Her Ultimate Decision:1

Her Ultimate Decision


Chapter 1

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah opened the new prescription, took one of the tiny pills and placed it on her tongue while reaching over to pick up the small glass of water.

She swallowed the little pill down her throat.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah opened the kitchen cabinet placing the little packet of pills on the cabinet shelf before heading back into the bedroom.

The prescription of birth control pills would be the last thing Kħadījah Al Tāhirah thought she would ever need to take considering her husband Muħammad’s low sperm count.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah and Muħammad had been married for nine years straight out of college.

Both were successful working at the same marketing corporation for several years before venturing off on their own and forming their own company.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah would be turning twenty-nine this June.

She and Muħammad had wanted to adopt a child for the last two years but the demand on venturing out on their own had left them with less time right now for children.

Muħammad wanted to wait another two years before giving it another thought.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah had a great looking figure and worked very hard at it by working out in her own gym, Muħammad had set up, in the basement.

With blonde hair and five foot two inch frame and one hundred and five-pound Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was proud of her 34-22-34 figure which made her the envy of all of her friends.

Muħammad had to fly out to Atlanta this morning on business and would be back home in the late morning tomorrow.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah looked at the clock knowing she had to go online in about thirty minutes to talk to me.

I was a man Kħadījah Al Tāhirah had became friends with as a pen pal a few months ago.

I was serving since nine months over in Iraq as a guest husband for Saůūdī and Iraqi widows and just returned home for a few days, a few days ago.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah got involved as a pen pal for lonely soldiers with a group she had heard about and we had become friends over a period of time.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah got so comfortable talking with me that she finally told me about this crazy idea of her husband Muħammad about her having sex with me, the famous Durgesh, the Hindu Al Buůūlatul Muslimāt.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah went on to reveal to me that her husband had a fetish to watch her make love to me and that he had this fascination to be a cuckold.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah told me,

“I’m surprised why a large number of Musalmīn are joining and enjoying this cuckold life style now more and more, with Hindus fucking their Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān wives. I don’t want any part of that kind of lifestyle and worried about my husband’s behavior.”

Over the coming weeks, Kħadījah Al Tāhirah and I discussed different ideas how she might convince her husband to reconsider his wild proposal.

One night I suggested to Kħadījah Al Tāhirah to give in to her husband’s desires and go along with the idea as if she loved the idea.

I mentioned that, perhaps, if she were to pretend she wanted to try it, and even meet me for fucking, perhaps her husband would get cold feet and back out on his own.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was a little reluctant, at first, but thought that Muħammad just might change his mind once he saw that she was going to go through with the idea.

A couple days later, Kħadījah Al Tāhirah told Muħammad she would give his idea a try under her conditions in which he would let her find the man.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah even went to her doctor to obtain a prescription of birth control pills to convince Muħammad she was really going through with me.

Muħammad would be home tomorrow morning and Kħadījah Al Tāhirah knew one of the first things Muħammad was going to ask,

“Honey, have you had any luck getting Durgesh as your Hindu lover yet?”

Tonight she was going to ask my opinion about avoiding that question.

Later that night Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was online chatting with her friend, me; and asked that question.

I said if she went out shopping, bought a revealing dress and model the dress for her husband when he arrives home, it might make him jealous, perhaps.

I said to make sure she told him it was her first date.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah thought my suggestion might work on her husband Muħammad.

She told him she had to sign off and go shopping before the stores close.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah thanked me for giving her the idea.

She said she would leave an email tomorrow on how well it turned out.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah went shopping that night and found the perfect dress.

When she got home she slipped into the dress with heels and paraded around in front of the mirror admiring the item she had bought.

The dress was green with a low plunging neck line that revealed plenty of her Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān cleavage and was short enough that when she sat down the dress would hike up to her perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān ass.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah picked up Muħammad at the airport the next day.

It wasn’t an hour after they returned home that Muħammad asked the question Kħadījah Al Tāhirah knew he would ask.

“Were you able to get Durgesh’s Uncut Hindu stud to fuck you, Kħadījah?”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah asked Muħammad to wait in the family room so that she would show him what she had bought while he was gone.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah came out of the bedroom a few minutes later wearing the revealing dress, turned around in front of Muħammad and waited for his opinion.

Muħammad was smiling and Kħadījah Al Tāhirah thought she would add a few words to try and shock him.

“All I have to do is lift this up and my Hindu lover, Durgesh, can fuck me while I’m wearing it.”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was pulling up the dress to reveal that she was not wearing any panties under the dress.

“I’ll shave my perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān Pussy nice and smooth for Durgesh. I may spray even some perfume down here and drive him wild.”

Muħammad got down on his knees, crawled toward her and started to kiss her legs down to her ankles.

Muħammad was licking around Kħadījah Al Tāhirah’s ankles now.

He looked up and said.

“You look so beautiful in this dress that I can’t wait to see you getting fucked by your Hindu lover, Durgesh’s Uncut Hindu stud.”

Muħammad kissed his way back up Kħadījah Al Tāhirah’s legs gently placing his hands up to hold onto her hips and smelled her perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān Pussy through the thin material of her dress.

Muħammad got back up off the floor and told Kħadījah Al Tāhirah,

“You don’t know how much I love you.”

Muħammad smiled as he left the room, leaving Kħadījah Al Tāhirah standing in the room, wearing this revealing dress.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah had to talk to me tonight and seek some advice.

That night when Muħammad was in bed, Kħadījah Al Tāhirah got online and told me all about what had happened that day.

She let me know it only seemed to encourage her husband more.

After several minutes, Kħadījah Al Tāhirah made the suggestion that maybe; she could get me so that I would go along with the idea.

I was stunned by her remarks.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah told me she couldn’t go through with meeting me for sex.

Muħammad said that Kħadījah Al Tāhirah should get me in such a position that I would just play along with the idea and really go through with the sex part of it.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah said that her husband would surely be jealous once he saw Kħadījah Al Tāhirah getting fondled by me.

I answered Kħadījah Al Tāhirah back and said I am always agree to serve Musalmīn, Musalmān Beauties actually, in the manner.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah answered me back saying that Muħammad knew I was willing to help Kħadījah Al Tāhirah out.

I asked Kħadījah Al Tāhirah how it was that Muħammad knew.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah smiled,

“The Musalmīn are never normal about sex. Their sexual attitude is either too ethical to be competent or too perverted to be honorable.”

I smiled at her.

“It’s what you are claiming?”

“I’m not claiming it; I’m actually analyzing the Muslim sexual attitude.”

“And may I ask, if you don’t mind, why are you analyzing it?”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah looked at me.

Durgesh, a Musalmān would never accept it, but the truth is that the Musalmān Beauties are never happy with a Musalmān husband. The question is, why?”

“Why what?”

“Why the Musalmān Beauties are never happy with a Musalmān husband?”

“I’m listening.” I smiled.

“A Musalmān husband is never normal in his sexual attitude.”


“I don’t know, and I damn care why it is so. Let the Musalmīn analyze and scrutinize it. Why should I?”

“Because you are also a Musalmān Beauty.”

“We Musalmān Beauties are fed up of Musalmīn. That’s why we have replaced Musalmīn with Hindus in our sex life, either clandestinely or daringly explicitly.” Kħadījah Al Tāhirah flared, “The Musalmīn are idiots in sex and always abnormal. Either they are too ethical to be competent or too perverted to be honored.”

Stella Abraham laughed.

We were so engrossed in our discussion that neither Kħadījah Al Tāhirah noticed nor I when she had joined us.

“Very good subject.” Stella Abraham smiled, “But let me add my experiences too, if you both don’t mind.”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah laughed.

Durgesh, Stella Abraham is afraid of me that I would snatch you away from her.”

Stella Abraham smiled.



“None can snatch away Durgesh from me, ever.”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah observed Stella Abraham with a grave smile.

“Allah Allah! The Protestant Christian Beauty Stella Abraham and her ever unconquered confidence!”

Durgesh never deceive any woman.” Stella Abraham said gravely.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah watched Stella Abraham quite surprised.

“How can you be so confident about it?”

“Because I know Durgesh from my childhood.”


“We played together.” Stella Abraham said, “And do you know what did we play?”

“Husband and wife?” Kħadījah Al Tāhirah smiled shrewdly.

“Of course!” Stella Abraham winked at Kħadījah Al Tāhirah, “We Protestant Christian Beauties were not so many in Durgesh’s life, even in his childhood. You Sunni Musalmān Beauties were always more than the rest of us. But Durgesh never left anyone once he accepted her.”

“You and Della are crazy for Durgesh, I know.”

Stella Abraham smiled.

“Let’s not change the subject.”

“Oh!” Kħadījah Al Tāhirah watched Stella Abraham with apprehension and then looked at me significantly.

“My experience is that not only Musalmīn are so abnormal in sex, the Christians are also the same.”

“Allah Allah!” Kħadījah Al Tāhirah laughed.

“Only Hindus have a healthy and scientific attitude in sex.” Stella Abraham smiled, “Hindus are never afraid of sex. They worship Shiv Ling Vigrah. Their temples, in South India, have sex positions on their walls boldly without any hypocrisy at all. They have Ajanta, Allora and Khajuraho. They have Kāmsūtr, Anang Rang, and Tantr etc.”

“Allah Allah! Durgesh! She is crazy for Hindus.” Kħadījah Al Tāhirah laughed.

“Well, why shouldn’t I? Only Hindus have a healthy and a competent scientific attitude in sex. The Hindus are never abnormal in the matter, neither too ethical to be competent nor too perverted to be honored. Both the Musalmīn and the Christians are either too ethical to be competent or too perverted to be honored.”

I said I would be glad to help Kħadījah Al Tāhirah out and to just let me know when Kħadījah Al Tāhirah wanted to do it.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was sitting there looking at the computer at the words that she just typed trying to decide what she should write me back.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah typed back say, “You would be willing to help me?”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah typed my phone number up on the screen next and told me to call her.

Her hands were shaking as she typed out,

“I’ll sign off now and give you a call in a few minutes.”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah copied the number down that she had written and signed off the computer.

She sat in the chair trying to decide if she should call me.

After talking to me all of these months, Kħadījah Al Tāhirah would actually be hearing my voice now.

She knew I was stationed about hundreds of miles from where Kħadījah Al Tāhirah lived so maybe I could help her.

Once the night was over and maybe her husband would put all these crazy ideas out of his head than Kħadījah Al Tāhirah wouldn’t have to see me ever again.

Her hands were trembling as Kħadījah Al Tāhirah dialed my number on her cell phone and walked toward the kitchen so her husband wouldn’t hear her.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah listened as the phone rang a second ring and I answered saying,

“I knew you would call me.” My voice was really deep and husky.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah said,

“Hello, this is Kħadījah Al Tāhirah calling.”

I responded,

“It’s really nice to speak to you after all these months, Kħadījah Al Tāhirah. I’m looking forward to meeting you and helping you out with your husband.”

We talked for over an hour that evening until we decided on a place and time to meet.

We decided on the following weekend at a hotel that was located half way between us.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah had sent me a picture of herself at her ten-year high school reunion from last year so I could be accustomed very well what Kħadījah Al Tāhirah looked like.

I reminded Kħadījah Al Tāhirah that I worked out every day with weights and it was all Hindu muscle.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was surprised when I told her how huge I was.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah felt a little afraid to meet me but I reassured her that I was considered a gentle giant at the base.

We ended our conversation after planning the events for that evening.

We pretty much had planned the whole evening and I told Kħadījah Al Tāhirah not to be afraid that everything would go well.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah didn’t get much sleep that night thinking about meeting me next weekend.

The next morning Kħadījah Al Tāhirah told Muħammad that she had a date for next weekend.

Muħammad asked,

“How is Durgesh?”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah told Muħammad,

“He’s a Writer I corresponded with while he was in Iraq husbanding the Saůūdī and Iraqi widows there. And he is an ardent Hindu.”

Muħammad laughed.


“What do you mean?” Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was irate now somewhat.

“An ardent Hindu is better on bed than the other Hindus. The more ardent the Hindu, the more aggressive he is in sex.”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was startled.

Muħammad was talking about me as if Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was not his wife at all.

Has Muħammad gone absolute crazy?

Muħammad then asked, “Did you tell Durgesh about me?”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah answered,

“Yes Muħammad, I told him all about your desire to watch me make love with him. He’s medium, very athletic even at his present 62 and very handsome. And Allah, I can’t wait to fuck Durgesh.”

Muħammad put his hands on her shoulders, kissed Kħadījah Al Tāhirah and said,

“Please darling, don’t forget to take your birth control pills.”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah said,

“Don’t worry honey; I didn’t go to the doctor to end up getting pregnant from Durgesh.”

I hope that I had made the right decision about her husband backing out at the last minute.

What if he gets there and expects me to go through with this whole thing.

I better get sick in a hurry.

Friday came around pretty fast.

Muħammad looked nervous as he watched Kħadījah Al Tāhirah putting on her new dress without any panties or bra.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah had shaved her perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān Pussy smooth, applied perfume around her belly and just a little above her perfect Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān Pussy mound.

She had her nails done the day before along with her toes and all matched in a bright red.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah dried her hair and applied her makeup while Muħammad hung around the bedroom watching every move Kħadījah Al Tāhirah made.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah looked in the mirror and hoped the neighbors wouldn’t see her walk to the car tonight.

The dress was tight and Kħadījah Al Tāhirah could see her nipples through the dress.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah bent down to grab her heels, looked in the mirror while bending down and noticed how much of her tits were showing.

The dress barely came up above her nipples and Kħadījah Al Tāhirah thought she was really going to get an eye full of me tonight.

Muħammad was going to be disappointed tonight if I have to pretend I’m getting sick.

Muħammad was packing his video camera and was already dressed and ready.

They got on the expressway and were on their way.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah could feel the butterflies in her stomach as they got closer to their destination.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah and Muħammad got off the expressway ramp.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah could see the hotel straight ahead.

Her legs started to shack.

Muħammad spotted the hotel but pulled into the parking lot next to the office.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah glanced around and didn’t see the car I said I would be driving.

Muħammad said,

“I’m going into the office and check in.”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah pulled down the vizor and checked her makeup, reapplying her lip stick while she waited for Muħammad to return.

Muħammad came back, winked significantly and said,

“The room number is 108 and it’s the first one across the parking lot.”

Muħammad moved the car around and started to back in the parking space when Kħadījah Al Tāhirah saw my car pulling up along the side of their car and parking in the next space.

Her heart was beating fast as Kħadījah Al Tāhirah tried to look over in my car and get a look at the man she had been chatting with, online, all these months.

It was already dark and all Kħadījah Al Tāhirah could make out was a dark figure in the driver’s seat.

Muħammad opened his window and motioned for me to roll my window down.

My window rolled down as her husband introduced himself and I answered him back in that deep husky voice Kħadījah Al Tāhirah heard on the phone last week.

Muħammad said,

“I already checked in and the room is right here.”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was shaking.

Her heart was racing as her husband opened the door and walked around to open mine.

I got out of the car as her husband took her hand and they walked around to meet me.

I started to walk toward them.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was holding onto her husband’s hand as tight as she could as they walked toward me.

I started to come into their view.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah’s Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān heart almost stopped as she looked up at me standing in front of her.

I reached my hand out to shake her husband’s first as we introduced each other.

Muħammad turned to Kħadījah Al Tāhirah and said to me,

“This is my beautiful wife Kħadījah Al Tāhirah.”

I reached for her hand and said,

“I’m very pleased to meet you, Kħadījah Al Tāhirah.”

“So I am, Durgesh, Durgesh darling! Méré Hindu Piyā! Hindu Al Buůūlatul Muslimāt! Hum Musalmān ħasīnāonHindu Kħasam! Hindu husband of us Musalmān Beauties!So I am.” Kħadījah Al Tāhirah managed to smile at me cheerfully.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was looking at me straight in the eyes.

She could see me glance down toward her erect, proud, Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān tits, then down toward her slender extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān legs.

I said in my deep grave sophisticated voice,

“Look very beautiful tonight, Kħadījah Al Tāhirah.”
Kħadījah Al Tāhirah said nothing.

She only smiled her thanks to me, seductively.

We all walked toward the room and once inside, her husband said he wanted to bring his things inside.

Muħammad walked back, out, leaving his extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān wife, Kħadījah Al Tāhirah; with me.

There were a small table and chairs.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah and I sat down across from each other as her husband walked back into the room carrying his camera case, juice and wine.

Her husband put everything where he wanted it and poured all of us a drink.

I was the first to speak saying,

“You’re much more beautiful tonight than I would have ever imagined, Kħadījah Al Tāhirah.”

Her husband started a conversation with me and we started talking about the war.

I told him every place I had been.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah sat and listened to us.

She was too nervous to speak.

She crossed her slender awfully striking Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān legs.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah noticed that I was looking at her slender extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān legs now.

Her dress was hiked up, so far, that a part of her perfect, proud, Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān ass was now showing.

I was a handsome Hindu man and had a nice smile, besides having an awfully sexy voice.

As her husband and I got acquainted, I would glance toward Kħadījah Al Tāhirah and give her a smile every so often.

Muħammad kept pouring more wine into Kħadījah Al Tāhirah’s glass as she drank it to settle her nerves.

I then told her husband,

“You have a beautiful wife here; I bet you’re really proud of her.”

Muħammad smiled,

“Yes, I’m very proud of my extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān wife and how she keeps herself in shape.” Muħammad continued and said, “My extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān wife bought this dress, she is wearing tonight, just for you, Durgesh! Hindu Al Buůūlatul Muslimāt! Musalmān ħasīnāonHindu Kħasam! Hindu husband of Musalmān Beauties!”

I leaned over, looked around the table and said,

“Your extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān wife looks very stunning in that dress, Muħammad! And I love her very much.”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah took another drink of her wine as she saw me looking at her ankles.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah started to panic as I leaned forward lifting myself off my seat, grabbing her slender extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān leg at the ankle, gently rubbed my finger above the strap on the heel and said,

“I’ve always thought high heels made an extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān woman’s legs look very sexy and appealing.”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was relieved when she felt my hand let go of her ankle and I sat back down in my chair.

Muħammad said he had brought another bottle of wine, out in his car, and walked out to retrieve it.

There was a love seat next to Kħadījah Al Tāhirah.

I thought it might be more comfortable.

I moved and sat down while her husband came with wine and went to the bathroom.

Muħammad walked back in and put the bottle of wine on the table.

He said he had it chilling in a cooler, opened it, poured another glass and handed it to Kħadījah Al Tāhirah.

Muħammad then poured a glass for himself.

He walked toward the love seat and sat down next to me staring at her slender extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān legs.

I leaned over toward Kħadījah Al Tāhirah and whispered,

“I know you’re nervous, just relax and let me handle everything.”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was feeling the effects of the wine.

She looked over at me and told,

“I’ll be fine, I was very nervous when we first got here but I’m feeling better now.”

I was sitting just inches away from Kħadījah Al Tāhirah as I answered,

“You’ll be just fine tonight Kħadījah Al Tāhirah, we’ll give your husband a little ashvinātam sex show here in a few minutes.”

Although the wine was making Kħadījah Al Tāhirah feel more relaxed, it scared her the way I said we would put on a show for her husband.

Muħammad stared at us.

I was the first to speak to him,

“Muħammad, Kħadījah Al Tāhirah and I thought we would get a little better acquainted here.” I gently gave her arm a squeeze as I smiled over at Muħammad.

Muħammad was looking as if he were waiting for my next move.

I looked at Kħadījah Al Tāhirah and said,

“You picked out a lovely scent to wear this evening.”

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah could feel my hand starting to stroke her bare arm as I slightly tilted my head over to enjoy her perfume.

I looked over at her husband and said, “Muħammad, have you ever seen an ardent Hindu man fuck a white extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān woman before?”

Muħammad just stared at me for a few seconds before giving his answer, then said,

“I’ve only seen it in a couple of ashvinātam adult videos, but never seen it in person.”

I laughed and said,

“It’s going to be a real treat for you tonight.”

Muħammad leaned over and placed his wine glass on the table.

He took Kħadījah Al Tāhirah’s glass too and placed it along the side of his glass.

I pulled Kħadījah Al Tāhirah close to me.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah looked back at Muħammad and said,

“Muħammad, You should better get your camera setup if you want to catch all our ashvinātam actions here tonight.”

Muħammad got up and took his camera out of its case.

He started to place it on the tripod.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah was getting more nervous and scared as I held her close to me.

I smiled and asked Muħammad,

“Would you mind if I kiss your extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān wife now, on her crimson extremely beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān lips?”

Muħammad smiled and answered,

“I don’t mind, Durgesh, Hindu Al Buůūlatul Muslimāt! Hindu husband of Musalmān Beauties! Musalmān ħasīnāonHindu Kħasam! Go ahead and kiss my perfect, proud, self-righteous, Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān wife, Kħadījah Al Tāhirah. Oblige me, please!”

I looked over at Kħadījah Al Tāhirah, moved my head toward her and placed my confident and arrogant Hindu lips on her quivering nervous Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān lips.

I felt warm as I gently parted her lips.

Kħadījah Al Tāhirah could feel my Hindu tongue pushing forward trying to enter her awfully beautiful Panjvaqtah Namāzī Sunni Musalmān mouth.

Chapter 2


More Creative Adult Sex in English from Durgesh

1. Bahoo Bégum

2. The obsession

3 The daughters and wife of my Musalmān friend

4.The Extramarital affair: Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah:Social Service

5.   Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–1

6. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–2

7. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–3

8. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–4

9. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–5

10. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–6

11. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–7

12. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–8

13. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–9

14. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–10

15. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–11

16. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–12

17. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–13

18. Årab Mahā Bhārat: 1/18: ‘Ādi Parv: Saůūdī Årabia’–14

19. A deserving unfaithfulness

20. A deserving unfaithfulness-2

21. Yåqūb Family-1

22. They conspired against me

23. A secret Smile

24. A new young wife at sixty

24. My dad’s new Musalmān wife

26. The Beaming Knowledge

27. The three pregnants-1

28. The three pregnants-2

29. In the Moonlight

30. Sālī, Ammījān!

31. Now entirely secured and safe

32. She needed me extremely

33. Al Jihād fil Durgesh fī sabīlillāh

34. Kħadījah Åbdullah Bājī  seduced me

35. Her Brilliant Decisions-1

36. Her Brilliant Decisions-2

37. Her Brilliant Decisions-3

38. Her Brilliant Decisions-4

39. No Hindu, Please!

40. Only Hindus, Please!

41. Scintillating Ammī and daughter

42. I do hate hypocrisy

43. I still love Durgesh, with immense pride

44. Hell, I revolt

45. She loved me all along

46. She told the untold-1

47. Arātīyato ni dahāti Vedah: The untold history of our freedom fight-1

48. Making love and understanding everything

49. We both, Nādirah, and Arzumand, love Durgesh

50. After the death of my husband

51. The everbest wives-1

52. Ultimately, I’m an Ammī now

53. The most memorable Eidī of her life

54. It was 24×7, that was all we three cared

55. You are the best. You don’t know

56. I’m not defeated even yet-1

57. Misunderstanding: Everyone thought she’s my wife

58. Yūsuf or Kr’shñ?-1

59. Kħadījah Durgesh Åāyeshah:  I Lost My Sister And Wife To Durgesh

60. A rapist Hindu Piya-1

61. Åli Muħammad Satyarthi-1

62. I love my wife Kħadījah Muħammad

63. Raziyah Akbar Aurangzeb-1

64. I live with him

65. The only man she loved

66. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-1

67. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-2

68. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-3

69. The Ammījān, Durgesh and her daughter: It was my duty-4

70. My Hindu Dad’s two Musalmān Wives

71. It all happened just naturally-1

72. It all happened just naturally-2

73. Under Open Sky

74. Ammī the competent

75. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-1

76. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-2

77. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-3

78. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-4

79. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-5

80. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-6

81. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-7

82. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-8

83. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-9

84. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-10

85. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-11

86. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-12

87. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-13

88. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-14

89. Sixty One Eighteen in Love-15

90. The Extent

91.Ashvinātam intimacy-1

92.Ashvinātam intimacy-2

93. Three sons three Ammīs

94. Ahl-Al Bayt 1: College tour

95. Ahl-Al Bayt 2: The Aftereffect

96. Ahl-Al Bayt 3: The Aftereffect

97. Ahl-Al Bayt 4: Satisfaction

98. Ahl-Al Bayt 5: The Surprising Rest

99.  Ahl-Al Bayt 6: The Nude Day Arranged

100. Ahl-Al Bayt 7

101. Ahl-Al Bayt 8: The Uncut Hindu Obsession

102. Ahl-Al Bayt 9:The Obsession Continued

103. Ahl-Al Bayt 10: The Obsession Still Continued

104. Ahl-Al Bayt 11: One More Obsession

105. Ahl-Al Bayt 12: Obsession One More

106. Ahl-Al Bayt 13

107. Ahl-Al Bayt 14

108. Ahl-Al Bayt 15

109. Ahl-Al Bayt 16

110. Ahl-Al Bayt 17

111. Ahl-Al Bayt 18

112.Ahl-Al Bayt 19

113. Ahl-Al Bayt 20

114. Ahl-Al Bayt 21

115. Ahl-Al Bayt 22

116. Ahl-Al Bayt 23

117. Ahl-Al Bayt 24

118. Ahl-Al Bayt 25

119. Ahl-Al Bayt 26

120. Ahl-Al Bayt 27

121. Ahl-Al Bayt 28

122. Ahl-Al Bayt 29

123. Ahl-Al Bayt 30

124. The everincreasing infinite lust

125. The women in my life

126. My Social Service: My Sex Empire: Durgesh

127.  A Deep Conflict-1

128. I’m never ashamed of it

129. Jahān Ārā Aurangzeb Bājī and a Fools’ Paradise

130. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 1

131. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 2

132. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 3

133.  Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 4

134. Durgesh Åāýéshah Siddīqah: Social Service: 5

135. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:1

136. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:2

137. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:3

138. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:4

139.Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:5

140. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:6

141. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:7

142. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:8

143. Durgesh Sidrah: One more mastermind:9

144. They both serve me now

145. She protested

146. Durgesh Fātimah: A Day at the Beach

147. The threesome

148. You’ve proved your titles true

149. The Chairman: 1

150. The Chairman: 2

151. The Chairman: 3

152. The Chairman: 4

153. The Chairman: 5

154. An Underworld Don: 1

155. An Underworld Don: 2

156. An Underworld Don: 3

157. An Underworld Don: 4

158. An Underworld Don: 5

159. An Underworld Don: 6

160. An Underworld Don: 7

161. An Underworld Don: 8

162. An Underworld Don: 9

163. An Underworld Don: 10

164. Age no bar: 1

165. Age no bar: 2

166. The Absolute Surrender

167. Her Ultimate Decision: 1

168. Her Ultimate Decision: 2


More creative adult sex in Hindi/Urdu from Durgesh:

1. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 1

2. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 2

3. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 3

4. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 4

5.Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 5

6. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 6

5. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 7

7. Tujhé Dékhā Tujhé Chāhā: 8

8. Karwā Chauth kā Rozā

9. Mérā Piyā ghar āyā,Yā Allah! Uiiii!-1

10. Mérā Piyā ghar āyā,Yā Allah! Uiiii!-2

11. Durgesh Sidrah Aħmad aur uski Bhābhījān-1

12. Durgesh Sidrah Aħmad aur uski Bhābhījān-2

13. Eidul Fitr-1

14. Mérī mubārakbād qabool farmāýén, Ħazrat!

15. Méré Māmūzād Cousin kī Sasurāl mein main

فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ16Fabiayyi ālāi Rabbikumā tukazzibāni?’

17. Ahal-e-Bait-1

18. Main térī dīvānī

19. Al Jihad: No incest: 1

20. Buniyādī insānī ħaq

21. Majājī Kħudā: 1

22. Majājī Kħudā: 2

23. Majājī Kħudā:3

24. Majājī Kħudā:4

25. Majājī Kħudā: 5

26. Majājī Kħudā: 6

27. Pyār na dékhé ůmr:1

28. Pyār na dékhé ůmr:2

29. Kabhī nahīn chāhā


Science Fictions from DSM Satyarthi:

1. The Foundation Story Coninued: Chapter 1

2.  The Foundation Story Coninued: Chapter 2

3.  The Foundation Story Coninued: Chapter 3

4 . The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 4

5. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 5

6. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 6

7. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 7

8. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 8

9. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 9

10. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 10

11. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 11

12. The Foundation Story Continued: Chapter 12

13. The Foundation story continued: Chapter 13

14. Prelude to Ten Commandments-1

15. Prelude to Ten Commandments-2

16. Prelude to Ten Commandments-3


Commentary on Ved from DSM Satyarthi:

1. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

2. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 2

3. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 5| Mantr 3

4. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 5| Mantr 3

5. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 7| Mantr 5

6. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 7| Mantr 8

4. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 1

5. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 2

6. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 3

7. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 4

8. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 5

9. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 6

10. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 7

11. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 8

12.R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 9

13. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 58| Mantr 6

14. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 164| Mantr 20

15. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 164| Mantr 46

16. R’gved: Mandal 2| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

17 R’gved: Mandal 3| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

18. R’gved: Mandal 3| Sookt 6| Mantr 2

19. R’gved: Mandal 4| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

20. R’gved: Mandal 5| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

21. R’gved: Mandal 6| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

22. R’gved: Mandal 7| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

23. R’gved: Mandal 8| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

24. R’gved: Mandal 9| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

25. R’gved: Mandal 9| Sookt 63| Mantr 4-5

26. R’gved: Mandal 10| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

27. R’gved: Mandal 10| Sookt 85| Mantr 42

28. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 1

29. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 2

30. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 3

31. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 4

32. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 11| Mantr 1

33. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 13| Mantr 4

34. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 23| Mantr 3

35. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 40| Mantr8

36. Saamved: Mantr 1

37. Sāmved: Mantr 115

38. Sāmved: Mantr 641: Mahānāmnyārchik| 1

39. Sāmved: Mantr 650: Mahānāmnyārchik| 10

40. Sāmved: Mantr 651: Uttarārchik

41. Atharv Ved: Kaand 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

42.  Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 3

43. Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 4

44. Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 6

45. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 6

46. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 7

47. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 8

48. Atharv Ved: Kaand 8| Sookt 1| Mantr 6

49. Atharv Ved: Kaand 14| Sookt 1| Mantr 22

50. Atharv Ved: Kaand 14| Sookt 2| Mantr 25

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