayt 19

113. Ahl-Al Bayt 20

114. Ahl-Al Bayt 21

115. Ahl-Al Bayt 22

116. Ahl-Al Bayt 23

117. Ahl-Al Bayt 24

118. Ahl-Al Bayt 25

119. Ahl-Al Bayt 26

120. Ahl-Al Bayt 27

121. Ahl-Al Bayt 28

122. Ahl-Al Bayt 29

123. Ahl-Al Bayt 30

124. The everincreasing infinite lust

125. The women in my life

126. My Social Service: My Sex Empire: Durgesh

127.  A Deep Conflict-1

128. I’m never ashamed of it

129. Jahān Ārā Aurangzeb Bājī and a Fools’ Paradise

130. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 1

131. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 2

132. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 3

133.  Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 4

134. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 5

135. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:1

136. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:2

137. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:3

138. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:4

139.Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:5

140. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:6

141. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:7

142. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:8

143. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:9

144. They both serve me now

145. She protested

146. Durgesh Fātimah: A Day at the Beach

147. The threesome

148. You’ve proved your titles true

149. The Chairman: 1

150. The Chairman: 2

151. The Chairman: 3

152. The Chairman: 4

153. The Chairman: 5


More creative adult sex in Hindi/Urdu from Durgesh:

1. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 1

2. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 2

3. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 3

4. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 4

5.Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 5

6. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 6

5. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 7

7. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 8

8. Karwā Chauth kā Rozā

9. Mérā Piyā ghar āyā,Yā Allah! Uiiii!-1

10. Mérā Piyā ghar āyā,Yā Allah! Uiiii!-2

11. Durgesh Sidrah Aħmad aur uski Bhābhījān-1

12. Durgesh Sidrah Aħmad aur uski Bhābhījān-2

13. Eidul Fitr-1

14. Mérī mubārakbād qabool farmāýén, Ħazrat!

15. Méré Māmūzād Cousin kī Sasurāl mein main

فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ16Fabiayyi ālāi Rabbikumā tukazzibāni?’

17. Ahal-e-Bait-1

18. Main térī dīvānī

19. Al Jihad: No incest: 1

20. Buniyādī insānī ħaq

21. Majājī Kħudā: 1

22. Majājī Kħudā: 2

23. Majājī Kħudā:3

24. Majājī Kħudā:4

25. Majājī Kħudā: 5

26. Majājī Kħudā: 6

27. Pyār na dékhé ůmr:1

28. Pyār na dékhé ůmr:2

29. Kabhī nahīn chāhā


Science Fictions from DSM Satyarthi:

1. The Foundation Story Coninued: Chapter 1

2.  The Foundation Story Coninued: Chapter 2

3.  The Foundation Story Coninued: Chapter 3

4 . The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 4

5. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 5

6. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 6

7. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 7

8. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 8

9. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 9

10. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 10

11. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 11

12. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 12

13. The Foundation story continued: Chapter 13

14. Prelude to Ten Commandments-1

15. Prelude to Ten Commandments-2

16. Prelude to Ten Commandments-3


Commentary on Ved from DSM Satyarthi:

1. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

2. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 2

3. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 5| Mantr 3

4. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 5| Mantr 3

5. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 7| Mantr 5

6. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 7| Mantr 8

4. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 1

5. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 2

6. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 3

7. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 4

8. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 5

9. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 6

10. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 7

11. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 8

12.R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 9

13. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 58| Mantr 6

14. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 164| Mantr 20

15. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 164| Mantr 46

16. R’gved: Mandal 2| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

17 R’gved: Mandal 3| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

18. R’gved: Mandal 3| Sookt 6| Mantr 2

19. R’gved: Mandal 4| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

20. R’gved: Mandal 5| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

21. R’gved: Mandal 6| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

22. R’gved: Mandal 7| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

23. R’gved: Mandal 8| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

24. R’gved: Mandal 9| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

25. R’gved: Mandal 9| Sookt 63| Mantr 4-5

26. R’gved: Mandal 10| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

27. R’gved: Mandal 10| Sookt 85| Mantr 42

28. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 1

29. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 2

30. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 3

31. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 4

32. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 11| Mantr 1

33. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 13| Mantr 4

34. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 23| Mantr 3

35. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 40| Mantr8

36. Saamved: Mantr 1

37. Sāmved: Mantr 115

38. Sāmved: Mantr 641: Mahānāmnyārchik| 1

39. Sāmved: Mantr 650: Mahānāmnyārchik| 10

40. Sāmved: Mantr 651: Uttarārchik

41. Atharv Ved: Kaand 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

42.  Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 3

43. Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 4

44. Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 6

45. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 6

46. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 7

47. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 8

48. Atharv Ved: Kaand 8| Sookt 1| Mantr 6

49. Atharv Ved: Kaand 14| Sookt 1| Mantr 22

50. Atharv Ved: Kaand 14| Sookt 2| Mantr 25

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